Chapter 116 Snake Belonging
Chao Tianxiang's heart stirred up a turbulent sea.

After she noticed Tang Sui, she later realized that the other children led by Zao Wou-ki did not feel weak to her either.

At least not weaker than her granddaughter.

In other words, these young children are all extremely talented!

Where did he find so many good seedlings?
Apart from Fudo Ming Wang Zhao Wuji himself, could there be another backer?
In just a few seconds, Chao Tianxiang had considered many possibilities.

Meng Yiran, who was young and doted by the unrivaled dragon and snake couple, heard Tang Sui's questioning, immediately snorted coldly, pointed to the cockscomb snake and said: "The evidence is under the belly of this cockscomb snake! There are two scars under its abdomen, which were injured by my Wuhun Snake Head Staff. If this is not enough, there is a similar scar under its wings, you can check it out. "

Hearing this, Zhao Wuji winked at Tang San.

Tang San nodded knowingly, manipulated the blue silver grass vines, turned the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake in a circle, exposing the abdomen and the inside of the wings, there were indeed three similar wounds that Meng Yiran mentioned.

Tang Sui stared at the other wound under the pale red wing, which obviously didn't look like a scratch, and fell into thought.

Why does this wound look familiar?

She turned her little head with difficulty, trying to recall where she had seen this wound, and a playful laugh suddenly sounded on the silent fox face——

'Isn't this the little guy who escaped that night? '

Tang Sui was startled slightly, with a giggly smile on his fox face. In the next second, Tang Sui's mind suddenly appeared a scene of an iron-armored rhinoceros and a cockscombed snake fighting each other. In the end, Cheng Yaojin cut off his beard halfway, and the cockscombed snake The right wing of his right wing near the root of the feather was scratched by the armored rhino who was desperate to escape, and was then brushed by the fox's face, leaving a triangular scar on one of the fox's ears.

But in the end, Iron Armored Rhino did not run away because of its too large body, and its proud defensive power could not be resisted in front of her own armor-piercing mask and devouring demon power.

On the contrary, the fast-moving cockscomb snake escaped unharmed, but it was still touched by her now.

Is this a good reincarnation?
The dazed Tang Sui looked at Chao Tianxiang who was secretly forcing Zao Wou-ki to give up with a showy gesture, and said crisply: "If the cockscomb snake belongs to whoever discovers and injures it first, then this one Logically speaking, the snake still counts as ours."

"What did you say?!" Meng Yiran stared over with unfriendly eyes.

Chao Tianxiang next to her narrowed her eyes, looked at Tang Sui carefully, and said half-warningly: "Little girl, the evidence is all in front of you, do you still want to seize other people's achievements?"

"You can't say that, senior." Tang San took a step forward, blocking Chao Tianxiang, his eyes were calm, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "This phoenix-tailed cockscomb Although the snake was injured by you, but according to the length of time we fought with the cockscomb snake just now, the two of you have not appeared for a long time, even if we did not intercept the cockscomb snake, you are destined to be unable to catch up to it."

"The word "achievement" is first of all dedication. Your granddaughter just scratched its fur with her martial spirit, not even counting as an injury. How can she catch up to this top-speed cockscomb snake? We are the ones who contributed."

"Boy, are you playing tricks on me?" Of course Chao Tianxiang knew that if Tang San and the others hadn't made a move, they might really have chased and lost the snake, but how could they admit it at this time?
The atmosphere froze again, Tang Sui, who was neglected, tugged at the corner of Tang San's clothes, signaling Tang San to move away, she wanted to speak.

Tang San hesitated for a few seconds, but turned sideways to reveal Tang Sui who was blocked behind him.

Tang Sui took a step forward without any stage fright, turned back to stand in front of Tang San, pointed to Yan Da Da's phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake and said: "I also have evidence that this snake is ours first. The evidence is in this In addition to the scratch left by your granddaughter, there is also a scar that has scabbed on the inside of the right wing of the cockscombed snake."

As the words fell, Tang Sui's eyes flickered, and three deep purple thousand-year-old soul rings floated from under his feet, and two masks of different shapes floated beside Tang Sui, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Three thousand-year-old soul rings?!" Chao Tianxiang's face showed a look of shock, and even Meng Yiran, who was full of arrogance just now, fell silent in the three raised thousand-year-old soul rings.

"This, how is this possible? You didn't explode and die?"

Chao Tianxiang looked at the smiling Tang Sui in disbelief.

—— Digression——

Snake Snake: I'm tired.Hurry up and let me get a bento begging.

Woohoo, why didn't I see a few cute comments?
Do you not love ink carp anymore QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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