Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 298 Battle against Star Luo Royal Academy 4

Chapter 298 Battle against Star Luo Royal Academy 4
Tang Sui didn't know if Xingluo Royal Academy was miserable or not, she only knew that there was nothing to do with them for the time being.

As long as she is given some more time, once the cooling time of the second soul skill is up, the buff can be applied again.

And on the battle stage, this academy-to-academy battle has become a fight between Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Davis, and Zhu Zhuyun.

"Strange, why aren't they moving?"

The onlookers who didn't know about the family dispute between the four didn't know why, and those who knew it watched in horror as the Hell White Tiger's paw went down, two or three ribs were broken, and the Hell White Tiger fought back madly. The bite was miserable.

It's like coming to the cruel natural circle, watching the battle of survival and the battle of kings directly.


Under the pressure of death, wings were born, and the ghost white tiger officially stepped from the king of the land to the wider world and let out a roar.

The big cat soaring in the sky stunned everyone, and at the right moment, like a meteor falling, from top to bottom, it patted the forearm of another Nether White Tiger precisely and fiercely with one paw.


The sound of Davis's shoulder bone breaking was so clear that it spread throughout the audience.

The other Nether White Tiger didn't even let out a scream, and was forced to directly cancel the martial soul fusion form.


The Nether White Tiger with two wings on its back let out a roar announcing victory at last, and then it turned into a purple light.

In the next second, the huge Nether White Tiger turned into two people again, and Dai Mubai, whose soul power was exhausted, lost his strength and fell limp, and was barely supported by Zhu Zhuqing, so he was not even more embarrassed like Davis who was half kneeling on the ground .

The blood spilling from the wound soaked the cloth, leaving large and small scars on their bodies, and they were still staring at each other fiercely at this moment.

The other players who were also waiting for the fight between the main players of both sides to come to an end took action at this time.

Tang San, who had been prepared for a long time, controlled two black blue silver grass vines, precisely encircled Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's waist, pulled them back to his protective circle, and whispered: "Seven monsters riot!"

After the words fell, before the other members of Xing Luo had rushed to Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's side, Tang San activated his first spirit ability, Entangling.

The pitch-black blue silver grass vines soared into the sky, tightly binding Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, who had exhausted their soul power.

"team leader!"

Seeing this, the other members of Xingluo swept away and rushed towards the trapped two.

"Want to save someone? No way!"

The phoenix wings burning with flames behind Ma Hongjun who was acting as the air guard shook, and he rushed to the front of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, lowered his altitude a bit, and was also rushing towards them to cover Davis and Zhu Zhuyun. The withdrawn Xingluo Royal Academy team shot a phoenix fire.

"The second soul skill, good face."

As soon as the cooling time was up, Tang Sui applied this soul ability to Dai Mubai without hesitation, and at the same time, Ning Rongrong's light of amplification fell on Dai Mubai again.

"Boss Dai, Fatty!"

Tang San called out their names in a deep voice, Dai Mubai looked at the embarrassed elder brother, took a deep breath, and began to charge his fourth spirit ability, White Tiger Meteor Shower!

"Got it!"

After receiving Tang San's signal, the corners of Ma Hongjun's mouth twitched with malicious intent.

The two soul rings surrounding him flickered, and at the same moment, two soul skills, Phoenix on Fire and Phoenix Wings Flying in the Sky, flashed from Ma Hongjun's body at the same time.

Davis, who caught a glimpse of the two people's movements, came back to his senses and realized that something was wrong.

Because the teammates all rushed to rescue him and Zhu Zhuyun, so now the seven people on their side, except for the auxiliary system soul master who stayed behind, the other four team members are all standing very close to them!

"Not good! Go away!"

Davis hurriedly drank away his teammates, but it was too late.

In the sky, accompanied by a clear phoenix cry, Ma Hongjun's burly body glides away under the envelope of burning flames, leaving only a halo distorted by the terrifying heat in the air.

"The fourth soul skill, Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike!"

"The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower!"

Two terrifying fourth soul skills were used, one blasted down from above like a meteor shower, and the other had already progressed to the second stage of Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike, a pillar of molten flame bursting from the ground!

The terrifying forces from the ground and the air exploded simultaneously.

Amidst the distorted roar, Ma Hongjun's rear-hand restriction skill, which needed to be displayed in stages, had a terrifying effect.

The dazzling explosion subsided, and the dust and mist that blocked people's sight gradually dispersed.

Relying on his own speed, Zhu Zhuyun barely escaped from the attack range of the two terrifying fourth soul skills, clutching his bleeding shoulder, and looked at his teammates lying on the ground in shock.

Even though their Star Luo Academy team is still on the stage, she is the only one who is really standing!

On the towering terrace of the Pope's Palace, Pope Bibi Dong, who had overlooked the entire battle from above, squinted her eyes, thinking that this battle had no concept of continuing.

and she wants to see
Bibi Dong's eyes fell on Ning Rongrong's side, her face was as pale as snow, Tang Sui, who obviously hadn't joined the battle much later, but was still panting, looked at Tang San again, thinking that it was nothing more than that.

—— Digression——

See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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