Chapter 239

In the big plaza where people come and go, they are all dressed in unique Shrek masks, and each of them is wearing a silver butterfly mask. They walk into the arena of the Heaven Dou Empire Division Qualifiers with terrifying aura.

Their iconic and unique uniforms attracted everyone's attention as soon as they appeared, and the flying color made others look sideways, but the ridicule and sarcasm were caused by an indescribable aura of fear exuded by everyone. And gag.

"Okay, what a terrifying aura"

One of the passers-by who stopped by the Shrek Academy uniform and wanted to say hello was glanced at by one of the team members wearing a mask. That glance was indifferent and full of indifference, but it was frightening for no reason. It disappeared completely in that cold glance, and even half a joke could not be escaped.

Only by experiencing it personally can one know how terrifying the other party is.

If he said a word, the other party might really kill him!

This thought not only appeared in the mind of the person being glanced at, but also appeared in the hearts of other people who saw the team and got close.

"Which academy does this belong to? There is an indescribable sense of oppression in their aura."

"No, I don't know. I haven't seen this team, it looks very strong."

Passers-by started whispering around the people in Shrek Academy, and all their attention was on the terrifying aura of "I'm super fierce, I'm not easy to mess with" exuded from them.

For a while, not many people laughed and talked about their uniforms.

Walking in the group of teachers behind the little monsters, Flender murmured to the master with a dark face: "Master, look at that girl Sui Sui! You told them to keep a low profile, but in the end you used the martial soul opportunistically The special mental effect it brings scares others!"

The master glanced at Flender, who was stealing a lot of money, and said calmly: "This is not your reason."

Flender choked, thinking of the fact that the school uniform he designed was boycotted and rejected by all the children, he was stunned.

Is the color he chose really that bad!
After going through the most crowded entry road and walking to the designated chief executive on the square, Tang Sui put away the fear and deterrent effect of the ape face, and the ferocity and terror that shrouded everyone disappeared instantly, like a clown from the uncanny valley. Transformed into a real entertaining circus clown.

"I can only help here."

Relying on the advantage of being short, Tang Sui quietly hid among the crowd, inconspicuous.

The eyes of the people around changed from surprise to sneer, Dai Mubai and the others had a bitter face, their straight backs looked particularly desolate under these gossip.

After the Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire gave a long series of opening remarks, everyone moved into the completely enclosed indoor arena.

Salas, the platinum bishop of the Wuhun Temple, stood up to draw the order lottery for the battle between the participating teams.

Tang Sui's eyes lingered on Salas for a while, then looked away, and then fell on Xiao Wu whose face was a little unnatural even in the dark, his eyes flashed, and he retracted his eyes as if nothing had happened, but followed Tang San, who was staring at him, ran into him.

The eyes of the siblings collided in the darkness, Tang Sui blinked innocently, Tang San's eyes revealed a trace of suspicion, some wondered if his sister knew Xiao Wu's secret, but soon, his attention was drawn out The order of the qualifiers was attracted to the past.

Because in the first match, they were going to face off against the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy!
As soon as they heard that they were from Tiandou Academy, Ma Hongjun and the others immediately geared up, wanting to rush up and punch each of them.

According to the distribution, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Jing Ling, Huang Yuan, Jiang Zhu, Tai Long participated in the first round, and the other four were hidden first.

In the first preliminaries, Tang San and his group only took 1 minute to beat all the players from Tiandou Royal Academy to the ground, without any power to fight back, everything happened in just a few seconds.

The audience hadn't finished shouting a complete cheering line, but the battle was over.

After a few seconds of eerie silence on the field, louder discussions erupted.

"Why did this time of drinking saliva just end!?"

"Couldn't this be a match-fixing match!?"

"That's right. I've never heard of that Shrek Academy. Where did it come from? That's the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy!"

"But don't you think that the student named Tang San, who is the ten-thousand-year fourth ring, is really terrifying? As a soul sect, he can use group control soul skills above the soul king!"

"That's right! They are also very strong! I think this battle is completely normal!"

For a while, there were voices of doubt, praise, and even horror.

The dignified Tiandou Royal Academy second team was defeated by an unknown soul master team in just one minute, and in the opponent's seven-member team, there were actually two soul sects, not to mention all of them were the best! The configuration of spirit rings, just Tang San's fourth ten thousand year ring, and the group control fourth spirit ability that solved the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, brought great shock to people.

On the stage of the special VIP seat, seeing that the Royal Academy cultivated by his empire was so vulnerable, and those good seedlings should have belonged to their Tiandou Royal Academy, the Great Xue Ye stood up with a livid face, and his eyes fell on On Prince Xue Xing, who looked absent-minded and unbelievable, he snorted coldly and walked away.

Ning Fengzhi bowed with a smile on the face of Emperor Xue Ye who passed by him, and walked out of the VIP seat behind him. On the second seat was the platinum bishop Sara from the Spirit Hall. Si Ze sat in his seat thoughtfully, staring at the direction of Shrek Academy in a funny yellow-green uniform, as if he was thinking about something.

(End of this chapter)

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