Chapter 102 Returning to the Academy
At this moment, Tang Ning also recalled Ye Jin's behavior and words when she came to Shrek Academy before. Such a vicious person has done so many bad things, taking advantage of Ye Lingling's reputation to make a lot of evil.

She also fell silent, um, it's really disgusting, is it reasonable that the other party can't accept it?
No matter what, she couldn't open her mouth to continue persuading others, so Tang Ning could only sigh and remain silent.

Forget it, anyway, she is the daughter of the Ye family, she is extremely talented, maybe she can have good achievements even if she leaves the academy and the team, right?Gold shines everywhere.

Ye Lingling silently turned and left, suddenly stopped, and glanced at Ye Jin who was silent, with resentment and expectation in her eyes.

"Ye Jin is in your hands now, shouldn't you let her go easily?"

Both Tang Ning and Xiao Yan understood what Ye Lingling meant, and they looked at each other and laughed: "Of course it's impossible."

This woman also did a lot of bad things in private, almost ruining Ye Lingling's life.

Thinking of the vicious words and calculations that the other party said before, how could it be possible to let the tiger go back to the mountain?If they fell into his hands, life would be worse than death.

In this way, since he was caught by them, he would naturally have to pay the price!

Ye Lingling left a sentence: "As far as I know, Tianlingzong is extremely mysterious and has several titled Douluo. They have a good relationship with Wuhundian in recent years. They have trained a large number of shadow guards with special Wuhun, all of whom are extremely fast. Hurry up, the soul skill is very secretive, so be careful."

Seeing that the two nodded before leaving, Tang Ning sighed, knowing that this was probably the last meeting.

Tang Ning thought about it, turned to look at Xiao Yan, and pondered for a moment: "I think that woman needs to be locked up for a longer period of time to suffer, so as not to reduce the probability of her lying, what does Xiao Yan think?"

Xiao Yan nodded in agreement. Although he had not communicated with this woman for a short time, he could still see her self-righteous attitude. If he hadn't suffered some hardships, it would be difficult to tell the truth.

"I think your calculations are going to fail!" A hoarse but resentful female voice sounded, the two of them were taken aback, and turned to look at Ye Jin who was surrounded by Di Yan.

Ye Jin showed a ferocious smile, and said fiercely: "Today, I am inferior in skills and admit defeat, but I tell you, sooner or later, Tianlingzong will cut you into pieces, and don't even try to run away. I will wait for you!" Come with me, hahaha!"

Ye Jin laughed wildly, anyway, even if the two let her go, she would die if she went back to Tianlingzong, it would be better to have a good time, if she said that she went out and betrayed the sect, even her family would suffer.

In short, I didn't lose, and I will never lose to that bastard Ye Lingling!Ye Jin's face was contorted, and he laughed wildly, no longer feared before, and slammed into Di Yan who was surrounded by her.

In an instant, the whole person was burned to a mass of ashes, and he didn't even have time to let out a scream.

The two looked at each other, but they were not particularly disappointed, at least Ye Lingling had already said a lot just now.The Sky Spirit Sect, the lurking enemy of Lanba Academy, is already enough.

No one knew about this night's confrontation. The next day, everyone in Shrek set off to return to the academy, back to that simple small village.

Although the conditions here are harsh, everyone still feels at ease, after all, they all regard this place as their home.

Especially after learning that they will go to the Royal Academy soon, these dilapidated wooden houses are even more precious. After this period of time, I am afraid that there will be no chance to come back again...

They will leave in two months, and this will also be their last two months as Shrek's students.

Thinking of this, not to mention a few emotional girls, even Tang San and the others felt a little sad.

Only Tang Ning was extremely calm, laughing to death, and in the future, it will be Shrek Academy!Feel the master's ex-girlfriend Liu Erlong!

The three girls Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing collapsed on the bed, chatting with Tang Ning who also got together.

"Oh, I'm going to be exhausted this month, and I'm really comfortable in the dormitory!"

