Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 221 Tang 3: The Clown Is Actually Myself

Chapter 221 Tang San: The Clown Is Actually Myself
On the morning of the third day after Tang Sui returned, Flender and Liu Erlong, who took the master to the Soul Beast Forest to hunt for the third spirit ring, also came back, and learned that Tang Sui's spirit power level had not only been raised to level 47, but his physique The fatal weakness has turned around, he is several times happier than he broke through the soul power cultivation that has imprisoned him for 30 years.

Zao Wou-ki had already informed Grandmaster about Ning Fengzhi and Tai Tan's coming to the academy, including Tang Sui's strange reaction. Flender helped the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, looked at Grandmaster who was deep in thought, and endured Can't help asking: "Xiao Gang, could it be said that Sui Sui was really picked up by that girl half a year ago?"

He thought it was just an excuse.

But now it seems.
The master shook his head, looked at Zhao Wuji and said, "Wuji, go and find Xiaosan and Suisui for me, and say that I'm waiting for them in my office."

"Okay master." Zhao Wuji nodded, and immediately went to call for someone.

Since Lanba Advanced Soul Master Academy officially changed its name to Shrek Academy, not only Flender, who was promoted to dean, has a more luxurious principal's office, but even the other teachers are equipped with one. separate office.

The brother and sister followed Zao Wou-ki all the way to the master's office. After completing the task, Zao Wou-ki took the two of them for a walk, and gave the space to the three masters and apprentices.


The siblings spoke in unison.

The master who was already sitting on the office chair waiting for the two brothers and sisters raised his head. After seeing Tang Sui, whom he hadn't seen for half a year, his stiff face was tinged with softness: "Here you come. Sui Sui, you will grow taller after half a year away." a bit."

There was a hint of relief in his voice.

A smile appeared on Tang Sui's fair face, and he happily replied, "Yeah! I had my brother measure it for me yesterday, and I've grown 3 centimeters taller!"

This is a height that hasn't moved in a year!
Seeing the joy on Tang Sui's face, the master softened his eyes, looked at Tang San who also had a faint smile on his Qingjun face, and got to the point: "You all know your life experiences in your hearts now, don't you?"

Mentioning this, the smile on Tang Sui's face restrained a bit, but the first reaction was to look at Tang San beside him.

Tang San restrained his smile, his black pupils were covered with inexplicable emotions, looked at the teacher's calm face, and sighed: "Teacher, did you already know?"

The master nodded, and slightly moved his hand on the table, motioning for the two to sit down.

Tang Sui and Tang San were not polite to the master, and sat down in accordance with the master's wishes.

After both of them were seated, the master continued: "I accepted you as my disciples when you first arrived at Notting College. Originally, I was interested in your twin martial soul aptitude and Sui Sui's miraculous leapfrogging ability." Absorbed but not self-destructed, you have already acquired the terrifying talent of the first spirit ring at a young age, but I was not sure at the time, your other spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer."

Speaking of this, the master paused, with a slight sigh between his eyebrows and eyes: "What I didn't expect was that both of you brothers and sisters have twin martial souls, and the second martial soul is also the Clear Sky Hammer. But just because of this For one thing, I'm not sure about your father."

"It wasn't until one day that your father approached me personally and gave me a very important token to acknowledge your background, that's when I recognized your father's identity." He said, The master looked at Tang Sui, who had an unusually calm expression, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Sui Sui, Xiao San doesn't seem to know, but you seem to"

"After the little 'she' shared her memories with me, I already knew some abnormalities exposed by my eldest father since I was a child. What I know is that my father is a titled Douluo." Tang Sui said half-truthfully.

Once again, Tang San who heard Tang Hao's strength from other people's mouths, even that "other people" was his own sister Tang Sui, opened his mouth, but a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect his sister to know so early.

Although it is another sister.
and many more.

He didn't know that the "two personalities" had reached a consensus, and even Tang San, who was "sharing memories", noticed something was wrong.

"Yes. He is Tang Hao, the youngest titled Douluo on the mainland. Title, Haotian."

A strange light appeared in Tang San's eyes: "Haotian...Douluo"

"Yes. But I'm not familiar with your father. He just told me to take good care of you. Especially Sui Sui's physique, if no cure can be found, it will always become a fatal weakness in the future." The master's voice was low.

"I don't know where your father has been all these years. But when Zao Wou-ki was at Shrek Academy, he deliberately made the assessment more difficult for you, and was beaten up by your father that night, and this time Dugu Bo took you away, and he immediately showed up, so it can be seen that your father has actually been paying attention to you all the time."

When talking about that night, the master glanced at Tang Sui, who looked away erratically, landed on the map spread out on the table, and stared at the red, green, and green colors on the table.

And Tang San, when he heard the second half of what the master said, fell into a daze.

"Teacher, what did you say, when senior Dugu kidnapped me, my father also came?!"

Tang San was shocked.

The master said "Hey", and his eyes fell on Tang Sui, who had a small face, and raised his brows slightly: "Why, Sui Sui didn't tell you about this? When she sensed that you were in danger, she rushed away immediately. go out."

"Huh?! Sui Sui is here too?!"

Tang San looked at his sister in shock.

Tang Sui stared straight at the map on the table and sat upright.

(End of this chapter)

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