The number of people in the killing capital is decreasing every day, but it is also increasing.

There are countless people who die in the killing fields of hell every day, from greed and assassination, but the soul masters who come here especially, or who have nowhere to go, inject new blood into this dark city, like living water, as long as If someone is there, it will never be exhausted.

"Welcome to the capital of killing, rookie."

The envoy looked at this rookie soul master who violated the rules but passed the assessment with a smile, turning a blind eye to the blood on his body.

The soul master in black robe was panting in embarrassment, staring at the messenger vigilantly, "Who are you?"

After violating the rules, he entered in a life-and-death struggle with the knights of the law enforcement team.

Although he knew early in the morning that the Slaughter City was very strange and almost never returned, it was not until he actually stepped into this place that he discovered that those soul masters who never returned were not incompetent, but once they stepped into the Slaughter City After the periphery, all the soul skills of the soul master could not be used, and the soul power was also suppressed, and all the martial souls returned to the initial form that had not been given a soul ring.

It was he who used a little trick to save his life to seriously injure the law enforcement knight who "judged" him, and successfully obtained the qualification to enter the killing capital.

"I am your guide. You can ask me anything you don't understand. Within twelve hours, I will answer all your questions. Once twelve hours arrive, it will be your own time." The envoy said the same words for a hundred years to the newcomers who entered the killing capital.

The other party's expression changed, but the vigilance in his eyes never faded, "What else do I need to do after I enter the Killing City? The judge just said that there is still a procedure to follow."

The messenger smiled slightly: "Yes, you still need to fill out a real and valid form, please follow me."

Fill in the form?

Could it be that this place is the same as the Great Soul Arena, what do you need to register to become a member of the Slaughter Capital?

With doubts in his heart, the black-robed soul master vigilantly followed the messenger who walked leisurely ahead, and entered a black tent stationed outside the towering black city wall.

There was only a knight in black armor sitting inside, and in front of him was a rectangular wooden table and a stack of blank papers to be filled.

"Just fill it in. If you encounter a difficult topic, you can only write part of it that can be written, but it needs to be true information. This is related to your future survival in the killing capital, so please do not fill in false information .”

"By the way, the information you fill out on this form will not be known to others,"

With a professional smirk, the envoy turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation, and then stepped aside without saying a word.

The black-robed soul master didn't move, he said in a vicious voice, "What do you want this information for?"

"As a testimony that you have existed in this world. Take it as the kindness of the examiner who set up this additional review process." The messenger gave a perfect reason that the black-robed soul master could not refute.

Has there ever been a witness of this world?
A desperado like him, a rotten person who doesn't know if he will be alive tomorrow, can also leave a witness in this world?
However, fleeing to the killing capital, there is no worse situation than this, right?
The black-robed soul master laughed at himself in his heart, but sat down with an unusually honest body, and began to fill in the blank form marked with questions.

The empty paper was gradually filled with black writing.

The messenger looked at the back of the black-robed soul master with his head bowed and filled with a smile, and sighed inwardly.

No matter how many times she watched this scene, she still found it miraculous.

No matter how difficult it is, no matter how bloodthirsty a newcomer enters the camp, it seems that his thoughts and concepts will be quietly distorted, and he will quietly fill out the form.

When the little princess asked them to fill out the forms by themselves, they thought that no one would obediently fill out the form, and even make a big fuss, but now
Covered by the black veil, the envoy quietly glanced at the seal placed on the table.


Originally, for safety reasons, the tent was guarded by five black-armored knights, but now one of the black-armored knights can be rotated to be on duty at will.

".Does this have to be answered?"

When he really encountered a question that he didn't want to answer, the male soul master in black robe stared faintly at the black armored knight sitting in front of him with his bloodshot muddy eyes.

The black-armored knight's voice was cold, with a rigid look like a puppet, indifferent to the male soul master's silent threat: "Yes, I must answer."

The male soul master's eyes changed for a few moments, and finally he wrote some words that could be answered.

After filling out the form, the messenger gave guidance again, and the male soul master got up silently and left the black tent.

It wasn't until the backs of the male soul master and the messenger walked away that the black-armored knight slowly picked up the seal resting on the red ink pad, and stamped a blood-red stamp on the form written by the soul master just now. print.

The seal that resembled the pattern of an ape mask emitted a faint red light, and then, under the usual gaze of the black-armored knight, the piece of paper turned into black embers as if burned by fire, and finally only the bright The pattern of apes and beasts glowing red stagnated in the air for two seconds, like a firework stick. After the fuel disappeared, the firework stick gradually lost its light.

The paper that disappeared and burned appeared out of nowhere on another high-quality sandalwood carved table in a second. Except for the disappearing red seal, the writing on it was intact.

Holding the corner of the paper with a small white hand, Tang Sui picked it up. Looking at the information on it, the corners of his lips curled up, "The reason for entering the Killing City is because you offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and you were hunted down here? A person who plays with words. Well, let's put it in the C field list."

She categorized the newly arrived materials, and added a new sheet to the third column of the five stacks of lists in front of her.

Everything is going smoothly according to the grand plan she wrote
—— Digression——

The unconscious ape face cursed: Why is it always an old man!

Fox face: hee hee hee - who told you that you are more deceptive than me, a vixen~
Da Feichu: Shame!

PS: Brother will come out tomorrow!
Squatting a brother and sister who did not know each other again, with a look of shock and doubt about life jpg, and then the scene of the brother and sister beating each other (rubbing hands)

see you tomorrow!

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