Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 296 Battle against Star Luo Royal Academy 2

Chapter 296 Battle against Star Luo Royal Academy 2
After saying that, tyrannical soul power spread from him.

Except for Tang San and Tang Sui brothers and sisters, everyone else is surrounded by two yellow and two purple four soul rings.

"Wan, Wannian soul ring?!"

"How is it possible?! Her first soul ring is actually a thousand years old?!"

"Wait... that little girl with a thousand year soul ring, she is actually... the soul king!"

There were exclamations everywhere, from the Wuhundian academy and the academy team from Star Luo Empire.

The domineering and tyrannical soul rings on the two brothers and sisters brought a shocking visual effect to others. Even the other members of the Starfall Royal Academy, who had mocking smiles on their lips, saw their entire branch, no matter if it was single-pointed or as a whole. After the strength of the team gave people an extremely strong oppressive force, the ease on the face and the smile on the corner of the mouth disappeared.

Including Zhu Zhuyun and Davis who were the leaders, looked in astonishment at Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing whose strength had soared, and at Tang Sui and Tang San whose spirit ring ratio was different from ordinary people, deep fear arose in their hearts.

Not to mention that the entire team is above the level of the Soul Sect, and all the soul rings are top-matched, and there are even two guys with abnormal soul ring ratios.

But what shocked them even more was Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing whose strength had both been promoted to the Soul Sect level.

In just a split second, even if the spirit ring was also cast, the pressure on the spirit ring greatly weakened the previous momentum of the Star Luo Empire.

"Game start!"

Following the referee's order, both teams set off at the same time. Tang Sui did not retreat to the safer rear with Ning Rongrong, but staggered his position with Ning Rongrong. If the opponent attacked her, he would not be able to reach Ning Rong Rong.

"The first soul skill, spirit injection."

The deep purple thousand year spirit ring emitted a light halo, Dai Mubai and the others' attributes all got a certain degree of increase.

"Rongrong, give me soul power!"

Tang San retreated quickly, speaking while moving the landing point.

Ma Hongjun flew into the sky quickly, Xiao Wu rushed to Dai Mubai's left, Zhu Zhuqing rushed to the right.

"The Nine Treasures are famous, and the third one is: Soul!"

The millennium third ring flickered, the radiance of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda rose up, and settled on Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing at the same time.

On Davis on the opposite side, the first soul skill White Tiger Body Barrier has appeared.

The same spirit, although his soul skills are not exactly the same as Dai Mubai's, but the first three soul skills are the same.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun moved.

Davis took the lead, unleashing a tyrannical aura, the third deep purple thousand-year-old soul ring flashed light, and the third soul skill White Tiger Transformation appeared in unison, crushing the rushing up with absolute superiority in the level of soul power. Dai Mubai and the others.

"Oops. The difference in spirit power level is too big, Xiao Wu and the others are suppressed."

Qin Ming, who was a bystander, looked at Davis who stopped Dai Mubai and his three soul sects by himself, his face changed slightly.

The master was also sullen and silent, looking down, Zhu Zhuyun, who was originally standing behind Davis, also started to move.

The auxiliary soul master of Xingluo Royal Academy activated the soul skill, and the auxiliary light flew from behind Zhu Zhuyun.

The moment the light fell on Zhu Zhuyun's body, Zhu Zhuyun's body distorted in mid-air, leaving a black afterimage on the field like an arrow flying off the string, and she had already bypassed Davis, Come straight to Tang Sui!

Tang Sui leaned back, stepped a little, kicked back after flipping in mid-air, and kicked hard on Zhu Zhuyun Beng's tight arm.

Zhu Zhuyun, who didn't expect Tang Sui's reaction to be so quick, subconsciously raised his hand to block.

However, the light force coming from her arm made her look surprised, but in the next second, her eyes burst into ecstasy, and the arc of her mouth widened a bit, as if she didn't expect Tang Sui to be favored by them. The feared first target would be so weak!

She gave up her defense and stretched out her sharp claws to grab Tang Sui.

Tang Sui's expression was calm, and when Zhu Zhuyun grabbed her again, he used the fusion version of the ghost shadow fascination footwork, and quietly introduced Zhu Zhuyun's position towards them, pulling away from Davis. their distance.

"The fourth soul skill, Blue Silver Prison!"

Seeing that Tang Sui wanted to lure the enemy into the depths of Tang San's dark soul ring flickering, the fourth soul skill was activated, and in the gap where Tang Sui, the target, moved away from Zhu Zhuyun's eyes, several black blue and silver spears shot out of the ground out of thin air. The grass and vines instantly formed a solid cage to imprison Zhu Zhuyun.

"The fourth soul skill, Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike!"

Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up when he saw this scene from a high altitude, and he launched his most powerful soul skill attack without hesitation!

Davies, who was fighting with Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing with ease, caught a glimpse of this scene, Davies snorted coldly, his eyes soared, he actually completely ignored Xiao Wu's charm skill, under the boost of White Tiger Vajra Transformation, A wave of white tiger light swept past Xiao Wu, while forcing her back, it also cleverly found the angle of attack, and spit out towards Zhu Zhuyun who was trapped by the pitch-black blue and silver cage.

"Second soul skill, Baihu Lie Guangbo!"

- off topic -

I would like to make an important announcement, because the epidemic situation in Moli has decreased and various regions have begun to unblock, so in mid-August, the internship unit assigned by the school will enter the internship period, and the update will be temporarily adjusted to two updates a day starting this month.

Xiaojiu saves more manuscripts in the manuscript box every day, just as a way to save more manuscripts for the future, a little afraid that the update will be interrupted due to being too busy.

Forgive me, cuties (bow)

(End of this chapter)

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