Chapter 104 Concealment
My brother found out that something was wrong and asked her a question, so should she tell her brother the truth?
Tang Sui's eyes wandered for a moment, and the moment this thought popped into his head, the voice of the ape face rang out.

'I can suggest that you'd better not tell this kid the truth. '

Tang Sui froze for a moment.

It's not that the angry ape face actually eavesdropped on her heart, because since the appearance of the fox face, she knew that the spiritual space between her and the masks is connected, whether she speaks or not, her heart can be heard by the masks Arrived, cannot be avoided.

But relying on her innate closeness and dependence on the masks that exist as her half body, Tang Sui accepts this well.

'why? '

Tang Sui asked suspiciously in her heart, and with a grin on her face, a thick and deep voice rang in her head: "Don't you think that your current cultivation method is very similar to that of an evil soul master?" '

Tang Sui's pupils shrank slightly.

Evil Soul Master.
When popularizing the knowledge of soul masters in Douluo Dalu, the master also told them about the existence of evil soul masters.

The existence of evil soul masters has a long history.As early as hundreds of years ago, there were soul masters who used improper exercises to practice evil, thus becoming evil soul masters.

Generally speaking, evil soul masters will practice faster than ordinary soul masters before becoming a titled Douluo.

Evil soul masters usually hide in the public soul masters, and their training methods are the same as ordinary soul masters, but in private, in addition to normal cultivation, they still practice by devouring soul power, soul ring, spiritual power, flesh and blood, soul, martial soul, etc. .

Different from groups that pull hatred, the existence of evil soul masters, no matter who they are, is an existence that is hated and hunted down by people across the continent.

Although it is because she has the blood of the demon race, isn't her current cultivation method the same as that of an evil soul master? !
Thinking of the black-robed man who was devoured by her, Tang Sui's face turned pale, but the ape-faced voice continued to say:

'Your elder brother, your teacher, your friend, and even your father, if they know that the way you become stronger is like an evil soul master who is hated by the whole continent, what will they think of you? '

Even if Xiao Wu was transformed into a 10-year-old soul beast, she would be chased and killed by countless people if she said it.But they are chasing after you, but you are different.You will only be hunted down with hatred until you die. '

Yuanmian's words made Tang Sui's heart stop for a moment, feeling uncomfortable, Tang Sui's lips parted slightly, and his pupils were a little out of focus.

In the pitch-black space, the pair of red round pupils on the ape's face exuded a faint light.

'Now, do you still want to tell Tang San the truth? '

She doesn't want to.
The last trace of wavering in Tang Sui's heart disappeared.

The communication with Yuanmian was only for a moment, and Tang San seemed to be Tang Sui who was stunned for a few seconds after hearing his straightforward question before reacting, lowered his head and said in a low voice:

"I don't know exactly what's going on, but I can feel that my martial soul doesn't seem to be in a complete form."

She said it half-truthfully.

Tang San believed it, and followed Tang Sui's way of thinking, hesitatingly said: "Is there a possibility that one day after you enter the Soul Sect next time, you may have an extra mask?"

It is not that there are no growth-type martial souls among soul masters.

For example, elemental spirits are very special.For example, the water element martial soul may be just a small drop of water at the beginning, but later it may change to cover the ocean.

Perhaps the mask added now with the improvement of Sui Sui's strength is the complete posture of Wuhun gradually maturing.

Tang Sui blinked, "It's possible."

As expected of the Son of Destiny, this mouth seems to have been opened with a golden light, and it hits the target perfectly.

"Will it have a bad effect on your body?" Tang San looked at his sister worriedly, there was no envy or complicated emotions in his eyes, only full of concern.

Tang Sui thought about it seriously: "It should only be a little weak. But every time it seems that it starts after I fall asleep. I fell asleep at that time, so it shouldn't be a big problem?"

Knowing that Tang Sui's "another personality" appeared after his younger sister fell asleep during the day, Tang San made trouble: "." No, he thinks this is a big problem.

Thinking of Xiao Wu who shared the dorm with Tang Sui but didn't know about it, Tang San's eyes were tinged with deep thought.

He is a male, so it is impossible to stay with Sui Sui all the time.

Or else, find a chance to tell Xiao Wu the truth and make her pay attention to Dian Sui?
Tang San, who began to think about the feasibility of this idea, kept his expression on his face. He just reached out and stroked Tang Sui's slightly curled up hair by the night wind, and helped her flatten it out, "That would be great."

Or tell Xiao Wu the truth.

—— Digression——

The specific explanations and examples of the growth-type martial soul are private.

In addition, the little cuties, Kangkang, the author has something to say, which is very important.

 Regarding the "evil soul master", devouring existences weaker than oneself is the growth method of the demon race, but when considering the setting before, it was found that he was about to become an evil soul master, so he called Daba Daba, so he set up a Hiding the foreshadowing, Mo Li has already added it in the off-topic, here is another small spoiler about the setting:
  ① Sui Sui is definitely not an evil soul master
  ②The people who were devoured did not die

  ③Until the final decisive battle, only seven people will be swallowed

  ④The man in black is not the first person to be swallowed

  [The reminder is here~ Are you happy reading the article! 】

(End of this chapter)

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