Chapter 119 Tang Sui: Eager to Try

The cockscomb snake finally got the lunch it had been longing for, and turned into Oscar's third soul ring.

Everyone camped directly in place and started a fire, because at this moment, the sky had gradually darkened.

Time passed bit by bit. Oscar, who was meditating on the spot, slowly opened his eyes. A pink-purple light flashed in his eyes, and the soul ring under him emerged. Two yellow and one purple lights immediately added to the quiet and dark forest. Much brighter.

"I succeeded!" Oscar stood up excitedly from the ground, staring at the third soul ring that was completely implemented, with a silly smile on his face.

His current cultivation has successfully broken through from a great soul master to a level 31 soul master!
"Congratulations, Xiao Ao." Zhao Wou-ki looked at Oscar's excited appearance, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Dai Mubai also stood up from the ground, walked to Oscar and patted him on the shoulder, and said cheerfully: "Xiao Ao, now you are the third among us to reach the cultivation level of Soul Venerable! If you have time, sign up for 2V2 together, I will cover you!"

Oscar smiled.

The mushroom-growing Ma Hongjun who had been waiting for a long time stood up from the ground with his hands, and shouted: "Xiao Ao, you are the third person among us who has reached the Soul Master! Quickly show me your third soul skill!" !"

As soon as the words came out, other people also looked over with interest.

The expression on Oscar's face froze, his peach blossom eyes began to flicker, and he was a little afraid to look at Ning Rongrong who was also looking at him curiously.

"Er, why don't we go back and talk about it. You see, it's almost dark now, so it's not good to stay here any longer."

He tried to practice Tai Chi, but Dai Mubai, who had been with Oscar for a long time, saw through Oscar's guilt at a glance, raised his brows slightly, and said: "Why, Xiao Ao, we are all with each other, are you still afraid that we will make fun of you? "

"Exactly! You brat, hurry up and tell me what your new soul skill is!" Ma Hongjun also echoed.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Oscar showed helplessness, "Then let's talk about it first, you are not allowed to laugh at me."

Dai Mubai nodded perfunctorily: "Don't smile, don't laugh, you hurry up and don't play tricks."

"Okay, let me demonstrate to you."

Oscar took two steps back, spread out his palms, circulated his soul power, and chanted a spell on his mouth: "Thinking into the intestines of mushrooms!"

A light pink halo appeared above his palm, and a small pink sausage with light red wings appeared in his palm. It was a mini Q bomb, which looked very girlish.

"Pfft!" Seeing the little sausage full of a girl's heart, Ma Hongjun was the first to cover his mouth and couldn't help laughing.

"Fatty! You agreed not to laugh!" Oscar glared over, Ma Hongjun turned his back and continued to laugh mercilessly.

But Dai Mubai and the others were going to be more reckless, and started laughing directly, even Zhu Zhuqing, who had a cold expression, showed a smile on his face.

Tang Sui looked at the mini sausage held in Oscar's palm, and it felt a bit like the little mushroom in Plants vs. Zombies in her previous life, which made her miss it a bit.

You must know that after coming to this world, there are no video games for her to entertain.

"Ao Xiao'ao, your third soul skill should be related to speed, right?"

Amidst the ups and downs of laughter, Tang Sui spoke abruptly, Oscar looked at Tang Sui with the gaze of a savior, his back straightened a lot, and he raised his voice and said, "That's right! I advise you all to stop laughing! My third soul skill will make you fall into disbelief!"

After finishing speaking, Oscar took a mouthful of the small sausage in his hand, stepped on the ground, jumped into the air, and suddenly a pair of enlarged wings of a cockscombed snake appeared behind him.

"This is the effect of my third soul skill, flying!" Oscar made a 360 five-degree turn without dead ends in the air, looking condescendingly at him, not laughing at him, but staring blankly at his partners , raised his chin proudly.

"How is it? My third soul skill made you all fall into disbelief, right?"

Below, no voice responded to Oscar for the time being.

Ning Rongrong, who was still covering her mouth and laughing just now, stared blankly at Oscar who was turning around wantonly in mid-air, her mind was blank, and she stood there dumbfounded as if she was suddenly dazed.

Among the auxiliary soul masters, it is not that no one has the effect of assisting people to fly.

But even if there are, they are rare, and even the sixth soul ability has a chance to be obtained, not all the talented support system soul masters have it.

But Oscar is only the third soul ability now!

This represents that the potential and talent of Oscar itself will be infinite!

Tang Sui looked at Oscar, who was as proud as a little peacock, and wanted to compare his speed with Oscar.

That night she was escaped by the Cockscomb Snake, but it didn't mean that her speed was slower than that of the Cockscomb Snake when she flew with demon power.

If her speed catches up with the cockscomb snake, maybe Oscar can save a little soul power in future battles?
Tang Sui's eyes staring at Oscar became brighter and brighter. Suddenly feeling a chill, Oscar couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, thinking that the sky above the Star Forest is really cold, why don't he finish talking quickly All right.

Thinking about it, Oscar lightly coughed twice, and continued: "I haven't finished yet. My third soul ability, Dreaming of the Mushroom Gut, can only fly for 1 minute."

other people:"."

The joy on Zao Wou-ki's face froze, and he changed Oscar's face instantly, glaring at the man with raised eyebrows: "You brat! Why don't you finish your sentence!"

Dai Mubai's eyelids twitched, and he said indifferently: "I'd better go 1V1 by myself."

Ma Hongjun also looked at Oscar with a look of disgust: "That's it? Only 1 minute? What's the use of 1 minute? The opponent stalks you for a while, and you fall from the sky!"

Oscar snorted coldly, and was about to speak, when Tang Sui said faintly: "If I'm not mistaken, Xiao Ao's third soul ability should have inherited the flying speed of the cockscombed snake."

Oscar subconsciously echoed: "Yes, that's what?! My Tian Sui Sui, how do you know?!"

Tang Sui smiled shyly, and threw the blame on the master without hesitation: "Of course it's because the teacher teaches well."

The expressions on the faces of the others were stunned again, and Dai Mubai, who was the first to come back to his senses, coughed pretendingly, and said, "Since you have the ability to protect yourself, Xiao Ao, then I don't think our 2v2 after no."

Oscar rolled his eyes, "It's late! Boss Dai!"

Dai Mubai smiled embarrassingly.

On the other side, Zao Wou-ki finally turned from rain to sunshine, and looked at Oscar with "good baby" eyes again: "Not bad, not bad. If you fly at the speed of a cockscomb snake for 1 minute, you can fly at full speed for 1 minute." Flying, it can cover at least 2000 meters! Encountering danger is the best way to escape. Yes, this time the hard work was not in vain!"

Oscar slowly landed from the air, and everyone greeted him, and there was another burst of eager communication.

Among them, Oscar also heard a strange question.

"Xiao Ao, after you go back, can you practice duel with me?"

The above sentence comes from Tang Sui.

Immediately, Oscar, who had two assistants pecking at each other in his mind, replied hesitantly: ".OK?"

At this time, Oscar hadn't personally seen the scene where Tang Sui manipulated the mask and smashed Zao Wou-ki's nose and face, otherwise he would definitely say no.

—— Digression——

Today, I will let you Kangkang [-] in [-] ╭(╯^╰)╮Obviously more points after disassembly.

Then, little cuties, pay attention to the digressions in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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