Chapter 262 Tang Sui VS Blazing Academy 4
I didn't know that the Shrek Eight Monsters and several mentors had passed the Qi, and knew that if Tang Sui added a mask, he would have an extra personality like Tai Long and his peasy eyes.

The thoughtful Qin Ming was stunned for a second, and his face changed suddenly like Flender and Zhao Wuji who had reacted: "Master, you mean!"

The master just smiled and said nothing.

Qin Ming was sweating for Tang Sui, and decided to find some time to chat with Tang Sui alone.

Psychological counseling, can't delay!
Flender took a deep breath, exchanged a glance with Zhao Wou-Ki, and retreated silently behind the master like brothers in need.

The Shrek students who didn't know that Flender had also been beaten by a mask looked at each other in blank dismay.

The results of the second soul fighting match also came to an end.

Huo Yu, the second member of Blazing Fire, didn't even let Tang Sui leave his spot, and was directly attacked by two masks and smashed out of the fighting area divided by the battle platform.

The next four games were easily won by Tang Sui without exception.

Without the performance of the team, in Tang Sui's eyes, except for Huo Wu, who is holding back his ultimate move, and Huo Wushuang, who can barely fight, the other players are just paper tigers whose teeth have been pulled out.

"Tang, Sui!"

The vicious gaze no longer stared at Tang San but stared at Tang Sui's Huo Wu clenched her fists tightly, crackling her knuckles.

"Hey, Zhihuo was directly pierced by Shrek!"

"Isn't it? When Blazing Huo first met Shrek Academy, he was still inseparable from the opponent, on par. As a result, when the solo battle came out, tsk tsk, Blazing Huo, no way."

"If I can still meet Shrek in the next match, I would like to fight with her, to experience the power of the mask that can break the ribs of the captain of the Blazing Academy, Huo Wushuang!"

"You? Forget it, you can't even be the captain of Blazing Fire, do you think you can?"

"What level of soul master is that girl named Tang Sui on the field? Her two weapons and soul masks have terrifying single-target combat power."

"By the way, there is only one person left in the Blazing Academy. Is it true that the Blazing Academy will be destroyed?"

"I think... the last one to play is Huo Wu, so I guess it's not very good."

"Isn't it? Blazing fire is really going to be pierced seven times?!"

The sighs and mocking voices from other colleges reached Huo Wu's ears at this moment.

It was the first time she hated the soul master's five senses so sharply.

Amidst such malicious opinions, Huo Wu, the vice-captain of Blazing Academy, took a deep breath and stepped onto the battle platform heavily.

One wears six, this has never happened since the start of the promotion match!
What's more, the one being worn is the Blazing Academy among the five elemental academies!How is this not surprising?

On Shrek's side, seeing Huo Wu walking onto the stage with a gloomy face, the master sighed slightly: "I'm afraid this match won't be so easy."

"Huh? Master, Huo Wu should be a control-type soul master like the third brother, right? Sui Sui can even beat the third brother, a control-type soul master, so there's no reason why he can't beat Huo Wu." Ning Rongrong didn't understand. Understand.

Qin Ming also agreed with the master's words, and explained: "No, it's not the same. Since the opening of the Soul Master Elite Competition this time, it is the first time that Blazing Academy has been passed through six by one, and other people's comments have turned into pressure. With their vice-captain Huo Wu, even if Blazing Huo must lose in the end, for the sake of Blazing Academy's face, Huo Wu will desperately want to win this match."

"Zhihuo's girl is extremely proud and has stronger self-esteem. I guess Sui Sui will be forced out of her martial spirit in this battle." The master nodded and continued.

Powerful soul masters are not scary, but soul masters who are driven to a desperate situation, who don't know what kind of crazy actions they will make, are the most dreadful.

Doesn't Tang Sui know this truth?

Facing Huo Wu who was standing there with a gloomy face, she immediately understood that Huo Wu was going to play with her life again.

Why do I say "again", because the original trajectory of fate is like this.

She never thought of herself as a kind person.

So if Huo Wu really risked her life to play herself to death, she would not save the other party like her original brother.

Just knock her down in advance so that she can't fight for her life.

The smile on Tang Sui's face was restrained, and the delicate little face was rarely serious.

Standing opposite Tang Sui, Huo Wu looked at Tang Sui who was about to get serious, and his aura was even more subdued. He was taken aback for a moment, and then took a deep breath to calm down his brain, which was scorched by those mocking voices. .

The anger in his eyes gradually calmed down, and he stared at Tang Sui with another cold look.

This match was not just a dispute between herself and Shrek Academy.

It is also related to the status, honor and disgrace of Blazing Academy in the five major elemental academies in the future.

Even if the final outcome is destined to be Chi Huo losing to Shrek, he must not be pierced by a little girl who has not even used soul power and soul skills! !
Huo Wu, whose breath had calmed down, seemed to have changed into a different person, and the surface of the skin on her body gradually began to glow with a faint red light, like the light of a bonfire set up at night shining on a person, but with traces of coquettishness.

Blazing fire, the fire dance at this moment is really like a group of gorgeous and blazing flames, burning people's hearts.

But the premise is that this flame is going to burn people's hearts with their lives.

Tang Sui squinted his eyes, and the breath around him also became quiet.

On the opposite side, Huo Wu started to move.

(End of this chapter)

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