Chapter 112 Signal Between Soul Beasts

In the early morning, the first ray of light from the sky lit up the clouds, Zhao Wuji stretched out of his room, knocked on the door of Tang Sui's room one by one, and woke up the Shrek people who had slept soundly all night.

The white belly of the sky is becoming more and more obvious, and a new day has completely arrived.

Standing on the edge of the Star Dou Forest under the rising golden sunlight, everyone in Shrek stepped carefully into the forest according to their previous formation in high spirits.

Tang Sui and his three auxiliary soul masters walked in the center of the team, and were strictly protected by other partners.

Surrounded by dense vegetation, there is a green ocean at a glance, even if Zhu Zhuqing of the Agility Department jumps among the branches above, his vision is blocked by many tree shadows.

The further you go in, the temperature of the sun becomes weaker, and the sound of birds singing around gradually fades away.

A layer of coldness mixed with mist entangled the footsteps of everyone, and Zhao Wuji, who followed the tail of the team silently from the beginning to the end, suddenly called out to stop everyone who was advancing: "Everyone stop."

The Shrek people who had already walked for hundreds of miles stopped and looked back at Zhao Wuji.

"Sui Sui, are you okay?" Xiao Wu asked Tang Sui who was stepping on the two masks while panting.

Tang Sui shook his head, released the void state of the third spirit ability, jumped off the fox face and the ape face, stepped on the ground, turned his head sideways to look at Tang San whose forehead was already covered with a layer of fine beads of sweat, a little worried: "Brother, are you okay?"

Even Tang San who cultivated both soul and martial arts felt tired, let alone other people.

Ma Hongjun who was already so tired that he started sticking out his tongue like a dog and panting heavily when he heard Zhao Wuji's order, he sat down on the spot directly, his strong body heaved violently, and began to recover his strength.

"I'm exhausted, so it's a stop."

At this time, Ma Hongjun is lying when he says that he does not envy Tang Sui who walks on a hot wheel mask.

Even with Oscar's sausage to replenish their strength, they are still exhausted.

Because the Star Dou Great Forest is one of the three largest spirit beast forests on the entire Douluo Continent, and its area is even wider than some small countries on the mainland.

Zao Wou-ki swept across the other people who were panting, and said in a deep voice: "The Star Dou Forest is different from the small spirit beast forests raised in captivity in other countries. The spirit beasts here are all real fierce beasts. If you are not careful, you may encounter them at any time." When it comes to powerful thousand-year, or even ten-thousand-year soul beasts, even I can't take it lightly."

"After entering the forest later, none of you should be more than 20 meters away from me." His eyes fell on Tang Sui, Ning Rongrong who was panting with his hands on his knees, and Oscar, who was also slumped on the ground with no image. On the body, the face is serious: "Especially Tang Sui, Ning Rongrong, Oscar, you are all auxiliary soul masters, you are the weak point of the whole team, you must follow me closely later, and you must not leave my perspective."

"As for Tang Sui, although Tang Sui's soul skills are special, none of you have rich combat experience, so you must not take it lightly. You must always be alert to the surrounding environment, do you understand?"



Zhao Wou-ki nodded, looked at Dai Mubai who was eating sausages, and the others warned: "There are still a few of you, without my order, none of you are allowed to easily attack spirit beasts, understand?"


Only then did Zhao Wuji look back in satisfaction, with a solemn expression, "Let's go then. Mubai, Tang San, you two come and lead the way."

The named Tang San and Dai Mubai stepped forward, followed by Zhao Wuji and Tang Sui.

Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun still walked on the left and right flanks of the three of them, guarding against death.

Zhu Zhuqing jumped off the branch and walked behind the tail mat.

But what was strange was that they had walked for hundreds of meters without encountering a single soul beast. Even the chirping of birds in their ears became smaller and farther away, but they couldn't even see the shadow of a beast under ten years old.

"It's strange. Why didn't I even see a bird after walking for a long time?" Zhao Wou-ki couldn't help but wonder.

In the past, when he came to the Star Dou Great Forest, he would meet some small spirit beasts jumping past every few steps.

But this time, he didn't even see the shadow of a soul beast. What's going on?

Xiao Wu, who is the incarnation of a 10-year soul beast, has a strange expression on her face.

The unique way of communication between the spirit beasts let her know from the air just now that after they went deep into the forest, the spirit beasts around them for several miles seemed to be sending fearful escape signals.

What does 'that evil spirit has come here' mean?
Are there other powerful soul masters in the Star Dou Great Forest?

—— Digression——

A certain culprit: confused jpg.
The person design of the minor version of Sui Sui has been uploaded from the background, Xiaohei and Xiaobai are there (the mask is the full body version), but only the starting point can see the complete picture, interested little cuties can go to Kangkang, by the way Give Sui Sui a treat!

Another gay friend of the adult version is still in the liver, so it was right to prepare with both hands.

 Three yuan is very busy today, there is only one update for the time being, and the update will start tomorrow, and it will be on the shelves on the 13th, and then I promise you that the cumulative update will be released~ These days, please stay tuned, cute, the data before the launch tomorrow will be all Especially important for ink carp~
(End of this chapter)

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