Chapter 329 Seven Faces Reappear
What do you do in the first second when you regain control of your body?
The answer is to escape!
Except for Tang Hao, the others were like a spring, and when the black mud was about to touch them, they bounced back in the direction they came from.

Tang Hao stared helplessly at the delicate pale face, the familiar appearance suddenly became unfamiliar, the pure black pupils were icy cold and strange, the corners of the pressed lips met his gaze After meeting each other, they slowly curved into a smile.

That smile made his hair explode, with an indescribable strangeness.

And this inexplicable sense of fear and trembling awakened the deepest and most palpitating memory in him that was deposited deep in the memory palace.

"It's you!"

Tang Hao's pupils shrank suddenly, thinking of the day he least wanted to recall, the terrifying existence that suddenly attacked him and the former Pope Chihiro Ji of the Wuhun Temple.


There are seven black and gold vertical pupils on the strands of red vines. The one-sided mask is like an extremely thin blade, and the seven eyeballs are rolling.



A shrill scream sounded from a cardinal who couldn't dodge in time.

The cardinal stained with black mud seemed to be stuck tightly with 502 glue, and the black mud seemed to come alive. Countless tiny tentacles stretched out, climbed up his frightened and hideous face, slowly crawled across the cheekbones, and finally stopped at His eyelashes trembling with fear magnified in the desperate and terrified pupils of the cardinal, scrambling to get into his eye sockets, quickly corroding the eyeballs!


The scorching pain spread from both eyes, and in the blink of an eye, the cardinal's eyes had turned into two bloody holes.

The eyeballs disappeared, and the sticky flesh and capillaries gushed out blood, smearing his cheeks.

"What the hell is this?!"

An elder of Wuhun Temple's expression changed suddenly after seeing the tragic situation of the soul emperor-level cardinal, and he dared not slack off in the slightest. He opened the protective cover of soul power and slashed those who surrounded him with soul power. The black mud waved back.

Tang Hao, who had witnessed the tragic situation of the cardinal, dared not hide.

And there is

Tang Hao landed heavily, and together with Dugu Bo, he propped up the barrier of soul power, fending off the strange black mud for the weak Flender and the Shrek Seven Monsters who had just been stunned.

"These black mud are a bit weird."

Carefully protecting Ning Fengzhi and approaching Tang Hao and the others, Chen Xin keenly sensed that there was something wrong with the black mud that surrounded them but didn't treat them like other Wuhundian people.

"They... seem to only attack the people of the Wuhun Palace?!" Gu Rong also observed, and after discovering that Bibi Dong and the others were all entangled in the black mud, he couldn't help murmuring, then raised his head and looked at the void where the people were trapped. Seven girls surrounded by dark golden masks as thin as blades.

As if aware of their gaze, the girl lowered her head, the familiar and unfamiliar pale face came into view, and finally saw the quake in the eyes of the little disciple's master, and couldn't believe it was the Tang Sui they were familiar with.

"What are those...and those seven mask-like living creatures with eyes?" Ning Fengzhi couldn't describe the appropriate words for the seven dark golden masks. He could only say that the seven masks now are living.

"Seven masks. Could it be the final form of Sui Sui's martial soul?" Flender said with difficulty, looking at the girl with a completely unfamiliar gaze.

"Let's take advantage of the chaos and leave here. This is also her last wish."

While Tang Hao and the others were watching, "Tang Sui" spoke condescendingly, and that playful voice seemed to be mixed with other things, but the minds of the masters who heard these words suddenly went blank.

"what did you just say.?"

Tang Hao's hoarse voice trembled slightly.

The corners of "Tang Sui"'s lips curved deeper, ignoring the group of stunned guys, and raising her hand, a dark light emerged from her palm, and the seven masks that surrounded her were like arrows flying out of the string, without any rules , step by step fiercely stabbing everyone in the Wuhun Hall.

And another ball of black light rushed towards them suddenly, exploded in front of the soul power barrier formed by Dugu Bo and the others, and turned into a black membrane, covering the outer layer.

For a moment, the people who were enveloped inside couldn't see the battle situation outside.

"Tang Sui"'s slender white fingers slowly gathered in the void, and the sound of shattering rang in his ears. The next second, the black light film that wrapped Dugu Bo and the others disappeared in place.


The explosion sounded.

"Tang Sui", who tore apart the space with his bare hands and sent Tang Hao and the others away, looked sideways. Bibi Dong and the others, who were still passive just now, have quickly formed an formation under the leadership of the seven Titled Douluo and stabilized their state. Now Ready to point the finger at her and launch an attack.

"Everyone obey orders, take down Tang Sui!"

Bibi Dong's majestic soul power was swept away, and the menacing black mud was pushed back a few centimeters.


This body and current strength are still too weak.

Supplementary energy is only a drop in the bucket, far less than consumed.

Containment is temporary, and resistance is delusional. At least for now, they don't have the power to contend with Title Douluo.

"Tang Sui" narrowed his eyes slightly, and made a decision instantly.

Feeling the buzzing of the seven masks in "Tang Sui's mind", the fierce offensive changed, and it was even more violent and faster than the scraping just now. Huge smoke and dust covered everyone's vision.

"The eighth soul skill, radiant light!"

"The eighth soul skill, the blade of mist shadow!"

Yueguan and another Douluo's eighth soul skill in the Hall of Elders cast their eighth soul skills at the same time, golden light and deep purple light exploded, the smoke and dust were blown away, but "Tang Sui" had already disappeared in the void!

Without noticing the slightest bit of aura, Bibi Dong's face was as dark as black iron, making her run away abruptly under her nose.

After witnessing the opponent's terrifying lethality and concealed means of escape, there was only one thought left in everyone's mind - Tang Sui must not be allowed to live any longer!

—— Digression——

There is no card to fight, so I will see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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