Zhu Zhuqing still didn't talk much, and nodded in agreement, while the three of Xiao Wu drooled at Zhu Zhuqing, who was wearing shorts and shorts, showing a graceful figure.

"Wow, Zhuqing has a great figure!" Tang Ning wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth, who doesn't like beautiful women?Still such a hot beauty.

This chest, this waist, is simply a devil's figure, okay?Under the magnificent "breast", Tang Ning was worried that Zhu Zhuqing's trembling waist would not be able to bend down.

Zhu Zhuqing turned to look at Ning Rongrong, and smiled: "Rongrong's skin is also very good! And Xiao Wu's legs are so long, and Ning Ning's unique temperament, I am also very envious."

Indeed, the four girls each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Although Zhu Zhuqing has a hot figure, Ning Rongrong's skin is also extremely tender and fair, like suet jade, flawless and white.

Xiao Wu's legs are even more straight and slender, extremely eye-catching, with an astonishingly long golden ratio, her waist is so slender that it sets off the tongue, and her hips and long legs are so attractive that it makes people drool.

Tang Ning's body is graceful and elegant, with a heavenly soul and a coquettish and charming temperament, her eyes are captivating and looking forward to flying, and her every move is swaying the nebula.

Even so, the three of them still envied Zhu Zhuqing, after all they were equal. If RU is not huge, how can it gather the world? (The Chinese teacher was so mad at the toilet)

Ning Rongrong looked at her depressed chest: "Oh, I want to exchange my skin for Zhuqing's chest!"

Xiao Wu's cheeks were slightly red: "Eh, then, then I'm willing to trade my long legs!"

This kind of topic was too hot, Zhu Zhuqing's usually cold and white face was also reddish, he stretched out his hand and patted a few female companions coquettishly, and the two of them leaned forward and back to fight while laughing.

Tang Ning took the opportunity to poke it, exaggerating: "Wow, the green bamboo is really soft! The elasticity is amazing!"

"Hey!" Zhu Zhuqing became angry with embarrassment, and a brain exploded on her forehead.

Xiao Wu's cheeks were red and she stammered a little puzzled: "It's so it really cute?"

Ning Rongrong was stunned and smiled coquettishly: "Ah, well, I heard that the male disciples in the sect said that they like the big one there, maybe it's because of Zhuqing's big one, so Boss Dai chased her every day and showed great hospitality."

Zhu Zhuqing looked indifferent, no, it's not because of this, it's probably because of guilt and I'm a fiancée.

The twins and other girls were not as good looking as her before, so Dai Mubai still rushed three times a day?

Thinking of this makes her even angrier, Dai Mubai is so disgusting, let her die!
Xiao Wu teased: "Really? But you're so flat, Oscar is just as obsessed with you!"

Ning Rongrong sighed: "Oscar's talent is high, and he looks good, and it's really good for me, but..."

"My sect has rules, it's impossible for us, it's still early, maybe it's just 3 minutes heat."

Xiao Wu shook her head: "I don't think so, he doesn't like what you like! Doesn't your sect have rules that discriminate against ordinary soul masters?"

Ning Rongrong shook his head: "No, it's just the direct line, that is, members of our direct line cannot be with assistant soul masters.

Generally, our clan is married to a battle soul master, we are all auxiliary soul masters who have no fighting power! "

So that's the case, a few girls suddenly realized.

It is true that the two auxiliary systems have low combat effectiveness and it is difficult to protect themselves. If they go out together, they might get a double kill.

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu nodded, a little regretful, after all Oscar is indeed good, much cleaner than Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai!

Tang Ning has a smile on her mouth, it's okay, Oscar will be able to fight later.

Sure enough, love can make auxiliary soul masters rage, and an auxiliary who doesn't want to output is not a good auxiliary!
As we all know, 20.00% of Cai Wenji's mind is to assist teammates, and 80.00% is to get five kills with the second skill.

(End of this chapter)

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