Chapter 281 tragic
Titled Douluo!

These four words were like thunder, and they hit the hearts of everyone, including Flender and Liu Erlong who were still pressed to the ground and couldn't move, and Qin Ming who barely stood under the pressure but couldn't move. In the hearts of Shrek students.

Relying on the special bloodline, Tang Sui, who was able to temporarily shield this coercion by running the demon power, flashed a red light in the bottom of her eyes, and the black-red barrier was distorted. She disappeared in front of Yueguan, but she did not run away, but tried again. Offensive.

Except for her own first soul skill support, the rest is Ning Rongrong's ultimate support, Oscar's ultimate boost, her own real soul power and various other attributes far exceed that of a soul master at the level of a soul king, even With the attributes of the attack form doubled, the data is close to that of the soul saint!
Wisps of black mist covered that strange and special elegant fragrance, once again cracking the breath barrier of Yueguan's third soul skill.

His indifferent eyes also broke the indifference due to the sudden rise of black mist, with traces of interest floating on them.

"Interesting, do you think that you are trying to fight me because of your boost and soul ring that is different from ordinary people? Well, for your commendable courage, I will give you the honor of dying on the battlefield." Yue Guan The corners of the lips curled up, and the next moment, the person disappeared into the void.

"Boom boom boom!"

The explosions were as dense as firecrackers and as violent as rain hitting plantains, bombarding people's eardrums.

Black light and golden light suddenly appeared along with countless intertwined attacks, like a ignited wire, bursting from one end to the other!

In Tang San's bared eyes, the black light directly hit the steep and steep cliff, and after a loud noise, a sunken circular deep pit was smashed out.


Tang San shouted from the bottom of his heart, and those black pupils were slightly red.

The others in Shrek also looked at Tang Sui who was thrown out in horror and worry.


A large mouthful of bright red blood was choked out, and some pieces of internal organs were even mixed in it.

The demonic power was poured into the limbs of the body, and Tang Sui, who was nailed into the cliff, struggled to pull out his arm from the sunken cliff, floating in the air, his chest heaved rapidly, and there were severe pains like fractures all over his body. One word is unbearable pain.

so strong
Tang Sui's shoulder twitched slightly due to painful spasms, and every twitch was accompanied by the pain of tearing the wound.

The black Shrek team uniform on her body had already been cut with countless marks by the opponent's sharp petals in the collision just now, leaving small but deep wounds on her body.

It seemed to be a blood hole punched by someone with a bullet, and blood was still flowing out.

Tang Sui's mental strength trembled a little, because of her strategic mistake, her stable state of mind was hit again.

——She underestimated the power of this world too much, thinking that there is demonic power, and if she can shield the coercion of the level, then as long as the buff is full, there must be hope of winning.

But now, the cruel truth was once again in front of her, telling her that even if she had the blessing of increasing, the title Douluo was not something she could compete with now.


Tang Sui called the system tremblingly.

The system's slightly heavy voice sounded, 【.Host, I'm here. 】

'If I rely on me to hold Yueguan, what is the possibility of letting my brother and the others escape? '

The demon power separated from the soul power quickly sorted out the disordered meridians and repaired her injuries.

The system was silent for a few seconds, and gave an answer that made Tang Sui feel cold: [Less than half of it.]

There is no doubt about the strength of the Title Douluo, even with the leadership of Flender and the others who are above the level of the Soul Emperor, but for the Title Douluo, it is as simple as an elephant chasing an ant, just casually step over , it can easily take the lead and crush the fleeing ants to death.

Upon hearing the answer, Tang Sui closed his eyes and swallowed with difficulty a mouthful of blood froth that smelled of rust and iron. His heart seemed to have fallen into an icy abyss. On the verge of madness.

If she blew herself up, how much time could she create for her brother and the others to escape?
Tang Sui's throat rolled down, but the bloodless lips were covered with a layer of bright color.


The three masks that flew out have all returned to Tang Sui at this moment, standing in front of Tang Sui like a knight, their empty eyes lit up one after another, staring at the direction of Yueguan, For a moment, Yueguan seemed to see three vague human silhouettes.

He squinted his eyes, and there were still three masks of different shapes standing in front of Tang Sui.

As if it was just his illusion.

However, it doesn't matter if it's not an illusion.

Yue Guan, who is proud of his own strength, looked at Tang Sui who was seriously injured by him in the confrontation just now with a smile, and said with some regret: "Your talent is indeed unprecedentedly terrifying. But it is a pity that you are wrong. Now, reincarnated under Tang Hao's bloodline."

If they are the seedlings accepted by the Wuhun Hall, then he guarantees that Tang Sui will stand at a new height.

It's just a pity. Her origin has already doomed her to have only death and no bright future.

Yue Guan raised his hand, a piece of golden chrysanthemum petals stopped under his fingertips, spinning like a scimitar, under his smiling expression, the petals cut through the air and rushed towards Tang Sui!

—— Digression——

Damn, this is a leapfrog, Sui Sui, who is now a soul king, can't beat him, I didn't expect it.

Unified key points: There is no CP in the main text of this article. There may be a male protagonist in the extra episode, but it will not be the CP of the emotional line. It was just mentioned earlier, and Dumei raised cubs before.

Then pay attention to what the author has to say, the battle revealed the ending very early. In Sui Sui's personal line setting, Mo Li is the "stepmother" identified by Jiyou.

 I saw a little cutie saying that this leapfrog is too big, and the soul sect can press Contra to blah blah, why don't you just kill the titled Douluo right now.

  Emmm, the cutie who would say that, didn't you pay attention to Wen Ang?When I mentioned that battle again after that chapter, I already said that it was Duke Long who kept his hands back at that time, and he didn't make a real move.

  They value face, and it is impossible to really bully a little baby in front of "King Fudo Ming". They are merciful. It was said later in the article that Duke Long can't beat Dongzheng, and it was mentioned twice, Mo Li didn't deny it either, and even said off-topic that he couldn't beat it.

  When encountering Dugu Bo, Sui Sui asked if he could beat him, and the system gave a negative answer.

(End of this chapter)

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