Chapter 107 It will never be stuck in traffic

After running vigorously for a while, everyone understood why Flender gave them such a separate class yesterday.

Because gradually, they discovered that without the blessing of Oscar's sausage martial soul, they would not be able to persevere on such a long journey.

Even Tang San, who is a double-cultivator of soul and martial arts, felt that it would be difficult without Oscar's sausage to replenish his physical strength. On the contrary, when Zhu Zhuqing nimbly passed the sausage that Oscar conjured up while running to their hands, they ate Oscar's sausage. After the sausage, I feel that the consumption caused by running is very small, and even the speed of recovery is about to catch up with the speed of consumption.

Of course, what they envied most was Tang Sui.

Tang Sui, who stepped on the hot wheel of the mask, directly ignored all the tree obstacles in the forest with his nihilistic physique. As long as the fox face and the ape face avoided the trunk, Tang Sui would be more stable.

"Suisui, if I'm not physically strong enough, can you step on your mask for me?" Ma Hongjun still had time to look forward to Tang Sui's hands while running, which shows that his physical exertion is also very small, but Want to play tricks.

"Yes, yes, but my third soul skill can only be applied to yourself. You need to avoid the obstacles in the forest by yourself, and then you have to keep the flight stable." Tang Sui poked Ma Hongjun's tongue softly. fantasy.

Ma Hongjun immediately returned to his post and continued on his way.

Oscar's sausage soul ability was used every hour, even Ning Rongrong, who was the second weakest in physical fitness, could barely keep up with everyone after eating the sausage.

On the way, when she climbed a cliff, she almost stepped on the ground, but it was Oscar who quickly grabbed Ning Rongrong's wrist and pulled her center of gravity towards the cliff.

Ning Rongrong, who was about to fall off the cliff, had a heartbeat, turned her head, and looked at Oscar gratefully. After saying thank you in a low voice, she climbed to the top of the mountain one step at a time with the help of Oscar's strength.

Tang Sui, who was floating in the sky watching this scene, silently lowered his raised right foot back to the inside of the mask of the fox, giving up the idea of ​​letting the mask catch Ning Rongrong.

However, she had just relaxed, and the next second, because of continuous casting of soul skills and long-distance running, Oscar lost his grip on the rock protruding from the cliff. When his left leg was raised and he was about to climb

Ning Rongrong who climbed to the top of the cliff first was startled, his body was already one step ahead of his brain, he quickly squatted down and grabbed Oscar's vacated hand.



The exclamation of the two resounded at the same time, a white shadow flashed, and a jade-white ape face suddenly appeared on Oscar's left leg that was also in the air, giving him a fulcrum for weight in the air, coupled with Ning Rongrong's pulling force, quickly helped Oscar stabilize Live the center of gravity.

".Thank you." Oscar's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he said thank you with lingering fear.

The face of the ape who was dominated by Tang Sui and flew out: "."

Why was it still a fox face just now, but now it is going to be stepped on by the dirty soles of this human kid?
Fox face: "Hee hee hee——"

Ape-faced annoyance spread to Tang Sui's heart, Tang Sui gave a cold snort to Ape-face from the bottom of his heart, smiled and nodded towards Oscar who had climbed to the top of the cliff and waved to her.

As dusk approached, Zhao Wou-ki, who had been following the eight people not far or close, looked at the sky and gave the order to find a place to rest.

After receiving the order, Dai Mubai looked at the small town within easy reach, and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, at least he didn't need to camp tonight and still had hot food to eat.

Everyone found a hotel with simple decoration but with all meals and accommodation included.

Zao Wou-ki, who had paid for his accommodation, looked at the students who were looking at him eagerly behind him, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Let's have a good rest today, and leave early tomorrow morning. Also, you should bear the cost of board and lodging yourself. I just I have already paid my share of the accommodation fee."

It's cheaper if you only count the accommodation fee and don't count the food.

Even if he is already a Level 76 Battle Soul Saint, he still cannot escape the magic barrier of the word "poor".

"Brother, I want to eat hot food!" Tang Sui tugged at Tang San's sleeve, eyes full of anticipation.

She has eaten cold snacks all day today.Although she was still full, she was really tired of eating.

"Xiao San, let me eat some hot food first." Xiao Wu also said wearily.

Ma Hongjun quite agrees with this: "Why don't we share the cost of this accommodation together, and I also want to eat some normal food."

You must know that he also ate sausages for almost a whole day, and he almost got sausage ptsd.

Dai Mubai thought for a while that he didn't have a lot of small coffers left, nodded, and when he was about to speak, Ning Rongrong took the initiative to stand up.

"Well, please let me pay for the room and board this time."

As the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, even though she ran out secretly, she will never be short of money.

"It's not good for you to pay alone with so many of us, let's share it equally." Dai Mubai frowned, although he was very moved, he still decided to choose Ma Hongjun's suggestion.

Ning Rongrong wanted to say something else, but Tang Sui blinked at her with a soothing look in his eyes.

Ning Rongrong was slightly stunned, put away the disappointment in her heart, gave a gentle "um", and didn't insist on treating herself anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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