Chapter 267 Happy Fishing
The more sophisticated master sighed and said, "Sui Sui did this for the sake of the academy's reputation and your future."

"First of all, the Academy of Five Elements is united in spirit. If Sui Sui really kills Huo Wu on the battlefield after defeating Blazing Academy, Huo Wu herself is the pride of Blazing Academy, behind her There is something, but this will inevitably cause the other three colleges to share the same hatred, and this hatred will grow."

"What's more, Sui Suozhuang's serious injury is also to avoid people's eyes and ears. It means that although she has passed through seven, she was also defeated by Huo Wu as the soul king, and the vigilance of other colleges will be a little weaker."

Grandmaster's words are not without reason, but Dai Mubai and the others still feel very suffocated.

But Tang Sui wasn't completely exhausted. In the end, it took a lot of soul power and mental power to support the barrier, and she needed time to recover.

The master also instructed the others, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, Tai Long, Jing Ling, they would all stand outside the waiting room to watch.

There were only four people left in the room immediately, because the master still had some things to deal with, especially about how to deal with other forces' inquiries after Tang Sui was "severely injured".

In the room, apart from Tang Sui, who obediently sat cross-legged under Tang San's stare, throwing a second soul skill to herself and began to recuperate and recover, there were Xiao Wu and the others.

Time flies by, and an afternoon passes in the blink of an eye.

Tang Sui was still adjusting his breath, Xiao Wu and Tang San were not idle, they were hurrying up to practice.

At this moment, Dai Mubai's cold voice suddenly came from outside.

"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here!"

"We have no malicious intentions, we just want to visit Tang Sui and thank her."

The other voice was that of Huo Wushuang.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Wu in the room couldn't help frowning, stopped cultivating, and faced Tang San who also opened his eyes beside him.

Tang San looked at Tang Sui who was still adjusting his breath, and frowned slightly. It was not convenient to move Tang Sui at this moment, so he could only wait for the movement outside.

Outside the VIP lounge, not only the injured Huo Wushuang came, but also the seven main players of the Blazing Academy team, including the pale Huo Wu.

After the game, when they calmed down, Huo Wushuang couldn't help feeling scared when he thought about the situation at that time.

Of course, he could also see the danger of his sister in the competition. If Tang Sui hadn't shown mercy in the end and threw Huo Wu out of the fighting ring, he wouldn't have a sister.

Although Blazing Academy suffered a humiliating defeat and was pierced seven times, Huo Wushuang doesn't hate Shrek Academy now.

Compared with the results of the competition, the life of my sister is obviously much more important. Even he, in the first competition, only looked seriously injured, and the place where he was hit by the mask really hurt for some reason.It can be seen that Tang Sui actually showed mercy, otherwise he wouldn't be able to leave so quickly.

As for Huo Wu, she is the core of all the stars in Blazing Academy, and the other team members have similar ideas to Huo Wushuang.

Especially when it was discovered that Huo Wushuang's injury had mostly healed with the help of the auxiliary soul master of the healing department, and the grievance in the hearts of others was also gone.

That is the soul king!
As Tang Sui said, they really deserved to lose, because the level of soul power is there first.

The members of Blazing Academy took a rest, and then went to inquire about the movement on Shrek's side. After confirming that their attitude was relatively calm, Huo Wushuang immediately suggested to come and see Tang Sui, thus the current situation .

Dai Mubai clasped his hands, his cold eyes swept over everyone.

"There's no need for you cats to cry and pretend to be merciful. She is still in treatment, so it's inconvenient to see people."

Still in treatment?
Is Tang Sui's injury really serious?

After all, she passed out as a soul king, and her team uniform was all tattered.

Huo Wushuang and the others had different expressions. The team members who followed Huo Wushuang looked at Huo Wu. Huo Wu took a deep breath, took a step forward, took out a hardcover wooden gift box from his soul guide, and placed it in the box. Under Dai Mubai's vigilant gaze, he said aloud:

"This is a token of my apology and gratitude. I hope it will help Tang Sui's recovery. Since Tang Sui is still undergoing treatment, it is inconvenient for us to disturb you. Can you let me take a look remotely? If she is fine, I will You can also feel at ease."

There was no trace of mania on the pale and pretty face, instead it became very quiet, and there was more calmness in the beautiful eyes, as if she had changed into a different person, changing her proud temperament that was a little bit before.

At this time, among the eight Shrek monsters who heard the voice inside, except for Xiao Wu who was with Tang Sui, Jiang Zhu, the auxiliary soul master of the healing department who had been exposed, and Ning Rongrong, who had not shown his face before, the others also all out.

Like Dai Mubai, they didn't like the Blazing Academy that injured Tang Sui, and the four of them plus the four substitutes stood in a row, blocking the Blazing Academy there.

"I said you are not welcome here. Just make an apology, leave here immediately, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

Dai Mubai had a cold face.

Although he really wanted to make some spiritual apology for Tang Sui, but he still didn't want to touch the things Chi Huo sent.

The seven main players of the Blazing Academy have all participated in the promotion competition before, and their soul power is more or less consumed. If they really fight, they will not be able to take advantage of it, not to mention that they came this time to show their favor. , rather than fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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