Chapter 230 Weird
Tang San's soul was pulled away from the dark deep sea, the girl's delicate face that seemed to exude a halo was reflected in the blurred field of vision, like a candle blown by the wind, making the figure projected on the wall sway and sway.

"Sui Sui."

Hoarse words overflowed from Tang San's pale lips, and Tang San, who was drenched all over, trembled, even though he escaped from the dark deep sea, the chill still seemed to remain in his soul, making him unstoppably cold. to trembling.

"Sui, Sui, why are you here?" Tang San squeezed out the trembling words from his cold lips, and in his purple eyes, the familiar outline of the girl gradually became clear.

After his vision was completely stabilized, what he saw was a hint of worry on the girl's smart and childish face, and she reached out to support him who was too cold to stand, and the warmth of a living person penetrated through the touching palms. It was actually transmitted to Tang San's soul, dispelling a lot of the haze of chill.

"I sensed that you were in danger, so I came here."

Tang San raised his eyes, met the familiar pair of clear and blue pupils, saw the genuine worry on his sister's face, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but the girl raised her arms first, and moved forward.

Not a fake but a real spike.
The Purple Demon Eye, which can penetrate all falsehoods, told him that the sister in front of him was a real consciousness.

The warm power transmitted by the other hand holding him made Tang San feel relieved a lot, looking at his sister's exquisite side face, he couldn't help asking: "Sui Sui, how did you come in?"

With another injection of energy, Tang San was relieved from the brink of freezing to death, and the weakness in his voice dissipated a lot.

The girl who was asked didn't look back, but said slightly playfully: "Because you are my brother. There is a blood connection between the twins. Let me take you out first, everyone is waiting for you."

Tang San said "hmm", the long tug-of-war with the Pit Demon Spider consumed a huge amount of his mental and soul power, and his internal power was almost gone.

Tang San, who was held by the girl's arms, looked at the black mist that never dissipated in the entire mental space, and wanted to let go of the mental power perception outlet again, but the stinging pain of excessive use of mental power swept through the brain instantly, making him helpless. Without lowering his head, he waited for the tingling pain to pass.


There was a sound under his feet, and Tang San, who regained his senses, opened his eyes, watching the black mist lingering under his feet gradually dissipate, revealing the ground like a mirror of water.

Ripples spread as they walked, and the sound of water splashing and jumping sounded again, Tang San, who leaned on his younger sister with most of his weight, laughed at himself inwardly.

He originally thought that his mental space should be peaceful, but he didn't want his younger sister to see the smog at the moment and be led by the other party to find the exit. His brother is really... huh?
The self-mockery in Tang San's eyes froze, his bitter handsome face froze, as if seeing something inconceivable, his pupils shrank in shock, he raised his head suddenly, and looked at the girl's delicate and familiar profile.

As if feeling Tang San's unbelievably hot eyes, she turned her head as if feeling something, those clear blue pupils collided with another pair of shocked eyes, and she blinked for no reason: "What's wrong, brother?"

Tang San was silent for a moment, lowered his eyes, and his gaze fell below.

Under the water mirror, there is only the reflection of Tang San alone.

He was soaked in blood, sitting cross-legged in one red and one blue hot spring water with his eyes closed tightly, which seemed to be a reflection of the real world.

But what surrounds his real body is not the fairyland-like scene of Ice and Fire Yin Yang, but the twisted and dark dark sea.

The dark tide as deep as ink firmly occupies the space under the water mirror, but there is a touch of incompatible white, hugging the knees, curled up and sleeping in the depths of the ocean.


Tang San's sinking and powerless arm produced a force out of nowhere, and the nearly exhausted spiritual force forcibly cut off another force that nourished him, and it ran crazily, making them turn into the sharpest spears and stab at the person in front of him. girl.


The girl who was supporting Tang San just a second ago let out a soft cry, her figure turned into a black mist, and her mental power pierced through the void, and disappeared before Tang San's eyes, appearing in a place more than 30 meters away from Tang San, slim and graceful.

"It was found."

The girl bent her eyes, without any panic when she was found to be a counterfeit, but widened the curvature of the corners of her mouth.

The worry disappeared, replaced by a look of prey and a hint of cunning.

"who are you?"

Tang San roughly wiped away the black blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, the bloodshot black pupils lit up with fiery fire, with the anger that seemed to burn everything.

"Brother, why did you attack me?" The girl looked at him sadly.

Obviously wearing Tang San's extremely familiar appearance, but his heart suddenly had a killing intent.

"You are not her!"

"I am." The girl raised her brows slightly and looked at him with a smile.

"Or, you can't accept me like this?"

The girl stood there with a smile, the familiar arc of the corner of her mouth added a touch of weirdness, revealing an indescribable danger.

"No, you're not Sui Sui!" Tang San's eyes were like torches, with a sharpness that pierced people's hearts, he said firmly.

What he saw that day was definitely not the weird guy in front of him that he couldn't even see through the Mustard Seed Realm!

What's more, after being seen by him that day, when he looked at Sui Sui quietly afterwards, he never saw Sui Sui again.

At that time, he was warned, which proved that the other party did not want to be exposed, so how could it be possible to face him face to face now?
Listening to Tang San's words, the smile on the girl's face deepened, as if it was a well-painted mask, that warm smile also became extremely false, a touch of red suddenly appeared at the end of her eyes, and black mist poured into her face The face, like a solidified gel, gradually took shape.


A black fox mask covered Tang San's familiar face, and the girl's exquisite body became strong, but in the blink of an eye, she became a man wearing a black fox mask and a red and white robe.

At the same time, another hoarse and displeased voice sounded:
"What are you doing with the kid talking so much? Hurry up and kick him out."

—— Digression——

Now it shouldn't be hard to guess the identity of the first person swallowed?

(End of this chapter)

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