Chapter 242 Remnant Dream Realm
The blazing sun pierced through the thick clouds and poured down from the sky.

Tang San stepped on the evenly paved gravel road, while walking towards the academy, while thinking about the cultivation method of distraction control.

The sun shines on the buildings and houses lined up on both sides of the road. I don't know if it is because of the heat, the light in the air is still a little distorted.

Tang San walking on the road glanced at the guests drinking tea under the awning of the tea shop, thinking about the next step of Lanyincao's training plan absently.

Step by step.

Looking at the still long, seemingly endless street, Tang San slightly frowned.

Strange. Is it because I was too immersed in thinking about the way of cultivation, so I walked slowly?
He was full of doubts, but he didn't show any signs on his face, but he began to silently count his steps in his heart.

A trace of coolness climbed up the back of the spine, and strands of uneasiness fermented in my heart. Even the warm sunlight seemed to carry a vaguely cold breath, like a poisonous snake that had encircled its prey, and was spitting out a cold snake at the prey. Believe, always ready to attack.

Tang San's eyes sank slightly, and he blinked slowly, when he opened his eyes again, there was a little bit of purple in his black pupils, so deep that it almost merged with the black, not easy to detect.

Relying on the Purple Demon Eye that pierces all falsehoods, Tang San instantly locked onto the abnormality that was incompatible with the quiet street.

The third jade inlaid on the 24 bridges on a moonlit night at the waist shone faintly, and the Godly Zhuge Crossbow made of refined iron appeared in his hand, and Tang San pointed it at the guest drinking tea under the parasol.

"It's your fault."

He spoke firmly, with a cold expression.

Deep laughter overflowed from that mouth, the upper half of the face of the man wearing a bowler hat was hidden in the shadow cast by the brim of the hat, and he couldn't see clearly the expression at the moment.

But after Tang San spoke out, the surrounding scene remained still for a moment, and in the next second, it was like colored ink melting in clear water, blurred, washing away the brilliant colors on the pure white painting paper, and wearing plain clothes The inconspicuous man also disappeared from the seat. Goodbye, he was quietly standing 30 meters away from Tang.

"As expected of the most outstanding disciple of Shrek Academy, the vigilance is really strong, but it's too late." The middle-aged man with dark eyes was wearing a moon-white soul master robe, with the words "Canghui Academy" engraved on his shoulders. Big letter logo.

Tang San, who had a little friction with the participating teams from Canghui Academy two days ago when he entered the arena, his eyes flickered coldly, "It turns out that it is Teacher Shi Nian from Canghui Academy, I don't know why you stopped me here What advice?"

That's the way to ask, but Tang San knows better, the old man is not good!
When Shi Nian looked at this talented young man who showed his strength in the qualifiers, his eyes showed strong jealousy and killing intent, the corners of his mouth curled up a little, and a hoarse voice came into Tang San's ears: "I don't have any advice, just to make you disappear That's all."

After the last word fell, Shi Nian immediately activated his seventh soul skill, Nightmare.

Tang San's body shook, the sudden mental coercion made his temples ache.

Shi Nian's malicious laughter gradually drifted away from his ears, as if the person had already left.

Tang San used Xuantian Kungfu, he didn't shout incompetently and furiously to tell Shi Nian to get out, but sat on the spot without saying a word, the pitch-black blue silver grass rose up from the ground, surrounding him, forming a natural protective circle.

"Defense? Kid, do you think that you can resist my seventh soul ability nightmare?" Shi Nian's laughter sounded again, and the voice echoed in the open space, "Tang San, do you know? The greatest joy is watching you soul masters, who are known as geniuses, die painfully one by one in my dreamland."

The last sound began to distort with the changes in the surroundings, Tang San only felt that his eyes went dark, and the blue silver grass coiled around the surroundings under the control of his thoughts also disappeared from his vision, but in his perception, he still can feel their presence.

The scarlet flames flashed in the eyes, one after another towering mountain peaks connected by thick and solid chains replaced the original green forest scenery, misty clouds surrounded the solemn and solemn peaks, and retro traditional buildings stood on the rugged cliffs .

At this moment Tang San was not sitting cross-legged, but standing at the end of a cliff, standing on the edge of this cliff, which he was very familiar with in his previous life, only one step away from falling back into the abyss.

这 是
"A ghost?!"

Once again being in the place where he was familiar with the soul shaking in the previous life, Tang San's state of mind also suffered quite a blow.

Sorrow in ghosts. How could he be sad in ghosts? !

Tang San's eyes widened suddenly, and for an instant he forgot what he was doing, all his thoughts were occupied by the cliff shrouded in mist in front of him.

Because of this place, the memory left on him is really too deep.

"Tang San, you actually stole the Xuantian Treasure Record from our sect. The crime is heinous."

"Tang San, I hope that the Tang Sect will raise you up and receive your skills, yet you have done such a thing that both people and gods outrage."

One voice after another kept amplifying in Tang San's mind, he turned his head, behind him, more than a dozen white figures were becoming clear, surrounding him who had nowhere to retreat.

Those people wearing masks with Tangmen logo, each one is his indelible memory.

Suddenly, he lowered his head as if feeling something, Tang San clearly saw that his clothes had changed, and the word "Tang" written in traditional Chinese characters on his chest had told him a lot.

—— Digression——

The sudden nucleic acid test of all staff was outrageous. Martial law was suddenly imposed on Moli's side, and the remaining two nights were later. Moli had been queuing for a long time, and there was still a queue as long as a real street. I seriously doubted the shops in the next street. also came.

(End of this chapter)

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