Sweet crazy!The cold lawyer Song married at an early age

Chapter 351 The smell of perfume on your body

Chapter 351 The smell of perfume on your body

In the silent environment, the man's voice came from behind, but she didn't hear it very real. It seemed like it was coming from a distance, and it was like rolling waves on the sea, hitting Shen Wanyi's heart fiercely again and again.

The unexpected sound made her heart skip a beat, her eyes flashed with a hint of astonishment, her hand holding Tuanzi stiffened, and then she slowly stood up.

Shen Wanyi never expected that Song Shichen would actually come back, and he had just finished chatting with Cheng Siyu about him. As expected, don't talk about people during the day and don't talk about ghosts at night.

She turned around blankly. The man had just changed his shoes from the door. He took off his coat and hung it on the shelf. His sleeves were slightly rolled up, revealing a small part of his wrist. Two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, and his smooth neck was The collarbone is vaguely exposed below.

Thin hair hangs down between his strong eyebrows, his nose is straight and his lips are thin, his cold peach blossom eyes are as deep as the sea, and his gold-rimmed glasses reflect the cold light of incandescent lamps, making him even more unpredictable.

Seeing Shen Wanyi standing still, Song Shichen glanced at her, walked over, found an unopened bag of cat food from the cabinet, and handed it to her.

Her eyes fell on the man's hand handing the cat food, Shen Wanyi came back to her senses, a subtle flash of light flashed in her eyes, she lowered her head and took it, "Thank you..."

Song Shichen responded, walked around her, turned and walked upstairs. As the footsteps got farther and farther, her back gradually disappeared from sight.

When the two of them were getting closer, Shen Wanyi could clearly smell the scent of perfume on Song Shichen's body, like the scent of jasmine. Although it was very faint, she could still smell it.

She remembered what Cheng Siyu said about meeting Song Shichen at the airport. She was initially dubious, but now she vaguely believed it.


Cheng Siyu sat on the sofa, thinking about Song Shichen, with a bit of anger in her eyes, "I'm so angry! None of you men are good!" After that, he picked up the pillow and threw it to Jiang Yubei, who was reading the script. Someone who didn't know about it came over with an innocent face, holding the pillow in both hands, "Who doesn't have eyes to make my little ancestor angry?"

"You don't understand even after I tell you." Cheng Siyu snorted coldly, turned away, took the pillow from his hand, and couldn't help but beat it a few times.

Jiang Yubei smiled, leaned over and hugged her, his eyes were gentle and calm, with a hint of helplessness, "Okay, okay, I don't understand, baby, don't be angry, be careful that anger will damage your body."

He lowered his head and kissed the woman's moving head, with a comforting tone, like coaxing a child, and patted her back every time.

The more Cheng Siyu thought about it, the more she felt that a man's words were the most untrustworthy. After all, men were more likely to cheat. They couldn't control their own legs and couldn't resist the temptation outside, so they would cheat physically.

She blinked her eyes, stretched out her hand to hold the man's chin, and looked at him levelly, with each other's expressions reflected in her pupils, "Jiang Yubei, will you betray me?"

Jiang Yubei answered directly without thinking, "No, not in any case, unless the baby doesn't want me." Every word he said was extremely sincere.

Cheng Siyu stared at Jiang Yubei for a long time. In front of outsiders, he was an unapproachable flower on a high mountain, but in private, he was obedient to her without any complaints, and he worked hard to learn to be a qualified partner.

She tugged at Jiang Yubei's face, the corners of her lips couldn't help but curl up, and a slight dimple appeared on her cheeks, "I was in a bad mood just now, I'm sorry."

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