Chapter 333 Who Are You

Like shriveled bean sprouts that had lost moisture, the young girl who looked only seven or eight years old folded her knees, and was slowly lifted from the center surrounded by molten lava in a half-curled posture by an invisible force.

The palm-sized face of a man who is not yet an adult is buried between the seaweed-like long hair and the arms. The half-curled young girl seems to have fallen into a dormant period. Normally, the skin that seems to exude a faint fluorescence presents an extreme and fragile beauty, as if she will shatter like glass with a light touch.

Three masks of different shapes escaped from the void and surrounded the young girl, like knights guarding silently, but there was a faint emptiness on their bodies, as if something was missing.

"Face of spirit!"

The pupils of the giant snake and the man shrank, and they said these three words almost at the same time.

Different from the pure shock of the giant snake, the joy in the man's eyes almost overflowed.

Noticing the joy on the man's face, the giant snake looked over suspiciously: "Old bat, this little guy is not a cub of your monster clan, and you are still so happy?"

The man just smiled and said nothing.

He is different from it. Before the giant snake was involved in this world, it was also a big monster.

After coming to this world wearing clothes and being involved in the torrent of time and space, it was called the ancient beast by the earliest humans in this world.

He had been fortunate enough to hear the legends of strange beasts in the Shan Hai Jing in the beautiful country on the other side of the sea. Many of the ancient monsters on the patterns of Shan Hai Jing were also monster races at first, but each country had different names, but if you trace the race, it is not unreasonable. God is a demon.

He came through the soul at the beginning, although he was also wearing it in a sense, but the original body consciousness of this body has always been the dominant one. If he hadn't accepted the test of God and was calculated to be unable to wake up now, he might not be able to wake up now. Can control this body.

"She's waking up."

The man who happened to notice the little cub's closed eyelashes began to tremble slightly interrupted, the giant snake turned its head, and its huge snake eyes stared at the little cub.

The young girl opened her eyes, like sapphires washed by clear water, as clear as a shallow stream, with a ignorance that did not match the ferocious and cruel nature of the monster race.

The first thing that came into view was the huge and scary eyes of the giant snake. Her eyes widened slightly, and her blue eyes widened round. Almost in a thought, the mask protecting her smashed into the face of the giant snake.

Giant snake: "!"

It subconsciously swung its thick and long tail in front of its head, and three muffled sounds exploded in its ears, showing how ruthless these masks are.

But for the giant snake, it's all painless.

"This cub has a really bad temper, and he's still angry about getting up."

The giant snake stared at the little guy angrily.

The man glanced at the giant snake, and said to the vigilant little guy, "Do you remember what happened before you fell into a coma?"

"who are you?"

Tang Sui, who didn't directly answer the man's question, looked at him warily.

The man was silent for a second, and said the name: "My name is Tang Chen."

Tang Chen
This name is so familiar. It seems like I have heard it somewhere
Tang Sui's drowsy brain began to ache from the unfamiliar but slightly familiar name. Pain appeared on her immature face, and she clutched her aching head.


The bursting lava splashed hot sparks, and when Tang Sui's peripheral vision touched the hot lava that was only half a meter away from her, she subconsciously wanted to move away.


Don't need any object as a point of focus, Tang Sui floated in mid-air, spread his hands, and looked at his hands with no trace of burns in surprise, they were splashed just now, right?

"How can I fly?" This seems unscientific.

This idea subconsciously surfaced in Tang Sui's heart, and then he froze again.

What is science?
The bewildered expression on her face was seen by one snake and one person.

Not quite right with this cub.

The two non-humans looked at each other, and Tang Chen, who was still a human shell, pondered for a while and said, "Do you remember your name?"

Tang Sui raised her head, she pursed her lips when she saw the man and the snake thoughtfully, and just when she was about to answer that she didn't know, a blood-red word suddenly appeared in her mind——


It seems to be a seal engraved in the soul, even if you forget everything, you will never forget your name.

Her eyes were empty, her pupils were out of focus, and she answered softly as if she was being bewitched: "My name is Sui."

One person and one snake did not doubt Tang Sui's words, because they also felt the inexplicable breath of power the moment they chanted the name in their hearts.


It seems that this little cub really has amnesia, and even the monsters who have amnesia can't tell others their real name lightly, otherwise they may be caught as a shikigami by a kind-hearted human being or forgotten by a curse.

The giant snake who wanted to understand made a decisive decision to teach this little cub a lesson.

But it just moved its head, and the bat wings on Tang Chen's back beside it shook, bringing the distance between him and Tang Sui closer.

Then it watched helplessly as its old friend stretched out his big hand full of calluses between his fingertips towards the little cub, and said to Tang Sui with a calm expression, "Your name must not be given to you." Others know, do you know? From today onwards, your surname will be Tang Sui after mine."

"You should also be able to feel that I have a blood connection with you, we are relatives."

"From now on, I will teach you the rules and methods of survival here, do you want to follow me?"

Tang Sui looked at Tang Chen's hand, and then at the way the other party didn't intend to give her any room to refuse. After thinking for two seconds, he carefully placed his short hand on it.

"it is good."

Although she doesn't know why, she seems to be separated from a normal human being, but as the man named "Tang Chen" said in front of her, she does feel a sense of intimacy from the man, which should be the blood connection he said right?
—— Digression——

Amnesia Sui √The surname of changing the soup but not the pot~
There is only one update today, but it doesn't matter!tomorrow!It's Friday!It's the weekend after it's over!Make it up on the third day of the day!
(End of this chapter)

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