Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 327 She doesn't want to be a burden every time!

Chapter 327 She doesn't want to be a burden every time!


In the heavy explosion, the bodies of the two titled Douluo, Yueguan and Guimei, were bounced back like cannonballs, and smashed into the hard wall of the Wuhun Hall. Even at the last moment, they used their soul power to protect them in time. In spite of himself, the internal organs were still quite traumatized.

"Haotian Hammer!"

The faces of the two changed drastically at the same time. As Titled Douluo, they faced such a result when they shot at the same time. This was the first time in many years.

Everyone turned their heads to stare at the black-robed figure that silently appeared in the void.

Even though the lovesickness heartbroken red on Xiao Wu among the Shrek Eight Monsters was blown away by the majestic momentum, which made her instantly reveal the aura of the soul beast's real body, but at this moment, she only got a few glimpses of surprise.

Because all of their sights and attention were highly focused on the black shadow in the void, and they didn't dare to slack off in the slightest!
What about the transformation of a 10-year-old soul beast?That also depends on the current situation!
The much-anticipated figure was dressed in a plain black robe, with the hood removed, revealing his weather-beaten rough face and bloodshot eyes.

He just stood quietly in the void, but all the titled Douluo present changed their faces, especially the people in the Wuhun Palace, headed by Yueguan and Guigui, their bodies trembled unconsciously, almost It was trembling that he read out the name that once made the entire continent change color——

"Tang Hao."


Tang San's eyes, who were protecting Tang Sui, burst out with joy, joy filled his heart, mixed with hatred for Wuhundian and his own powerlessness, all mixed up.

"Tang Hao!"

Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes, and the nine spirit rings surrounding her suddenly released a powerful aura. The spider spirit behind her raised its huge forelimbs, moved its mouthparts, and let out a scream.

Yue Guan and Gui Mei quickly retreated to Bibi Dong's side.

Facing Tang Hao, the soul power of the three titled Douluo was fully activated, and the tremendous pressure caused the surrounding soul masters to retreat in a panic. Realizing the crisis and the beginning of the battle, the weaker soul masters immediately scattered and fled.

At the same time as the screeching sound rang out, from the main hall of the Pope's Hall, the expressions of the other priests in the Hall of Elders sitting idle on the elders' seats changed suddenly, and they released their martial spirits instantly.

Nine majestic soul rings rose from their feet, and everyone present here is all Title Douluo!
"Called someone?"

The corner of Tang Hao's mouth twitched, a bloody light flashed in his eyes, the killing god domain opened, and soul rings rose slowly from Tang Hao's feet one after another.

The speed of the spirit ring's rise was not fast, but with the appearance of each spirit ring, Tang Hao's sense of oppression became heavier and heavier.

Even in the face of the huge pressure exerted by the three titled Douluo, he was still suppressed by Tang Hao's concentrating aura that gradually increased with the soul rings!

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red.

The nine soul rings on Tang Hao's body are exactly the same as the soul rings on Bibi Dong's, but even if the soul rings are the same, at this moment, Tang Hao's aura is not even comparable to Bibi Dong, even three The powerful aura formed by people also fell behind the terrifying aura of Tang Hao alone!
Is Tang Hao's strength already so terrifying? !

While raising his hand, Dugu Bo turned his soul power into a barrier to protect the weak Flender and the others, while watching the competition of this battle of momentum through the gap between his fingers, unwilling to take his eyes off at all.

Because he knew that since Tang Hao showed up, he definitely wouldn't just let Wuhundian go so easily!
In the void, Tang Hao, feeling the tyrannical aura of the other seven, swept coldly towards the Pope's Palace behind Bibi Dong, and sneered: "What about the seven titled Douluo? See clearly, this is the real Haotian avatar!"

Tang San was refreshed, because Tang Hao's last words were obviously addressed to him.

He and Sui Sui, currently only he has displayed Haotian True Body.


The seventh soul ring lit up with a deep black light, the huge black Clear Sky Hammer behind Tang Hao suddenly bloomed, and the intense black light surged violently.


The gigantic Clear Sky Hammer stretched out against the wind, and it turned out to be a hundred meters long.

The huge hammerhead stands like a hill.Conspicuous red lines emerged from the huge Clear Sky Hammer.

The ninth blood-red 10-year red soul ring on Tang Hao's body suddenly lit up, and the black sledgehammer instantly turned completely red.

Every second of charging time is long and heavy.

Under this terrifying power, Bibi Dong and the others all changed their expressions, not to mention fully activated their soul power, and directly displayed their seventh soul skill, Spirit Avatar.

Use the power of one person to fight against the digital titled Douluo of the Wuhun Temple with the real body of the weapon soul.

Tang Sui knew that her father would definitely be able to do it, but the backlash and trauma she suffered were equally huge.

Could it be that every time they face danger, they can only be protected behind them, as their burden?

Tang Sui questioned himself in his heart.

In the collision of the mighty hammer wind and the majestic soul power, Tang Sui clenched his fists tightly, resisting the tyrannical momentum of the two sides fighting against each other. Under the horrified eyes of Tang San and the others, Tang Sui released his own martial soul.

She doesn't want to become a burden every time!
"Second Soul Skill, Good Face!"

She jumped out of Chen Xin's and their soul protection circle, and set foot on the battlefield like the scene of a natural disaster.

The pressure was overwhelming, and it was oppressed on Tang Sui in an instant.

Against this pressure, the three masks guarding Tang Sui used their demon power crazily to open up the protective cover for Tang Sui.

"Sui Sui!"

Tang San stretched out his hand, but he couldn't even reach the corner of Tang Sui's clothes.

"Dangerous! You can't go out!"

Liu Erlong firmly held onto Tang San who wanted to follow, but her worried and anxious eyes never left the leaping Tang Sui.

"The first soul skill, spirit injection!"

The black-red auxiliary light fell on Tang Hao who was in the void, and at the same time lit up on everyone who helped them.

[Beep——mental power continues to decline!Please pay attention to the endangered point of the host! 】

The system beeped urgently, and Tang Sui's mental strength, which was used to resist the impact of the battle, began to fall like a roller coaster, but she still did not stop casting her soul skills.

"The fifth soul skill, face of reincarnation!"

There were not many, but there were multiple supports all falling on Tang Hao.

The [-]-meter-long super giant hammer smashed down in the air, and amidst the loud bang like a thunderstorm exploding, the sound of the system suddenly sounded in Tang Sui's mind——

[Di——It is detected that the host's spiritual power, demon power, and soul power have all reached the endangered point. Because there is no energy supplement, the forced hosting mode will be activated soon. 】

—— Digression——

Hey, see you tomorrow~
Thank you to all the cute little cuties who voted and rewarded for the ink carp in the past few days~!Thanks also to "Bubble" for the cute long comment (although I can't see Aba Aba in the background now)

(End of this chapter)

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