Chapter 233

The entanglement and overlap of blue and black is like an ink color painting depicting the starry sky, exuding beauty and mystery.

The girl stepped on the steps paved with shadows, her snow-white bare feet submerged in the dark shadows, as if they had merged into one.

Her long black hair with slightly curly tails hangs down behind her, and a blood-red ribbon is pinned behind her head, tied into a bowknot, adding a touch of playfulness and liveliness to her.

Perhaps because of her position, she stands above the dark shadow, but behind her is a hazy light and mist, as if she is at the junction of good and evil, light and extinction.She can walk out of the darkness calmly and embrace the light, but she will fall into the abyss when she is not paying attention.

"Sui Sui.?"

The master looked at the familiar delicate face in astonishment. Even though the girl's face had grown a lot at this time, it was still a familiar outline that everyone could recognize.

Hearing the master's voice, and looking at those coquettish red pupils, everyone immediately felt a sense of danger and a sense of oppression that was no less than the danger brought to them by the youth.

"Then aren't you, little, little San?"

Oscar stammered and pointed at the young man whose temperament had changed greatly and his appearance became more handsome. The black-haired young man watched him silently, like a knight protecting a princess, silent but with a strong sense of presence, which cannot be ignored.

And what frightened Flender and the other three soul saints even more was that they couldn't feel the soul power levels of Tang San and Tang Sui in front of them, as if they had merged into one.
The master looked at the two brothers and sisters who had the same aura, with strands of black mist surging around them, and a word meaning appeared in his mind: "This, is this... blackening?"

"What is blackening?" Xiao Wu was puzzled.

"I have only seen records of 'blackening' in ancient books. But the reason for 'blackening' is not recorded in detail in the book. It is only written that the state of 'blackening' is that black light will cover the whole body, and the temperament will also change. You have to Gu Qing, your own strength has doubled but Sui Sui"

The master looked hesitantly at the two brothers and sisters whose temperament was more inclined to the interpretation of "evil spirit".

Tang San reluctantly agreed with the blackening situation, but Tang Sui was completely different.

The black light surged, and the black and red light covered the two of them. In the next second, they were separated into two separate individuals in the misty black mist.

After being separated, the handsome young man changed back to the familiar handsome appearance with short black hair, and the eight spider spirit bones behind him had wisps of black energy flowing, which seemed to have evolved again.

It's just that the owner of the soul bone's eyes are out of focus now. Amid Xiao Wu's exclamation, his knees gave way, and he fell forward as if out of strength. Spike catches it.

"Little San!"

Master and the others surrounded him, and Flender immediately put his hand on Tang San's pulse. After confirming that he had just passed out from exhaustion, he was relieved, and looked at Tang Sui, who was also somewhat tired, with lingering fear. said:

"Sui Sui, what's going on with you guys? Why was it that I couldn't detect your soul power just now, and you gave me the feeling that you were a whole?"

The master, who was full of worries about Tang San, was taken aback for a moment, and after half a second, his eyes shot out an astonishing splendor, and he stared at Tang Sui, trying to suppress his excitement, and said in a trembling voice: "Sui Sui, are you and Xiao San getting along? Out of the martial soul fusion skill?!"

After the martial soul fusion technique, most of the spiritual power was reduced, and Tang Sui felt that his soul power was too short. Tang Sui nodded sullenly. After giving Tang San's weight to Flender, he didn't say anything, and sat on the spot. Cross your legs and close your eyes, and start to meditate to recover.

"It turned out to be a martial soul fusion skill! This is too powerful!" Ning Rongrong couldn't help but marvel.

"Yes, but Xiaosan's martial soul is very different from Sui Sui's, so he can also develop a martial soul fusion skill?" Dai Mubai felt that this world was a bit magical.

"Does it mean that the martial souls are too different? Don't forget that Tang San and Tang Sui are brothers and sisters connected by blood. You must know that the martial soul fusion skills between soul masters can not only resonate with the martial souls, but also have blood relatives." between."

The well-informed Zhao Wuji was not surprised at all, but was shocked that the tacit understanding between Tang San and Tang Sui could really be displayed.

"That's right, as long as the tacit understanding and bond are deep enough, you can use the martial soul fusion skill." The master affirmed, but he was still surprised, because Tang San and Tang Sui hadn't practiced at all before, and they didn't even move towards the martial soul fusion. The direction to think!
Everyone was chattering, but they were afraid that Tang Sui, who was meditating, would be disturbed by the noise, so he could only suppress the excited and low-pitched communication.

Half an hour later, Tang Sui opened his eyes, three purple and one black soul rings floated up from under his body, floating around her.

"The second soul skill, good face."

Tang Sui, who interrupted his breath adjustment, threw a single-body healing and 50% spirit recovery buff to Tang San who hadn't woken up, then closed his eyes again and began to meditate. Have time to say a word to her.

On the branches of the moon, because they were still in the poison formation set up by Dugu Bo, they didn't dare to set up camp, so they had to rest in place. While Flender and his four teachers were on duty in rotation, Dai Mubai and his fellows, like Tang Sui, shut down from time to time. To practice soul power.

It wasn't until the next morning when the rising sun that climbed the mountain cast golden sunlight from the gaps in the dense vegetation that Tang San finally woke up faintly.

—— Digression——

Happy Martial Soul Fusion Technique!Awesome! !
The first time I saw the new skin of Mian Lingqi, I started to scream, super poked xp, and bought it decisively!
PS: For the image of Sui Sui after Wuhun, please refer to the new 3D skin of Mian Lingqi: Xu Jing Huo Yu (I don’t know Du Niang)

(End of this chapter)

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