Chapter 101 The Almighty Woke Up

Flender looked at Ning Rongrong's firm gaze, and the two eyes met in the air for a moment, then Flender looked away as if nothing had happened, and landed on the other people, and said indifferently: "By the way, forget about it." Just to tell you, teacher Zao Wou-ki will lead you to the Star Dou Forest tomorrow morning to help Oscar obtain the third soul ring."

"This will be an experience for all of you. The condition for going together is that you must eat Oscar's Wuhun sausage today."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed again.

And in a tangled expression, there is only one person who is out of place.

She remembered what happened!
Tang Sui, with a face full of enlightenment, belatedly remembered that she also awakened the ape face in another forest last night, but she hadn't told her brother and sister Xiao Wu about it yet.

Now if you say it, everyone knows it.

Tang Sui stepped forward with erratic eyes, walked up to Oscar, raised his fair face and said to Oscar: "Senior, can you bring me three super recovery sausages?"

Three, three? !
The others were shocked, and Xiao Wu was so startled that the rabbit's ears stood up.

"Senior?" Tang Sui looked at Oscar without hearing anything. Oscar was taken aback for a moment, and then he chanted the soul skill spell quickly, and only made a big sausage and handed it to Tang Sui.

Watching this scene, Flender raised his hand to help his glasses frame, his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

"Tang Sui, if it's the dean's assessment, one is enough for you. If you eat too much, it will cause you discomfort." Oscar, who only handed Tang Sui a big sausage, said earnestly .

Tang Sui blinked, stretched out his hand to pick it up, with a confused look on his face: "Ah? Really? But when I woke up today, for some reason, it seemed like I had a fight with someone. Physical energy is empty."

Oscar almost lost his grip and let the sausage fall from his hands.

Ma Hongjun stared straight at his eyes, and his thinking was a little bit off.

Who did you fight with before you woke up? !Sankong? !

Dai Mubai, who was a hidden old driver, showed a strange expression, while Zhu Zhuqing's cold expression changed a little, looking at Tang Sui with a strange look in his eyes.

Ning Rongrong's expression was dull, while Xiao Wu could not wait to rush up and cover Tang Sui's mouth, "Sui Sui, you can't say something nonsense!"

When Tang San and Flender heard this, their eyelids twitched at the same time.

Tang San thought of Tang Sui's dual personality, and Flender also recalled the nightmare that night he and Zao Wou-ki were chased and beaten by Tang Sui.

Could it be that.
The thinking of the teacher and the student is synchronized but not completely synchronized, but they are both thinking in the right direction.

"Sui Sui, didn't you rest in the dormitory last night?" Tang San asked cautiously, wanting to test whether Tang Sui still remembered what happened last night.

Flender glanced at Tang San who spoke first, compared to Xiao Wu who was frowning but puzzled, his eyes flickered, and he thought about it.

It seems that this kid also knows about Tang Sui's "illness".

"I guess so? I don't remember much." Tang Sui pretended to be thinking hard, but his face was full of confusion and uncertainty.

Flender's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Tang Sui with a sharp gaze, "Tang Sui, let me see if you cast your martial spirit first."

Could it be that this Tang Sui is another Tang Sui?
He wanted to see if the color of this little girl's martial soul was normal or abnormal.

Flender, who was biased but not completely biased, decided to take the initiative.

Tang Sui nodded without changing his expression, and circulated his soul power. Three dark purple soul rings floated up from under her feet, dancing up and down around her body.


There were two circles of ripples in the void, and two jade-white masks with different shapes and contours emerged from the void, stunned everyone including Flender.

"What?! Why is there an extra mask?!" Tang San's pupils narrowed sharply, his face changed suddenly, and his heart stirred up turbulent waves.

Although the teacher also told him that there are mutated martial souls, such as the teacher himself, can the awakened martial soul still undergo a second mutation? !

Tang Sui looked up at the shocked eyes, looked up at the two masks floating in mid-air, and followed suit and said, "Hey, why is there an extra mask?"

—— Digression——

Sui Sui: How to fatten up the four ducks?I don't know anything.

As for why she was called Sister Xiaowu, it was because Xiaowu had been the boss of the dormitory for five years.After that, she really took care of Suho like her older sister.

And if it is calculated according to the real age - Xiao Wu is the oldest 233
(End of this chapter)

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