Chapter 247
Listening to Bai Annian's crying with satisfaction, the man with the scar turned his eyes and fell on the silent Tang Sui.

Seeing the calmness on her face and the malice in the scarred man's heart, he really wanted to see her little face stained with despair.

Thinking of the news he announced to the outside world, the corner of the scarred man's mouth deepened slightly, and he said coaxingly: "For the sake of being so cute, let me tell you some news. I told those notes, For a ransom of 5000 million, one can be taken away."

When he said this, the man with the scar had a hint of alms in his tone, as if he was in charge of life and death—the butcher, the almighty alms lamb had a little more time to live, but death was only a matter of time.

The other naive little lamb believed it, sobbed for a while, and his eyes lit up.

But Tang Sui didn't believe that he would be so kind.

Because the next second, the butcher grinned and announced his dark joke:

"But, there is only one."

That is to say, two live one.

Bai Annian screamed. Before she could make a sound, the man with the scar turned his head to look at her. Bai Annian couldn't say a word when he met those bloodshot eyes. He could only listen to the man with the scar. And harsh words drifted into my ears:

"You say, who will they choose? Is it you who inherited the blood of Tang and Bai, or Bai Shuyan, her own illegitimate daughter?"

The scarred man revealed Bai Annian's true identity without hesitation. Bai Annian's expression changed again and again, his eyes were filled with panic, and he knew that the villain in front of him had already investigated their information clearly.

"Who did you ask to pay the ransom?" she asked in a trembling voice.

If it was Bai Shuyan or Brother Ye Nan who came to pay the ransom, she was 90.00% sure that they would choose her.

But it would be different if it was Patriarch Tang.

Just like Mrs. Tang only cared about her blood-related but closer daughter, Tang Patriarch also only cared about another blood-related and close son.

For the cooperation between Tang and Bai, I will definitely choose Tang Sui!

Thinking of this, Bai Annian's face contorted for a moment. She was supposed to be a weeping pear blossom and rainy delicate beauty, but now that untimely ferocious appearance ruined a pitiful temperament.

If the other three kidnappers were still there, they might still feel compassion, but now the only ones in the same room with Bai Anian are Tang Sui and the man with the scar whose brain circuit has been so distorted that he doesn't know where he is going.

Tang Sui didn't say anything, his muddy face was calm, but the man with the scar saw through the fear and injury hidden under the skin of this pretendingly calm daughter of an aristocratic family in front of him.

Like a stubborn little beast that clearly stepped into a hunter's trap and was scratched by a trap, but still kept silent.

It was enviable, the scarred man thought, but also exciting.

Because he could feel the emptiness and raging malice under the beautiful skin of this delicate girl who looked like a doll in front of her.

It was only one gate away before it could be released.

Thinking of this, he said nastyly, "I didn't designate who they would come. It might be Tang Zeli himself, or other members of the Tang family, or their secretary, or other disguised police officers."

The man with the scar knows how to turn the unknown into a sharp sword, which hurts the most.

That is when a person stands at the highest and suddenly falls from the clouds, the most painful.

Bai Annian felt chills in her heart, and could only pray that it would be people from the two parties she thought of coming.

As time passed by, the second-hand mobile phone that the scarred man used to contact the Tang family rang.

"It seems that they have arrived. Then, let's hear who they choose next." The scarred man chose the external broadcast function without thinking it was a big deal.

The person who came to pay the ransom was not the head of the Tang family, nor Mrs. Tang, but the voice of a stranger.

Bai Annian's mood was like riding a roller coaster, sliding down from the highest point and falling to the bottom.

Tang Sui didn't say a word, but stared at the man with the scar deliberately talking to the person on the other end of the phone in front of the two of them. His eyes fell on the phone, and his heart was inevitably shaken. There was a glimmer of anticipation.

Will she be the chosen one?

On the other end of the phone, the man who was sent to make the choice seemed to be hesitating. After a suffocating silence, he said a person's name——

"We choose Bai Annian, Miss Bai."

Biting chill and severe pain swept through the heart, Tang Sui Qingling's dark eyes originally lit up a little bit because of the stranger's voice, but now, it was extinguished bit by bit.

So this decision was made by the two families together?
She was once again the one who was thrown out.

For a moment, Tang Sui's heart was ashamed.

Bai Anian, who was staying in the corner, flew into the sky as if on a rocket, and the ecstasy of birth appeared in his eyes.

Her suppressed excitement and excitement, she couldn't wait until the man with the scar hung up the phone in a hurry, but then asked cautiously: "Will you abide by the agreement and let me go?"

The first target of his revenge was only people related to the Tang family.Although she was found out to be an illegitimate daughter by him, she was still the blood of the Bai family, not the Tang family.

And what he wants is probably the pain of the Tang family, so what does it have to do with her?

Bai Annian was thinking indifferently and excitedly, the expression on his face was a little confounded.

The man with the scar looked at him playfully, lowered his head, and remained silent. Tang Sui, who seemed to have lost all vitality in an instant, laughed softly: "Of course."

He took a step towards Tang Sui.

(End of this chapter)

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