Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 253 Breaking the illusion, the face of anger!

Chapter 253 Breaking the illusion, the face of anger!
The black-red mist lingered around Tang Sui's snow-white ankles, like a circle of shackles, and at this moment, as her momentum rose, those shackles were being pried away.

The braided princess hair spread out in the black and red mist, strands of smooth crow black hair were blown up and flew behind her head, with a pitch-black mask, as if she was about to be born The evil ghost fixed its terrifying eyes on Bai Annian, whose expression was stunned by the shock.


After the afterimage passed by, Bai Annian's pupils shrank, his eyeballs bulged a little, and he raised his hand with difficulty, trying to push away the hand that was tightly strangling her neck.

Black and red mist flowed on the surface of the snow-white skin, and Bai Annian, who reached out to scratch and scratch, couldn't really touch that white hand, leaving any traces on it.

The pain of suffocation occupied her brain bit by bit, her blood couldn't flow smoothly, her neck and jaw were swollen and red, and her bloodshot eyeballs stared firmly at the black pupils under the face of the evil spirit.

With a ferocious expression and crazy eyes, Bai Annian was like a second evil spirit, but now, only one evil spirit can survive.

"This feeling. Well. You, I also have the feeling of killing you for the second time?"

She slowly restrained her strength, her five fingers were welded tightly like ruthless and cold steel, and Bai Annian, who had less and less oxygen, made a "hehe" sound in his throat, and the movements and strength of scratching Tang Sui's hands became more and more ruthless Anxious, like the last struggle before dying.

Under the mask, Tang Sui's thoughtful voice sounded, which was completely different from the ferocious ghost mask on his face.

"What is real and what is unreal?"


The sound of bone shattering came from below.

Tang Sui let go, and Bai Annian's body fell limply on the ground, his eyes that seemed to be protruding widened, full of negative emotions of unwillingness and resentment.

The world is like an ink scroll, the black and gray depicted on it dissolves with the opening of the memory palace.

The false picture scrolls are torn apart and scattered into ashes in the upside-down city and field of vision.


Step by step.

In front of Tang Sui's eyes was no longer the exquisitely decorated European-style corridor, nor the dead body of Bai An Nian, only a middle-aged man wearing a soul master's robe, bowed and scratched his throat in embarrassment, with a painful expression on his face.

"It turned out to be your fault."

All the memories come back, true and false, false and real, and finally combed into an orderly real picture scroll precipitation.

The animated angry face of the human face emerged from the void along with two other grinning, staring masks, suspended beside their masters.

"You, who are you!?" Shi Nian never dreamed that there was a little evil star in the mental space of that boy named Tang San.

And he couldn't get rid of his mental power, no... no, he remembered that the outside world had already died under the hidden weapon of that boy Tang San, and now he
It was just a remnant that was huddled in Tang San's soul space, waiting to give his enemy Tang San a soul shock.

"You were able to detain my soul!!"

The wrinkled old face is like dried old bacon, the scars on the surface and the marks left by the years have been corroded, revealing the white bones, and the jaws missing one or two teeth opened and closed, making a "clack, cluck, cluck" sound. "the sound of.

Pieces of flesh and blood were peeled off, and the protruding eyeballs were corroded into sunken hollows by the lingering evil thoughts of the soul. In the blink of an eye, Shi Nian turned into an empty skeleton wearing a soul master's robe.

【You are finally back. 】

The somewhat nervous voice of the system sounded in Tang Sui's mind again, wondering what role it played in that long environment, Tang Sui actually felt a little tired.

'Just now, was it a trick of the year? '

[More than that. I won’t explain so much to you. The remnants of the soul of the year are mixed with a lot of negative energy. You should swallow him first. In order to wake you up, I spent a lot of energy. I need other Strength added. 】

For the first time, the system did not argue with Tang Sui.

Tang Sui lowered his eyes, and under his feet, black and red monster power swept up like a tide, as thick as ink, enveloping and swallowing the skeleton full of negative energy, stifling all sounds and abnormalities.


The gray world shook, and in the next second, Tang Sui's familiar darkness covered the sky, and the whole world was under Tang Sui's mind perception again.

She knew that she had returned to her own spiritual world.

"What happened just now?" Tang Sui swept across the third awakened mask—the face of anger, and flew out, asking the system.

While digesting the supplemented energy, the system explained to Tang Sui: 【It's the law. 】


【Tang San fell into Shi Nian's illusion, and before he realized that it was a trap set by Shi Nian, he was shaken by your existence.The fate of being denied by Destiny's Child. Tiandao seized this loophole and let you fall into a dream that is both true and false. 】

[If you really indulge in the dream and live like a walking dead, in Douluo World, your body will become a vegetative state, your spirit will be shaken into an idiot, your soul breath will slowly dissipate, and your body will lose its vitality. The main soul, body and soul, dies completely and cannot be reincarnated. 】

The system said the whole story heavily, Tang Sui pursed his lips, feeling lingering fear.

So, she really almost never came back.
She turned her head and looked at her newly awakened mask, which snorted, "I almost couldn't come back. If it wasn't for me, you would be gone now."

(End of this chapter)

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