Chapter 237 Nether White Tiger VS Taixu
The two brothers and sisters standing on the verdant lawn had a sudden change in momentum, one changed from indifferent to deep, and the other changed from tranquility to darkness.

The four soul rings from Tang San and Tang Sui rose up, and a black mist suddenly appeared, covering their figures.

The Nether White Tiger on the opposite side immediately lowered its body vigilantly, its sharp fangs protruding from the corners of its mouth, and a deep grunt came out from its throat, ready to attack at any time.

But now, what Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing have to do is not to attack, but to be vigilant and defensive.

As the faint light flashed across the black mist, there was no trace of the siblings in place.

"call out--!"

From the shadow of the Nether White Tiger, a mask with black background and golden pattern flew out, and slammed heavily on the Nether White Tiger's belly, sending the whole tiger into the air, and the vacant fluffy limbs scratched in the air helplessly.

So fast!

And it hurts!

Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai were hit at the same time, and the thoughts in their hearts collided with each other.

A pitch-black figure suddenly flashed out of the black mist, appearing silently above the Nether White Tiger, with a clear and indifferent handsome face without any emotion, manipulating the ape face, flicking his fingertips, as if pulling the trigger, sharp The bullet shot out, quickly pierced through the void, and hit the back of the Nether White Tiger.


The sense of crisis trained in the past few years made the Nether White Tiger react the fastest.

It endured the severe pain, and the purple-glowing tiger's body was suddenly covered with a layer of golden aura, like a bursting firework. The violent explosion shook the mask that fell straight down, and temporarily escaped the attack. Remember the enemy.

But it's not over yet.

The Nether White Tiger turned around tenaciously in mid-air, its two golden pupils shining with amber light clearly reflected the dark and thin figure, opened its mouth slightly, and the terrifying soul power impact beams converged, compressed, and then exploded, precisely shooting into the mid-air Tang San.

Tang San's indifferent and calm eyes sparkled with a faint black light. In the next moment, he didn't need a mask as a foothold for his body turning in the air. Even without the help of wings, he turned around freely in the air, as if wearing a mask on his back. Like a pair of invisible wings, it flexibly dodges the pursuing light beams.

"It's so powerful that it can fly directly without relying on soul bones and soul skills!" Standing on the sidelines from a distance, the eyes of the master who took the battle situation into his eyes were full of splendor.

Walking through the air, shrinking the ground into an inch, these are things that can only be achieved by being promoted to the Title Douluo!
Unexpectedly, Xiao San and Sui Sui's martial soul fusion skills not only allow them to break through the limit of their current cultivation, but also to walk against the wind and occupy the best viewing angle, which is also an absolutely favorable position!
There is also Sui Sui's mask martial soul, which Xiao San also controls very delicately.

What surprised him even more was that the black mist field that came with the fusion form of the two martial souls actually had a feeling similar to a domain, allowing the mask to sneak into the black mist at will, and then jump out of the black mist. This, I am afraid The enemy didn't expect it either?

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing not only didn't expect it, their jaws almost dropped from shock.

"Hiss—this is too cheating! Fortunately, your martial soul fusion skills can only last for 5 minutes at most." Dai Mubai, who consumed a lot of his soul power in this blow, gasped in the space of spiritual connection gas.

You must know that he and Zhu Qing were still regretting that the time for their martial soul fusion form was too short.


In the face of absolute strength, even just one blow is enough to end the entire battle!Let alone 5 minutes, now he feels that whether he can last for 3 minutes is in doubt!
Tang San lowered his eyes, his steps flickered, his body twisted, and he actually merged into the black mist rising from the ground again, blending with it, making it difficult to distinguish the trajectory.

The Nether White Tiger vigilantly scanned the surrounding dense black mist, beware of Tang San's blind spot from which angle of view would jump out in the next second, but Tang San seemed to have forced the prey into a trap, and began to play with the prey leisurely hunter.

Deliberately leaking his aura when moving to a certain point, causing the Nether White Tiger to raise its claws to attack, but it attacked again, and did not take advantage of the moment when the opponent attacked, but repeated this several times. Broken by this dirty psychological tactics, he finally couldn't hold back his anger, and when he started to condense energy beams again, Tang San stood still on the side of the black mist, but he didn't rush out, but slapped his palms to the ground.

"Whoa, whoa—!"

Black blue silver grass vines flowing with jet-black light rushed towards the Nether White Tiger from all directions, as if trying to trap it or pierce it. The tips of the black blue silver grass vines gleamed with poisonous The cold mang made the Youming White Tiger's pupils shrink sharply in shock, and no longer waited or deliberately seduced it, it released the beam of light from its mouth, and the powerful attack pierced through the tough black vines, breaking a way out.

The Nether White Tiger stepped forward while attacking, alertly rushing towards the passage it had made forcibly.

Even though it is aggressive and can cut off the rushing blue silver grass, it can't stand so many menacing vines, and there are two masks sneaking into the black mist. It doesn't know from which corner it will jump out to attack. It just wants to Hurry up and leave the beating of the blue silver grass.

Unexpectedly, the Nether White Tiger, who rushed straight towards the forcedly opened way out, just fell into the opponent's scheme.

After confirming that the prey had completely penetrated into the arranged trap, Tang San, who stood silently in the black mist, raised his hand, and uttered four cold words with his thin lips:
"Blue and silver spikes."

—— Digression——

Tete meow is growing grass, and their family is almost staying at Moli's house because of the epidemic. Moli directly smiled and said: "Auntie, it's okay. If you don't worry about the subway, I will drive you home. Make sure." to the door.

In the past two days, my blood pressure has risen suddenly.

Tomorrow there will be four more changes, and then the day after tomorrow will resume three times, and the last chapter will announce the explosion date~
(End of this chapter)

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