Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 345 Another condition for changing form


Tang Sui glanced over the captain, and landed on the other black-armored knights who were so dark that they couldn't see the martial spirit and the specific level of spirit power.

The black-armored knights swept by Tang Sui unconsciously straightened their backs, and then fell silent.

How can I say this decision?

Ten Soul Douluo and one Title Douluo, it seems that the latter has the upper hand in numbers, but there is a gap between the Soul Douluo and the Title Douluo.

Because for a titled Douluo, as long as the attack power of the martial soul, or the defense power or other attributes are top-notch, it is not impossible to be able to kill a group of Contras.

a wise decision.

But for Tang Sui, whose strength is only the soul king, it is also a self-defeating option.

In front of Tang Chen, covered by helmets, all the black-armored knights hid their expressions so that no one else could see them.

Tang Chen didn't look surprised, because in his opinion, the option Tang Sui made was indeed the best option.

Can become a Title Douluo, who is easy to deal with?

That's the smart thing to do.

He raised his jaw slightly, indicating that Tang Sui could start picking people.

Tang Sui didn't move, and asked with a slight frown: "If you just said defeat, how can you count it as defeat?"

Tang Chen paused, glanced at the subordinates who were all Contra and above, pondered for a few seconds and said: "If you are restricted for more than ten seconds, or lose consciousness directly, you will be considered defeated."

ten seconds.

Tang Sui ignored Tang Chen's words behind him, put the target in front, turned around, looked at the straight-looking black-armored knights, pointed with his little hand, and began to point people.

The ten people who seemed to be selected at random lined up silently, while the other black-armored knights retreated consciously, leaving a wide and boundless half field.

Before stepping back, Tang Chen took a deep look at the unfazed little cub, and said, "Mian Mian, be careful, don't take it off."

He chalked up the grueling test to a pup's play.

The expressions of the other black-armored knights under their helmets were different. Tang Sui waved his hand calmly, and Mo had no conscience to chase them away: "I know."

Ten black-armored knights stood in a row, majestically facing the petite figure at a distance.

Tang Chen's figure twisted in the void for a moment, and the next second appeared on the flat ground 50 meters away. He stood with his hands behind his back, his thin lips parted slightly, and his voice was clearly not loud, but it clearly appeared in everyone's ears:

"Then now, both sides can start casting their martial spirits."

All the subordinates and people he recognizes can use their own soul skills and soul power without restraint in the killing capital, which is why the law enforcement team can kill 100% of those violators every time.

After Tang Chen's final sound fell, eight spirit rings of different colors emerged, surrounding ten black-armored knights who aimed their spears at her.

The terrifying coercion belonging to Contra and the strong murderous aura blended together, and the aura of the ten people gathered together, as if forming a huge and sharp spear, pointing the tip at the enemy's direction, piercing the deadly throat!

If we only talk about the level of soul power, one soul king is against ten Contras, not to mention ten, even one is enough for her to drink a pot.

Tang Sui raised his eyes, and black light suddenly appeared in the bottom of his eyes, like swaying flowers, slowly blooming.

She is not only a soul master, but also a demon.

After the memory returned to the part, she had been thinking about how to activate another form of face aura on the way here.

And now, she has the answer.

The darkest blood-colored memory that was detained in the depths of the memory palace was dug out again, and the blood-stained scarred face and Gulu were bleeding, but the blood that had never been seen on the head surfaced before his eyes.

Her dark eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of blood, full of ominous.

For a moment, Tang Sui felt that he was standing in that dark and quiet world again, but what was different this time was that what was suspended in the surrounding still world was a mirror maze composed of countless mirrors.

Every mirror reflects her petite figure. Looking around, it seems that there are countless hers at the same time, but they are not her.

Because those split and weird mirror images all wear different masks on their faces.

Foxes, apes and ghosts.

Three kinds of masks, three forms, and nine mirror images are worn on the face of the person in the mirror respectively.

There are red marks on a white background, gold borders on a black background, and even a dark gold one-eyed mask as thin as a blade.

The same person, different postures, form a kind of creepy eerie and mysterious.

And in the end, the three pieces of dark gold one-eyed masks with different shattered edges, corners and radians are the ones that dominate.

Led by the deep purple thousand-year-old soul ring, the unusual ratio of soul rings was presented in front of everyone.

Millennium soul ring
The fourth ring turned out to be ten thousand years.
Even though they have become Contras and are used to seeing countless "geniuses" who have come to Slaughter Capital, they are still a little surprised at Tang Sui's talent at this moment.

It does look like there are two brushes.

Including Tang Chen, it was also the first time that Tang Sui cast the spirit and spirit ring.

But his focus was not on the outrageous soul ring ratio, but when he saw the dark golden mask that was as thin as a blade and as thin as a cicada's wing, a hint of surprise appeared on his unchangingly handsome face.

The little cub who has not even entered the growth period can actually control the mask of the aura posture of the adult face by leaps and bounds?

It seems that the little guy has absorbed quite terrifying monster power in the city of killing these days, and the monster power he now has is probably more than he imagined.

After being surprised, a bright smile appeared on Tang Chen's face.

The little cub who was ignorant of the need for human protection half a month ago is now familiar with manipulating demon power.

And just like what he said, she is now the second master of the Slaughter City, so naturally, like him, she can freely transform the energy that is chronically poisonous to human beings flowing in the air of the Slaughter City, and absorb it into own use.

In other words, now that the little cub is like him, as long as the energy source of the Slaughter City is not exhausted, she can also have an eternal source of demon power!
—— Digression——

This is a direct interracial fight!Don't test the evidence!
It is definitely impossible to press the hammer and wear ten. Our goal, Sui Sui, said at the beginning, is to limit ten seconds!
So both the Arabian Nights and the outrageous are crossed out!

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