Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 312 Decisive Battle!Wuhundian Academy 2

Chapter 312 Decisive Battle!Wuhundian Academy 2
The three of Xie Yue standing in the front all had five soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and one black, flashing with the best soul ring accessories.

The other four people behind them, even if they are a little inferior, are all top lineups with two yellows, two purples and four soul rings.

Among them, a male student standing at the back quickly took a step back the moment he released his martial soul, and he had a golden scepter in his hand.

Standing is also a weapon soul, there is no doubt that he is also an auxiliary weapon soul master.

When they released their martial souls, Shrek also released his own martial souls at the same time.

The seven people stood in order, with Tang San and Dai Mubai at the front.Standing behind them were Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun, and Tang Sui stood between them, slightly leaning back.The last row was Ning Rongrong and Oscar, forming a two-three-two formation.

Completely different from the last match, this time, Shrek Academy did not use the seven-in-one fusion skill, but released its own martial spirit very normally.

Seven people, six four-ring top match.

Tang San, who possesses the ten thousand year spirit ring, seems to have been buried under Tang Sui's extremely conspicuous and unscientific spirit ring configuration at the end.

"The first ring of the millennium?!"

"The fourth ring of ten thousand years!"

It was the first time Xie Yue and the others saw Tang Sui's soul ring with their own eyes, and their attention was instantly attracted.

Even though Bibi Dong had mentioned it to them before, Tang Sui's soul ring configuration was also written on the collected information, but what they saw with their own eyes still gave them a great shock.

This woman must not stay!

After the shock, a strong killing intent rose in the hearts of the seven of them.

On the opposite side, Tang Sui, who was acutely aware of the murderous intent emanating from them, lowered her eyes slightly. Surrounding her were still the fox-faced and ape-faced faces that had already been shown, and Da Feichu did not appear.

On the terrace, Bibi Dong and the others lingered on the most conspicuous Tang Sui for a while, especially Bibi Dong, who carefully looked at the two masks that gave her a little bit of weirdness, and gently rubbed the finger holding the scepter on the scepter , as if thinking about something.

"Game start!"

At the same time as announcing the start of the final battle of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the cardinal retreated quickly and gave way to the home field.

Just like when Yu Tianheng and the others were fighting, the first mover of the Wuhundian academy team was not the front captain Xie Yue, but his younger sister Hu Liena.

Hu Liena, who was originally standing at the back, turned around, moved her lotus steps lightly, and a pink light flashed by, and Hu Liena came to the front of the line, with her fluffy foxtail swaying behind her, Hu Liena showed off her face A smile is like a hundred flowers blooming, amazing.

But what surprised her was that her charm had just been cast, Tang San who was standing side by side with Dai Mubai was unmoved, Tang Sui who retreated to Ning Rongrong and Oscar at some point, was actually Dai Mubai The moment Hu Liena left, they quickly closed their hearing, and their eyes were also tightly closed, with a gesture of full trust in their teammates.

Hu Liena's eyes narrowed slightly, and when she was about to increase the level of charm, Tang Sui, who stood at the back and stared at her but was as unmoved as her brother, suddenly smiled.

what happened?

As soon as this thought came to her mind, her vision suddenly fell into a brief darkness.


Xie Yue and the others' worried exclamations reached Hu Liena's ears, but they went in from one ear to the other and out from the right. The person who was supposed to hear was still standing there stiffly, and that charming and beautiful face had been replaced by another person at this moment. It was replaced by an ape mask with huge red pupils.

The reddish light lingering around Hu Liena suddenly disappeared, and she froze there motionless!

Bibi Dong and the others looked in amazement at the ape mask that disappeared beside Tang Sui and suddenly appeared on Hu Liena's face.

On Ning Fengzhi's side, they were surprised and then rejoiced, while on Wuhundian's side, their expressions were ugly.

"Get rid of that mask!" Xie Yue reacted very quickly and rushed towards Hu Liena.

But at the same time, Tang San also shouted loudly, the voice containing internal force rang in the minds of his companions, waking them up.

"Seven monsters riot!"

The influence of the charm disappeared, Dai Mubai suddenly opened his sharp eyes, kicked his feet, and jumped out from the spot, darting towards Hu Liena and the others.

"Using a mask to block Hu Liena's charm? Master, is this also a tactic you came up with?" Qin Ming looked surprised.

Xiao Wu said awkwardly: "That's not it! I discovered this a long time ago when I was sparring with Sui Sui! I just thought that since Sui Sui was able to fight against my charm at that time, he would also use it in reverse. If I restrain it, it should also be able to deal with that Hu Liena."

The master nodded, what Xiao Wu said was not bad at all.

Down below, when Dai Mubai jumped up, Tang San was not far behind, coordinating with Dai Mubai's attack speed and rushed forward, five jet-black blue silver grass shot out from his right hand, entangled in the Except for Tang Sui, the waists of the other five people on our side quickly occupied a favorable position, occupying the control area of ​​the Blue Silver Grass.

Dai Mubai blocked Xie Yue's path forward, fierce tiger claws swung at him, Xie Yue quickly raised the moon blade.

The crisp sound of the two hard objects colliding was like a bell, awakening Hu Liena who was drowning in the nightmare.

She raised her hand to tear off the ape mask covering her face.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly loose mask was sticky like superglue at this moment, sticking tightly to Hu Liena's face, making it impossible for her to tear it off for a while.

—— Digression——

Ape Face: Secret technique!Desperate to attack!
Originally, I finished today’s update once, but the lazy cancer still won the victory. There are still two chapters to be released later. Chirp~
(End of this chapter)

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