Chapter 377
This kind of nobility and sense of oppression belonging to the superiors, they have also felt from several nobles with the blood of the Heaven Dou royal family.

It's just a little girl who doesn't look too old, how could it be possible?
The two froze at the door, even forgetting to stop them, immersed in the shock of Tang Sui's gaze, when they recovered, Tang Hao and the others had already walked in some distance away.

As soon as you step into Yuexuan, you will be greeted with a faint fragrance, refreshing and pleasant.

Bypassing the antique screen wall, you can see the wide hall.

The maids in the hall were a little surprised when they saw three people in gray and black robes who were incompatible with the luxurious and elegant people around them.

Staring at the eyes of other aliens, Tang Hao turned a blind eye, took a step forward and said directly to the maid, "Tell Yuehua, the old man is here to visit."

The maid froze for a moment and hesitated: "Sir, you."

Tang Hao didn't listen to the maid's words, but put his hands behind his back and said again, "You just tell Yuehua that when the full moon is incomplete, she will know when the old man comes."

Seeing the other party's determined attitude, although the maid hesitated, she nodded and went upstairs to find the host.

However, just a few seconds after the maid went upstairs, there were noisy footsteps upstairs, as if there was more than one person.

Tang Hao narrowed his eyes, raised his head slightly, showing his firm chin, and looked at the four middle-aged men who appeared on the stairs.

One of them was one of the two youths who were at the door before, the other three were led by a middle-aged man in purple, and behind him were two slender men in blue.

The maid who went upstairs also came down the stairs, pointed at them and whispered, "Director, they are looking for Madam."

The middle-aged man in purple stood on the stairs and did not come down. He said arrogantly to Tang Hao and the others standing in the hall: "Yuexuan only accepts elegant guests. Since you guys don't want to show your face, please leave."

Tang Hao didn't move, neither did Tang San.

Tang Sui's eyes moved slightly, but the man stood still and did not take off his cloak to reveal his appearance.

Seeing that no one moved for several seconds, the man in purple motioned to the two men in blue behind him, "Do you want me to teach you how to do it? Please get these guys out."

The man in purple didn't intend to give Tang Hao and them any face, and planned to drive them away directly.

The two blue-clothed men behind him nodded, and jumped out from behind the purple-clothed man with agility, and landed on the flat ground on the first floor. At the same time, they stretched out their hands towards Tang Hao and the others, and said coldly: "Several, please leave Yuexuan .”

Tang Sui blinked his eyelashes, and before Tang San was about to speak, he said first: "But we really need to find someone, can the beautiful lady on the second floor inform your landlord? Maybe it will It's a different result."

Tang Sui's tone was easy-going, and he ignored their eyebrows and eyes.

Tang Hao, who originally planned to watch his children's reaction, frowned slightly, and looked at Tang Sui who was still not angry even after being sneered at.

The man in blue frowned slightly, looked at each other, and started to grab Tang Sui and Tang San at the same time.

Tang San's face was icy cold, and the blue-clothed man rushing up was reflected in his eyes. Just as he was about to unleash his clamorous and restless murderous aura, Tang Sui moved in front of him and stood in front of him.

"Don't be so irritable. Everyone is a civilized person who holds their own identities, so it's not good to do anything."

Tang Sui tilted her head and chuckled, but a scarlet light flashed across her clear blue eyes, and all the people caught in her eyes were locked in, and the terrifying aura unique to demons and ghosts overwhelmingly pressed against these people who tried to provoke nature , a small human standing under the tsunami.

Not only the two men in blue who rushed up, but all the people Tang Sui watched turned pale instantly, as if they had seen something terrifying, their eyes were full of fear, and their tall and straight backs also turned pale. Bend a little under the strong pressure and rising fear.

The riotous murderous aura on Tang San was also suppressed in this fearful atmosphere, the entire hall, even the second floor, could hear everyone's breathing quietly.

"Now, can we have a good chat?"

Tang Sui's light voice reached everyone's ears, and the terrifying pressure just now receded like a tide, which seemed to be people's illusion.

This time, Tang Hao was completely surprised.

After the pressure was relieved, the displeased supervisor in purple took a deep breath, looked palely at Tang Sui who was smaller than the other two men in black, with a little sweat oozing from his forehead.

With such a terrifying coercion, the other party can control it freely.

That's not something the vulgar people can do.

What's more. He couldn't perceive the soul power level of this little girl!

It should be said that among the three of them, except for the black-robed man diagonally behind, whose soul power is probably at the level of a soul king, this little girl and the other black-robed man who asked for his wife, he couldn't feel any soul power!

After considering the attitude he should hold, the director in purple clothes took a deep breath and said, "You guys are here, I don't know what's the matter?"

Tang Sui looked sideways at the terrified maid, "Well, my father already said it just now, sister maid, can you please report to the landlord again?"

This time, the maid nodded like a pounding garlic, and she deserved it quickly.

The atmosphere of silence in the hall spread, and Tang Hao glanced at his little daughter curiously from time to time, wanting to know what happened to Tang Sui, but since this was in the outer hall, he could only suppress his itch.

As for Tang San, he still stood there silently.

After a while, the maid who went to report came out with a strange expression on her face. Looking at the three people whose identities had never been identified, she turned slightly, lowered her head and made a "please" gesture: "Three distinguished guests, Madam, please." Go to the VIP room and talk."

As soon as these words came out, the others looked over in surprise and bewilderment.

Tang Hao was not interested in being a monkey to others here, so he immediately took a step forward, motioning for the children to follow, leaving the room full of whispers of speculation.

—— Digression——

(Akimbo) Our Sui Sui is not the "owner" and "little princess" in vain~
See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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