Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 320 Decisive Battle!Wuhundian Academy 10

Chapter 320 Decisive Battle!Wuhundian Academy 10
The berserk full moon still approached Tang San with terrifying speed and power, and it couldn't slow down the opponent's speed!

Seeing that Tang San was about to be hit by the full moon, suddenly, like falling into water, he fell into the pitch-black shadow under his feet, and disappeared on the demon's attack track!

The main target of Yaomei's autorotation disappeared without a trace, while the other five Shrek monsters moved nimbly in the air, avoiding Yaomei's attack trajectory early on.

Turning around, Yaomei froze for a moment visible to the naked eye, because he had temporarily lost his attack target, and if he went to chase the other Shrek five monsters at this time, Dai Mubai and the others flew over Yan and the others. If he rolls over, their teammates will also be drawn into the terrifying full moon.

Tang San!

Hu Liena and Xie Yue gritted their teeth and called out the name in their hearts.

As for Tang Sui, they ignored it for the time being, because Tang San's hatred was even greater at the moment.

Holding her breath, Yaomei was about to stop Yuanyue's attack.

However, in the next second, Yaomei's target suddenly appeared in front of Yan and the others. There was still a short distance away from Yaomei, but it was not impossible to rush over.

The full moon has been used, anyway, their soul power will be exhausted in the end, it is better to fight, maybe they can take Tang San and Tang Sui down!
The moment the decision was made, Yaomei continued to spin at high speed, and slammed into Tang San viciously.

Tang San, all dressed in pitch black, stood there, his pitch black eyes reflected the growing storm, pitch black blue silver grass vines shot out from the ground, not only spreading towards the demonic moths, but also towards his back Yan them.

The blue silver grass vines were still fragmented when they came into contact with the storm on the outer circle of the full moon. As for the vines that derived from Xiang Yan and the others.

Yan, who wanted to burn the blue silver grass directly, miscalculated the fire resistance of the blue silver grass, but when he reacted and applied the burst attribute, it was too late, so he could only dodge and move in embarrassment temporarily, avoiding that place A space firmly occupied by blue silver grass vines like spider webs.

The five Shrek monsters who followed Yan and the others also moved their positions as a matter of course, looking like a rascal.

In a word: We will be where you go.The mvp of this candy must belong to them!
On this end, the full moon rushing towards Tang San scored twice, and when the violent air current was about to engulf Tang San, Tang San fell into the shadow under his feet again, making the full moon roll into the air.

But Yaomei had to control the mighty Yuanyue to stop her advance, because if they went a little further, their teammates would also be involved.

Oscar, who was flying in the air, said that luckily the second soul skill was thrown to him before Tang Sui rushed into the red mist, and he still has [-]% of his soul power, and he only needs to consume two whimsical mushroom sausages each time, Let's see who can afford it!

"No way, brother, every time the full moon is about to roll around Tang San, the other party will melt into the shadow strangely, our full moon can't touch that special shadow space, if we go on like this, we can only be played around by Tang San! "

In the connected mental space, Hu Liena spoke to her brother Xie Yue with a pale face.

Xie Yue's complexion was slightly distorted, her eyes were full of unwillingness, holding back her breath, she dispelled the mighty Yuan Yue, and together with Hu Liena whose soul power was almost exhausted, she dispelled the form of the martial soul fusion skill and turned back into two people. Standing on the competition stage with a pale face.

And what Tang San and Tang Sui were waiting for was this moment!

Tang San's left hand had five empty fingers, the pitch-black Clear Sky Hammer was only held by his jade-colored hand, with a touch of his foot, he swung towards Hu Liena and Xie Yue whose soul power was exhausted.

Yan, who had been on guard against Shrek, shot scorching flames from his eyes, and at the moment Tang San moved, he also kicked on the ground suddenly, and his whole body rushed towards Tang San like a cannonball, intending to cut off his attack.

Seeing this, Flender, who was on the sidelines, raised the corners of his lips in a disdainful arc, thinking that Tang San, who was in the state of the first martial arts fusion skill, moved to another position without even him and Zhao Wuji reacting, just you Can a soul king catch Tang San?
The eyes of the others were also staring at this scene without blinking, and they held their breath unconsciously, for fear of missing any wonderful moment.

Under the attention of everyone, Tang San's sprint speed slowed down for a moment for some reason.

At this very moment, the smile on the corner of Flender's mouth froze, and Yan rushed to Tang San's forward trajectory with a vigorous step, and directly used the fifth soul skill Feisha Kuangyan without saying a word.

The high flame temperature distorted the air, and Tang San's figure turned into afterimages under the soaring fire curtain. In Yan's suddenly shrunk pupils, he broke through Yan's fire wall defense and his own hot rock attack inconceivably. Xie Yue and Hu Liena rushed to hold the group.


Yan turned around in disbelief, revealing his defenseless back.

The corners of Tang San's lips were slightly hooked, his eyes were chasing Xie Yue, but the figure that had already jumped out jumped back as quickly as if it touched a spring in the next second, and came face to face with Yan.

It turned out to be a feint? !

Before the shock on Yan's face dissipated, another huge black shadow directly covered his face and slammed down!

Xie Yue and Hu Liena were startled, and stared fiercely at Tang San's exposed back. One waved the moon blade in his hand and stabbed at the straight back, while the other gathered the remaining trace of soul power in his hand. , slashing at Tang San's neck with a palm.

Purple light flashed in Tang San's dark black pupils who didn't look back, and in the quake of Bibi Dong's pupils, eight spider spirit bones covered with black down feathers shot out from Tang San's back.


"team leader!"

The other three members of the Wuhundian team only had time to stretch out their hands and scream, but the sharp and barbed eight spider spirit bones ruthlessly penetrated their shoulder blades, brushed against their waists, The tragic posture was nailed to death in mid-air by the eight spider spirit bones.

"Do not--!"

Yan's eyes were about to burst.

—— Digression——

PS: It's not dead, it's just fixed.

There is a dinner party tonight, the old father is drunk, and Mo Li has to take care of this childish drunk, mentally exhausted, one watch today, three watch tomorrow, tired.

(End of this chapter)

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