Ahead is the fifth mountain.

A layer of ice ridges condensed on the iron chain connecting the fourth peak to the fifth peak, which was slippery and greatly increased the difficulty of advancing.

So this time, the leading man in black did not rush forward, but stopped first, took out a noose from his arms, tied one side around his waist, and tied the other side to the iron chain in front of him.

The other two men in gray were doing the same thing.

"Here you are." The leading man in gray threw the same noose to Tang San. As for Tang Sui, she can fly, so naturally she doesn't need any safety rope.

After the noose was fastened, the eyes of the three gray-clothed men were somewhat nervous. Obviously, this section of the road was not so easy to walk.

The man in gray at the head gave an order, and then he jumped up first.

But this time, he obviously controlled the height he vacated and the distance he traveled. He tapped his toes on the iron chain and continued to move forward. Every time he rose and fell, he was about ten meters away.

It wasn't until he went 50 meters that the No. 2 gray-clothed person took action, imitating his appearance and borrowing strength on the iron chain.

The nooses on their bodies slide on the iron chains, which will not affect their actions at all, but can play a sufficient protective role.

The height of the fourth mountain has exceeded 2000 meters.Falling from here, as long as he can't fly, even a Title Douluo can hardly survive.

Tang San was still at the end, and Tang Sui followed Tang San unhurriedly, as if he was on an outing, without the slightest sense of crisis or tension, which was very hateful, but it was also a kind of strength.

The last section of the road seemed extraordinarily long, just as Tang San continued to move forward unhurriedly, suddenly, an inexplicable crisis hit Tang San's heart.

When a sense of crisis emerged, the first thing he thought of was the man in gray at the front.

The Purple Demon Eyes activated instantly and looked forward.But what he saw was that the gray-clothed man had already boarded the shore peak, just like before, waiting there quietly for them to arrive.

That's the end.
"Brother, up there."

Tang Sui's flying speed also slowed down, and a little coldness appeared on his delicate and fair face.

Relying on her mental power, she instantly caught another active life wave from above.

Tang San snapped back to his senses, and without Tang San's reminder, Tang Sui accelerated instantly, like an arrow leaving the string, and flew away from Tang San's side in an instant, heading forward. The flying soul beast is also attacking the two unlucky ones on the track.


A person suddenly jumped up next to him, and the unprepared two people were startled. Just about to ask Tang Sui what to do, they saw the other person's fingertips slipping in the void, and the iron rope tied around their waists was caught by an invisible, The invisible force cut off and divided into two.

The gray-clothed man who reached the opposite bank first was startled, and before the anger rose from his eyes, he saw Tang Sui holding one in his left hand and the other in his right, grabbing the two of them like chickens.

Just in case, Tang Sui also used some demonic power to ensure that the two of them and her hands were as inseparable as if they were glued with 502 glue.


Qingyue's chirping sound came from the cloud on their left, and a huge creature broke into sight, like a basin of ice water, extinguishing the anger in the eyes of the man in gray on the opposite bank, turning into stunned and anxious.


The moment Tang Sui carried the two of them away, Tang San's purple-level divine light also rushed to the rear immediately.

The huge bird spirit beast collided with the iron chains that had become much weaker after being frozen.

In front of the huge impact force, there was an ear-piercing and sharp breaking sound, and the nearly kilometer-long iron cable broke through.

Tang San, who hit the bird spirit beast with the purple divine light, stepped forward, even though the chain on his side was broken by the bird spirit beast in the middle, he still used the help of the temporarily stunned spirit beast before he could react. , the Blue Silver Emperor vine flew out from his wrist, entwining a wing feather.

Tang San, who was swinging like a swing, stepped on its wingtips with all his strength, leaped nimbly from one end to the other, and landed smoothly under the astonished sight of the man in gray.

"Big brother."

The two gray-clothed men who were held by Tang Sui were also placed on the ground by her, with expressions of joy and sadness on their faces, and fear in their hearts.

Even if it hadn't happened yet, they could still imagine what would happen to them if Tang Sui didn't show up just now and Tang San's support wasn't in time.

Tang Sui glanced and recovered from the dizziness, and began to turn her head to look for the bastard who plotted against it's soul beast. A black light flashed in her eyes, which belonged to a ghost, and she was standing on the edge. , It was like giving the bird soul beast a 360-degree acupuncture massage, making it blow off all the hair in an instant.

'roll. '

As soon as the blood that was older and fiercer than the soul beast was suppressed, the bird soul beast that hit the mountain wall wailed.


It crazily flapped its frizzy wings, as if there was a ghost chasing after it, and fled from this terrible place.

And Tang San, who were vigilant about the movement of the bird soul beast about ten thousand years ago, finally relaxed their tense nerves when they saw the back of the bird soul beast leaving in a hurry.

The gray-clothed man at the head also heaved a sigh of relief, fixed his eyes on the still calm and elegant Tang San, and suddenly punched him on the shoulder.

Tang San's shoulder moved slightly, then stopped, and didn't resist, because he clearly felt that the gray-clothed man's punch was not malicious.

With a soft bang, the fist landed on Tang San's shoulder, and the leader in gray laughed, "Thank you brothers and sisters this time! You brothers and sisters really understand each other, one after the other!"

Tang San felt some numb shoulders, smiled wryly and said: "Brother, can you be lighter next time, your fists are very heavy!"

The man in gray patted Tang San on the shoulder vigorously, "Don't come here, it's obviously your bones shaking that made my hands hurt. I really don't know how you practiced. By the way, my name is Tang Long. Your big brother But that's right, in our generation, I am the oldest. These two are Tang Tian and Tang Yu, and they are also our direct brothers. This time, you two saved their lives."

As he said that, he looked at Tang Sui, clasped his hands and bowed to her, "Sorry, sister Tang Sui, I doubted you before, brother here apologizes to you!"

Tang Tian and Tang Yu, who finally came to their senses, also clasped their fists at Tang Sui and said, "Sister Tang Sui, thank you just now."

Tang Sui shook his head: "It's okay, I just happen to have the ability to fly."

After thanking Tang Yu, when she heard this, she raised her head to look at Tang Sui, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, sister, why do you want to develop into an auxiliary-type soul master? The Clear Sky Hammer is the number one weapon in the mainland. Wuhun!"

He almost shouted out his heart with a loudspeaker: You don't want the assault system, but you should be a battle soul master anyway!
Tang Sui blinked at him: "Guess."

Speaking of this, Tang Long also suddenly remembered the scene of seeing Tang San swinging just now, and said: "Brother Tang San, you just entangled the vines of that spirit beast's wings. Aunt Yuehua said that your other spirit blue Silver grass, right?"

"Yes. That's my second martial spirit, but my major is blue silver grass." Tang San smiled slightly and explained: "As for Sui Sui becoming an auxiliary spirit master, it's because her previous physique was not good enough. It is suitable to become a battle soul master."

The two immediately looked at Tang San enviously: "It's rare to see twin spirits in a hundred years!"

They haven't realized yet, Tang Sui also has twin martial souls.

On the other hand, Tang Long, who was informed by Tang Yuehua in advance, couldn't help looking at the smiling girl. He had a hundred or eighty questions in his mind, but when he thought of the suzerain who was still waiting for them to arrive, he could only suppress his curiosity and said, "It's getting late. , let's go quickly. The suzerain is still waiting for us!"

He replaced it with a word of closeness, shortening the distance and relationship between them and the Tang San brothers and sisters.

Several people nodded, replaced the new chains from the soul guide, and continued on the road.

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