Chapter 331 Farewell
Falling consciousness, ups and downs.

She seemed to hear countless distorted voices lingering in her ears, like the ravings of a dream, crowded together with the tumbling vortex in the abyss, forming a more chaotic world.

In such a world, there is no gravity, no concept of time, only endless loneliness.

The entire pitch-black space was silent, without the sound of any living creatures, and even the sound of the wind seemed to have stopped.

I don't know how long it took before Tang Sui slowly opened his tired eyes, and looked at the dark surroundings with some emptiness.

【you're awake. 】

A voice even more weary than hers sounded in this space.

This time, even the mechanical sound could not cover up the exhaustion under that.

Like a burning oil lamp.
Tang Sui blinked her eyes vigorously, an invisible force supported her and stopped her fall.

"Where am I?"

【Your strength is exhausted, and my energy reserves are also exhausted. 】

The system did not answer Tang Sui's question, but said something that made Tang Sui suddenly wake up.

She was stunned, her brain seemed to have been hit by a new round, and she fell into a sluggish state.

"What's the meaning."

[The next road, you have to walk for a while. 】

[In this world where the jungle preys on the jungle, the strength is still too weak.]

Tang Sui's pupils shrank, like a child who carefully looked at the face of the victim after doing something wrong, panicked: "What do you mean? System, are you going to sleep?"

After the energy was exhausted last time, the system was dormant for six full years, so what about this time?

How long will it be?
The cold silence wrapped her whole body, her body trembled slightly, her bones seemed to be aching like the wind.

".I was wrong. I will never be brave again next time. I will work hard to cultivate demon power, and my soul power will also be transformed into demon power. Don't leave, okay?"

As she spoke, her cautious voice was choked with sobs, and her vision became blurred.

The system did not answer, as if he had fallen asleep after being extremely tired, and could no longer answer Tang Sui.

The strength supporting her began to dissipate, and Tang Sui's body sank slowly again.

Realizing something, Tang Sui was slightly stunned, Dou Da's teardrops rolled down from the sockets of his eyes, smashing into the void.


The space seems to be twisted by an invisible force.

She is like a treasure locked in a Rubik's Cube box. When the outside world tries to decipher and move the box, the internal space will also be affected.

At this moment, the field of vision turned into a dark color of weeping blood. She was like an alien who was out of place. When the whole space was covered with a layer of blood-red light, an unknown force pushed her out of this wrapped blood cocoon. excluded from the real.

The surrounding whispers collided in the brain, Tang Sui covered his head, and rolled his body in mid-air in pain, bloody tears dripped down his cheeks, sadness and pain swept all his thoughts, and he could only utter meaningless moans of pain.

Twisted black lines bloomed on her snow-white skin like thorns. In the next second, what her soft fingertips touched was no longer the same soft cheek, but a cold and hard touch.

The scarlet lines twisted into smiling arcs, and the fox-shaped mask covered the delicate pale face. It only appeared for a few seconds before changing into another ape mask with huge round pupils, followed by the evil The face of the ghost, the face of the old man
The changing mask turned seven times into one cycle, Tang Sui's shoulders trembling due to pain gradually stabilized, and his hands covering his face slowly dropped.

She bent her body slightly, lowered her head, and let her long black hair brush her face, completely covering her side face, and the masked face was covered in the shadow of the falling long hair.

In the chaotic and disorderly space, the blackness became thicker and thicker, and the voices that soothed her pain became more obvious and clear.
——I tolerate all your willfulness, and share all the haze of your soul.

- "We" means one.


The scorching hot lava has the color of amber nectar, and it also has the terrifying and distorted scorching heat of the lava.

"She seems to be in pain."

The hoarse voice seemed to have been rubbed by sandpaper, and it was harsh for no reason.

The rustling sound was mixed with the splashing sound of some stones falling into the lava.

The huge and slender body slowly brushed across the stone bridge with its hard and dense scales, and the snake pupils gleaming with blood red light opened in the darkness.

The blood light gradually subsided, the original golden red was revealed, the snake's head with scales and thorns like a dragon was slightly raised, and its snout was facing the black bats hanging upside down above the cave.

There are nine protrusions on its head and back, each of which is spore-shaped, red as blood, as if blood is flowing inside, it is very dangerous at first sight.


The bats became restless, as if something that frightened them was about to appear.

The black and red rays of light cut through the space, and a white-haired man in a black outfit stepped out of the twisted space vortex. The pair of huge bat wings behind him was surrounded by an ominous red light. He felt that the man was coming. The restless bats left the upside-down rock wall one by one, flew to the man who was full of blood and killing breath, and surrounded him.

"The pain is natural. When I found her, she was already dying. I don't know what this little guy has gone through. It should be several times more miserable than ours." The bat wings behind the man trembled and approached Some fiery lava.

Huge hot bubbles popped up from time to time from the turbulent molten lava that never stopped, and every time the hot bubble burst, it would release a hotter airflow, making the already viscous air even hotter.

It seems to be simmering something, brewing a fryer.

The giant snake lowered its head and stared at the surface of the lava for a while, as if its eyes were about to penetrate the amber lava and see another petite figure immersed in the depths.

"...Is it true what you said when you threw her over?" The giant snake slowly looked away, and then returned its gaze to the man.

—— Digression——

One second before: Where did the unlucky soul master come from?

The next second: cub!It's my future cub!

(End of this chapter)

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