Chapter 228 Extreme Counterattack
Tang San entered the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye alone to absorb the spirit ring of the Pit Demon Spider.

Although Xiao Wu was assassinated by a man-faced spider halfway, but the moment the man-faced spider appeared, he was directly smashed into the air by two masks, and died horizontally on the blocked tree.

Under the silent gaze of the crowd, Humian spewed out a black-red light ball, directly wrapping the dead Man-faced Demon Spider into a giant cocoon. With Tang Sui's five fingers retracted, the huge Man-faced Demon Spider's body also disappeared. I don't know where to go.

"Hiss! There are no bones left!" Ma Hongjun gasped, and whispered while hiding behind Dai Mubai.

"Is the body of the man-faced spider corroded?" Zhao Wuji didn't know why, so the master stared at Tang Sui's delicate face, shook his head uncertainly, and said in a low voice:
"I've never seen anything like this before."

"By the way, how long does Sui Sui have to maintain this form?" Oscar felt a little apprehensive towards such Tang Sui.

Flender shook his head, looked at the curious Liu Erlong, approached him and explained in a low voice.

Tang Sui, who hadn't released the attack form, released the demonic power to start devouring after recovering the corpse of the Man-faced Demon Spider into the dimensional space of the mask.

Of course, from the outside, she just turned the body of the Man-faced Demon Spider into nothing, nothing unusual.

Tang Sui stared in the direction of Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, and ripples appeared in his black eyes with his back to everyone.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Tang San, who was directly immersed in the spring water of the Ice and Fire Liangyiyan, encountered the biggest trouble since absorbing the spirit ring.

Different from the heart demon he met when he absorbed the man-faced spider's soul ring last time, this time, after breaking through the barrier of his meridians, he felt his body was like a balloon that was constantly inflating, and every time his soul power wandered, Both will aggravate the swelling and pain of the body, and may explode at any time.


Dark red blood dripped down the corners of Tang San's mouth, dissolving in the extremely cold and extremely hot spring water.

The black energy accumulated in Tang San's body was continuously absorbed through his meridians, but the power of the Wannian Pit Demon Spider was still too great, every bone and meridian seemed to be smashed with a hammer, and then was crushed by the body. The medicinal power and enhanced soul power, together with the Xuantian Kungfu, were reshaped again.

The huge soul energy of the Crypt Demon Spider expanded his meridians to a terrifying level. In the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness, the remnants of the Crypt Demon Spider's soul before it died turned into a giant spider and formed horizontally in Tang San's sea of ​​consciousness. Strong negative black energy was radiating all over his body, and he waved his sharp black spider legs to split Tang San's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness one after another.

On the one hand, he had to channel and absorb the rampaging soul power in his body, on the other hand, he had to allocate his mental power to repair the gaped sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, and he even had to find a way to control and subdue the raging crypt demon spider.

This is the first time he has faced such a difficult predicament since he embarked on the path of cultivation.


The crypt demon spider, which seemed to be a collection of negative energy, let out a scream from its mouth, and the blue silver grass vines that jumped out of the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness were shattered by the black power aura erupting from it!

In the real world, Tang San felt a pain in his chest, and he couldn't help coughing up a big mouthful of black blood, which dripped into the spring water, collided with its terrifying medicinal power, and an unpleasant gas rose up.

Even the Purple Demon Eyes of Mustard Seed Realm can't resist it.
Tang San's body twitched uncontrollably, the tiny blood vessels in his body burst, and after a while, Tang San turned into a blood man.

His sober consciousness was gradually blurred by the horrific counterattack of the crypt demon spider. Not to mention being distracted to resist, he couldn't even stay awake.
The huge ten thousand year soul power smashed and destroyed Tang San's meridians. Unable to bear this force, Tang San's mental operation was broken, and his heart beat more violently, as if a boiler that was about to boil was about to fry.

The thick black blood choked on his throat, and a hoarse and broken sound gushed out.

The black soul power bound Tang San's soul tightly like the entangled web of a crypt demon spider, and the powerful resentment stained those six shining eyes black.

The Crypt Demon Spider watched the enemy who killed it slowly being wrapped into a giant cocoon by the spider silk, roared and waved its two forelimbs, and approached Tang San whose consciousness was gradually slackening step by step.

The fishy smell mixed with the cold wind brushed over Tang Sui's fair cheeks.

Seeing that more than three hours had passed, even the master couldn't sit still and walked back and forth, Xiao Wu was even more anxious and wanted to rush to the Binghuo Liangyi Eye several times to find out.

"It's getting dark, why has Third Brother been away for so long and hasn't come back? Could something happen during the process of absorbing the spirit ring?" Ning Rongrong looked worriedly at Tang San's departure and felt relieved. disturbed.

Dai Mubai, who had already absorbed the fourth spirit ring with Zhu Zhuqing, stood on the spot with his hands clasped, tapping his fingers on his arms, feeling very anxious.

"Tang San, this kid, makes people wait so anxiously! When you return to the academy, you must ask this kid to treat you well!" He let out the words viciously, and Ma Hongjun nodded fiercely:

"That's right! Let us all be so worried, we must kill him!"

The master paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, sometimes stopping to look in the direction of the valley, and sometimes looking sideways at Tang Sui who had been standing there, motionless like a statue, with his brows furrowed.

Xiaosan has been in for so long and hasn't come out, I'm afraid it's true. No, no, Sui Sui hasn't responded yet, Yu Xiaogang, you can't mess yourself up first!

The master comforted himself in his heart, and all his attention fell on Tang Sui.

(End of this chapter)

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