Chapter 290 Arriving at Wuhun City

Tang Sui was floating in the dark and quiet sea, and it took some time before she slowly opened her eyes.

【You shouldn't be so impulsive, you were just a little bit close, if Sword Douluo Chenxin hadn't arrived, you would be gone by now. 】

The sound of the system is rare and cold.

Tang Sui's slender eyelashes trembled, his pupils looked at the deep black without focus, and his lips moved: "But I can't help it, I can't help but watch the people who care about me and me die "

【It is foolish to pin your feelings on others.In your last life, haven't you understood this truth? 】

The sound of the system floated from all directions. In an instant, Tang Sui's ears seemed to be filled with the ravings of many people, rushing into her brain, making her even more sleepy.

——'No one will stand by your side from beginning to end. '

They chattered.

——'It's only us who can be by your side.You and us are bound together. '

It seemed to be a curse and a promise, clearly imprinted on Tang Sui's heart.

She closed her eyes tiredly, let go of her spirit, and let herself continue to sink and float in this dark spiritual sea.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she seemed to hear a cold snort.

The participating soul master team of Heaven Dou Empire continued to move forward. Just like what Ning Fengzhi said, there were no large number and powerful "robbers" blocking the way.

There were still more than 400 members of the Royal Knights escorting them, but just in case, Prince Xue Qinghe dispatched part of the Iron Armored Army from the cities they passed by in batches to assist the Knights guards and make up for the vacancies.

Along the way, the atmosphere among the people in Shrek Academy seemed a bit dull.

Tang Sui has been in a coma and has not woken up. Dugu Bo and the others also checked Tang Sui's situation separately, and found that they were all asleep because they were too weak.

If it wasn't for Tang Sui's pulse condition which was just a little vain and could be considered stable, Tang San would have been unable to sit still for a long time.

Xiao Wu also came to check on Tang Sui's situation from time to time. When she found that Tang Sui seemed to have entered a deep sleep for self-protection, she looked at Tang Sui thoughtfully.

That sense of sight came again.

Sui Sui's cultivation method is really similar to theirs. After a soul beast is seriously injured, it will also find a secluded place to enter a deep sleep state to speed up recovery.

Unless it is poisoned that is difficult to melt away, everything else can be slowly converted into energy to repair the body in a deep sleep.

But when those Title Douluo were around, they all behaved the same.

Could it be that Sui Sui also has something hiding her aura?

Xiao Wu suspiciously looked at Tang San in the other carriage who closed his eyes and meditated, muttering in his heart.

But Xiaosan is indeed a human being.

what on earth is it?

Xiao Wu couldn't figure it out, so she could only continue to practice with wonder and doubts.

The hard work paid off, when she was five days away from Wuhun City, Xiao Wu finally broke through to level [-].

In order for her to have the fourth soul ring as soon as possible.Liu Erlong took Xiao Wu with a strange face and left the team temporarily to find a suitable soul beast, and then joined the others after settling down in Wuhun City.

Looking at the reluctant Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun murmured in a low voice: "It's such a good thing that someone is rushing to help hunt the soul beast, why does Xiao Wu still look reluctant?"

Oscar also scratched the back of his head: "Yeah, Xiao Wu doesn't really want to be accompanied by Teacher Erlong."

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu's back being dragged away by Liu Erlong, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Maybe she thinks she has grown up."

Commonly known as: the wings are hard, and they can fly solo by themselves.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar: "."


After another few days of rushing, finally, the whole team arrived at Wuhun City within the expected time.

Because of the special regulations of Wuhun City, Xue Qinghe ordered the Iron Armored Army and the Royal Knights to station outside the city, and he led fifteen teams of soul masters into Wuhun City.

Compared with huge cities like Tiandou City and Suotuo City, Wuhun City is much smaller.It's not even a tenth of the area of ​​Tiandou City.However, the shock it brought to the soul masters is still quite a lot.

In the small Wuhun City, the city walls were definitely built according to the standard of the main city.The 80-meter-high city wall looks extremely majestic from the outside, and the thickness of the city wall is more than three meters. It is completely repaired from hard granite.

Even Ning Fengzhi, who has a lot of money, would sigh to himself when he saw Wuhun City.

You must know that this place was originally just a barren land, and every brick and tile on it was built with Wuhundian's own funds.

Although the whole city is not big, it shows unusually strong financial resources.

The periphery of Wuhun City is hexagonal, which means it has six walls.

The guardian soul masters wearing the uniform of the Wuhun Hall are stationed on it, and from time to time a small group of patrolling figures can be seen passing by.

On each of the six walls, a huge relief sculpture is carved.

They have different patterns, but they are all exactly the same as the tokens of the Wuhun Hall, symbolizing six powerful Wuhuns.

Walking into Wuhun City, it feels empty.

There are not many pedestrians on the street, and there are few shops. Most of these shops operate some items that soul masters need. They even sell space storage soul guides. Of course, the quality is lower.

Tang San, who was carrying Tang Sui on his back, looked past the shops offering daily necessities for soul masters, and landed on the sparse food stalls.

Looking around, there were no more than two or three stalls, and they all sold ordinary snacks. Sui Sui probably wasn't very interested.

Having figured it out, Tang San bumped Tang Sui on his back, and continued to follow the main force.

(End of this chapter)

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