Chapter 401 Reuniting Shrek

The scorching sun shone on the huge gold-plated plaque, making the five characters "Shrek Academy" shine golden.

The wind in the air was slightly scorching hot, as if it was also infected with the heat of the scorching summer.

Compared with the sparse number of students in the past, even if you haven't entered the academy, you can see many students wearing pea green improved school uniforms walking on the spacious avenue in the academy even if you haven't entered the academy yet. walk around.

Now no one would laugh at such a green-based school uniform, but would be proud of wearing such a school uniform.

On the branches of the sun, a man and a woman stood in front of the gate of Shrek Academy which had been refurbished by the Heaven Dou Empire.

They looked about 20 years old, but the blond young man in fancy clothes looked older. The girl in black dress beside him had a clear face full of coldness, but her eyes were the same as the blond young man, shining faintly. With excitement and nostalgia, he looked up at the special monster carving on the plaque at the gate of Shrek Academy.

The blond young man looked at the redecorated Shrek Academy and sighed: "Time flies so fast, it will be five years in a blink of an eye, and I don't know what happened to them."

Five years passed in a flash, and now Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, who had been listed as the Xingluo Crown Prince and Crown Princess, looked more composed than when they parted. .

The appearance of Shrek Academy has not changed much, but the details have been hardcovered, and the internal facilities have increased and become more complete.

In five years, this place has become a highly respected high-level soul master academy in the Heaven Dou Empire.

Since the Shrek Eight Monsters shined brilliantly in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition five years ago, defeating many powerful enemies successively, especially after defeating the golden generation of the Wuhundian Academy team at the last moment, Shrek Academy has already gained a reputation. Noisy.

The strength of the limelight has even surpassed Tiandou Imperial Academy, and even Emperor Xue Ye wants to win him over.

Under Ning Fengzhi's suggestion, Emperor Xue Ye personally came to Shrek Academy to find the master, and sincerely handed out the invitation. The final result was also pleasing to the eye. The master accepted the invitation, became the head of the empire's soul masters, and was awarded the earl title.

And since it is necessary to support, it is natural to support to the end.

The appropriation and vigorous publicity, and even Flender's request that he didn't want to merge with Tiandou, although it was a pity for Emperor Xue Ye, also agreed. It can be said that Shrek Academy is already a different kind of emperor's favorite.

Missing the time spent in the academy, Zhu Zhuqing's indifferent face also flashed a touch of tenderness, "You will know it when you see it."

Dai Mubai nodded: "That's true."

Their eyes fell on the janitor student in charge of the shift at Shrek Academy, and they took steps towards him.

When Tang Sui and Tang San arrived, they saw four long-lost figures standing in front of the gate, and among them, the long-haired girl in a pale lake green dress was wiping away tears from the corners of her eyes.

Even though five years passed by, the immaturity and innocence on her body had settled into another kind of softness and nobility, but the siblings still recognized this long-haired girl at a glance, it was Ning, who had been separated for five years. Rongrong.

"Rongrong, who made you cry?"

The crisp voice floated into the ears of the four people surrounded by a pile. It was a little familiar, but it carried a special elegance, and it made people feel strange and a little illusory.

And when they heard the reputation and saw a man and a woman standing more than ten meters away, with elegant and restrained temperament, the sense of unreality in their hearts reached its peak.

The moment he met those clear blue eyes filled with a little bit of worry, Ning Rongrong's tears began to well up again, his eyes were red, and he looked at the delicate eyes that still had a bit of familiarity in disbelief. With a trembling face, she said, "You are Sui Sui?"

Standing there with another elegant and calm young man over 1.9 meters tall, with broad shoulders and broad back, the girl was wearing a long light blue skirt. The hem of the skirt was like a blooming flower bud.

As the breeze blew by, the girl's black hair scattered behind slightly fluttered, revealing the dark red end of her hair, which was reflected in their field of vision.

The young man was also dressed in a blue dress, and his gestures exuded the unique temperament of aristocrats. His handsome face had a just right smile, his long dark blue hair was quietly scattered on his shoulders, and his pair of sapphire-like eyes When looking at Ning Rongrong and the others, his eyes were filled with a somewhat special look.

Then, Tang Sui rolled his eyes and said, "Everyone, long time no see."

Seeing this familiar expression, Ning Rongrong took the lead and ran towards Tang Sui, and then, under Tang San's gentle gaze, hugged Tang Sui, clenched his fists, and slapped Tang Sui with little strength. Spike's back.

"Sui Sui, where have you been for the past five years? You're so worried about me!"

Tang Sui hugged Ning Rongrong comfortingly, letting her vent her worries and nagging over the past five years.

His eyes fell on the other three friends.

Among them, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's temperament changes are no less than theirs, while Ma Hongjun's appearance has grown a lot taller besides his height, and there is also a touch of wanton surprise between his brows, but as always, he is playing and taking responsibility in the team.

Ma Hongjun, who stared at Tang Sui with bright eyes, immediately fell on Tang San with gossip. While feeling happy for his companion's safety and change, he also picked up his playfulness and winked at Tang Sui: "Sui Sui, I haven't seen you for five years, and you, like Rong Rong, have become big beauties! Now you are all in pairs, what can I do~"

To tell the truth, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing also looked at Tang San with scrutiny, their gazes were sharp and picky that only belonged to their natal family, and they began to find faults in their hearts.

Dumbfounded by the gossiping eyes of his partners, Tang San smiled helplessly, and was about to speak, but saw his younger sister blinking, and said to Ma Hongjun: "Fatty, if you envy me, I can also give him up to you." you."

Ma Hongjun:?

He showed a terrified expression, hugged his arms with goose bumps exaggeratedly, and stepped back three meters in an instant: "No, no, no, although we are like brothers and sisters, this kind of brotherhood is fine."

Dai Mubai laughed, but Zhu Zhuqing who was also a woman and had a lover felt something was wrong, looking at Tang San with a hint of doubt.

It's a bit weird, if Sui Sui really has a lover, it shouldn't be such an indifferent attitude.

Then they heard Tang Sui say with a smile: "Brother, the fat man hates you, he doesn't want you as a brother anymore, why don't you give him a spider thorn massage, so that he can recall this deepest memory?"

Ma Hongjun who heard Tang Sui call him:? ? ?
He turned his head stiffly, facing Tang San who was smiling but not smiling, just like Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong, his brain froze, and he couldn't speak fluently: "You you you, you are my third brother?! "

Tang San smiled slightly, and stepped forward with some pressure, "Fatty, do you need me to massage you with the eight spider spirit bones, so that you can recall this deep memory?"

Ma Hongjun: "!!!"

He took two steps back vigilantly, crossed his hands across his chest: "No, no, no! I think I've already remembered!"

—— Digression——

Xiao Jiageng starts from tomorrow ~ seven days in a row~
(End of this chapter)

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