Chapter 260 Tang Sui VS Blazing Academy 2
"Oh? Then the soul power level of this little girl named Tang Sui should not be weaker than that of her elder brother Tang San. I am really more and more curious about what kind of family it is that can teach such a talented brother and sister. . " Emperor Xue Ye's curiosity has been aroused.

The corners of Ning Fengzhi's lips deepened slightly, and he glanced at the inexplicable Salas, and added: "In this case, I can only keep it a little mysterious. But there is one more thing I can say, that is, Tang Sui is also the master's direct disciple. The two brothers and sisters are probably the master's closed disciples."

Emperor Xue Ye was really surprised this time.

"Is it the master again? It seems that I want to find a chance to meet this master who has taught such outstanding children."

On the seat on the other side, Salas, who heard the conversation between Ning Fengzhi and Emperor Xue Ye, changed his face for a moment, frowned, stared at Tang Sui who was standing on the stage below, and said in his heart that I would like to see if the master can still do it. A genius came out that surprised them.

On Blazing Academy's side, as predicted by Shrek Academy, their captain, Huo Wushuang, was the first to play.

The 42nd-level assault system is the Battle Soul Sect, Wuhun, and the one-horned fiery dragon.

I only hope that this fire dragon can resist the beating.

At the order of the host of this soul fighting match, Huo Wushuang released his martial soul and two yellow and two purple soul rings without hesitation.

Red scales grow from under the skin and cover the surface of the skin.The fiery flame rose from behind him in an instant, and then went out in an instant.

The phantom of a fire dragon with a single horn on its forehead mixed with sparks blown by the wind coiled behind Huo Wushuang. Now Huo Wushuang's whole body was covered with a layer of dark red light, like a mutated little dragon, with a growth on his forehead. A sharp dragon horn.

He put on an attacking posture, looked at Tang Sui who was still standing indifferently on the field, and couldn't help frowning, "Aren't you still casting your martial soul?"

Tang Sui smiled and looked at Huo Wushuang with a confident expression, and kindly reminded: "My martial soul has already come out. You have to be careful."


Huo Wushuang was taken aback for a moment, but before he could figure out what Tang Sui meant, the sound of piercing the air suddenly came from behind him.

Huo Wushuang's pupils shrank, and he swiftly brushed past the mask that pierced through the air.

Huo Wushuang vaguely saw the flashing past through the gap of the turning body in the air, which seemed to be some kind of mask decoration that was only sold during festivals.

But it was such a small mask that made his hairs stand up, and he felt a sense of crisis spontaneously.

"If you think that you can beat me just like this, then you underestimate me!"

Huo Wushuang, who avoided the mask, readjusted his mentality, let go of his harsh words to Tang Sui, completed a second turn in mid-air, released his third soul skill Tyrannosaurus Wrath, and turned around to attack Tang Sui.

"is it?"

Tang Sui still didn't use his soul power, just moved his feet, and the person floated out, disappeared in place, and also disappeared on the trajectory of Huo Wushuang's attack.

"It's this kind of footwork again!" Standing vigilantly on the head of the one-horned fiery dragon, he looked around at the afterimages left by Tang Sui's frequent movements, trying to capture the trajectory of Tang Sui's movement for prediction.

But if Ghost Shadow Mizong could be predicted, it would no longer be called Ghost Shadow Mizong.

Seeing this scene, Tang San showed joy, and sighed: "Unexpectedly, Sui Sui can now perfectly copy my movement."

Although it is still a little incomplete, that is, it is impossible to cultivate internal strength, but he can see that Tang Sui has added his own skills to the original basis of Ghost Shadow Mizong, and changed Ghost Shadow Mizong to a body that is more suitable for him. law, perfectly integrated.

As expected of his sister!

In an instant, Tang San was extremely proud.

"What is that? Is it also a special technique?"

On the stage, Emperor Xue Ye exclaimed.

Salas looked at Tang Sui whose movement was similar to Tang San's strange asynchronous technique before, with a gloomy expression, "It should be, I didn't feel the fluctuation of soul power from Tang Sui's movement either."

He only summoned his weapon soul, but he didn't even release his soul ring, and didn't use his soul power. What kind of arrogance is this?
Huo Wushuang, who instantly felt that he was underestimated, had red eyes, and let out an angry roar like a real fire dragon.

"Damn it! Do you think that you can block my attack by fooling my eyes with this little trick? The third soul skill, Tyrannosaurus Wrath!"

Huo Wushuang shouted angrily, his hands touched, palms pressed together, and there was a clear slap, and the next second they were separated by a little distance.


Fiery and terrifying dark red energy gathered between his palms, but in an instant, the flames were being controlled by Huo Wushuang. With absolute control, the fiery flames exploded like blooming fireworks, quickly covering half of the battle platform .

There are flaws!
With a thought, two piercing sounds, one from the left and the other from the right, slammed fiercely at Huo Wushuang.

Standing on top of the fire dragon and holding the flame high, Huo Wushuang, who let it spread, moved his ears, let out a low drink, and his majestic aura swayed, the powerful soul power fluctuation mixed with the bursting flame attribute exploded, trying to push the approaching two A mask exploded.

However, those two jade-white masks remained indifferent, forcibly passed through the defense line built by Lie Yan (raging flames), and smashed towards Huo Wushuang fiercely in the shocking explosion wave without hesitation!
"elder brother!"

Outside the battle arena, seeing her brother was about to be attacked by another masked spirit that appeared out of nowhere, Huo Wu's expression changed suddenly, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

Can this mask be divided into two?

(End of this chapter)

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