Chapter 403

Seeing this, Dai Mubai smiled and said: "Principal Flender, have you forgotten our five-year agreement? Today is exactly the day."

Flender, who finally escaped from Ma Hongjun's clutches, turned his head and looked at the crowd. His gratified eyes passed over Ning Rongrong and the others, and then stopped on Tang Sui. His eyes were also red, "I heard that a few days ago You and Xiaosan's teacher mentioned that you brothers and sisters are all safe and sound, and I was worried about it, and now I can finally feel at ease!"

Tang Sui's eyes were gentle, and the corners of his mouth also raised a small smile: "The dean has worried you for the past few years. I have lived a good life, and my strength has improved a lot. I have gained a lot, and I have not suffered any grievances. .”

Flender believed the first half of Tang Sui's sentence, but didn't believe a single word in the second half.

"You clever girl, you know what to choose! But it's okay, now that you are back, this time, you will be protected by the headmaster!" Flender snorted before looking at Tang San again, There was a little hesitation on his face.

"You should be the mistress, right?"

Flender felt that the master's words "changed a lot" were euphemisms.

This is simply a literal rebirth!

Seeing Tang San nodding with a smile, Flender couldn't help but said sourly: "Your teacher told me before, Xiao San, that your appearance and temperament of the Blue Silver Grass has changed a lot after the second awakening. I didn't believe it, but now I believe it. "

"Flender, don't tell me. A few days ago, Xiaosan came to me alone. When she stood in front of me, I was shocked."

The master's voice came from the door behind everyone.

Tang Sui turned around, and saw Grandmaster and Liu Erlong in his eyes.

"Teacher, Mistress."

The smile on Tang Sui's face became even brighter.

There was also a smile on the somewhat stiff face of the master, and a little excitement flickered in his eyes: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back. It seems that your strength has improved again."

Tang San was the only one who came to the academy to find the master a few days ago, because Tang Sui was hitting level 67 at that time.

Although Haotianzong suffered from the explosion of the seventh elder's soul power at close range, Tang Sui also found that the bottleneck of his next soul power level was relaxed, which was a blessing in disguise.

After greeting each other for a while, everyone began to take turns telling about their experiences in the past five years.

When Ning Rongrong was talking about Oscar, her eyes couldn't help but turn red. Tang Sui hugged Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing also held Ning Rongrong's hand comfortingly.

In the past five years, Tang San and Tang Sui were undoubtedly the ones who experienced the most ups and downs.

Dai Mubai's intermediate process of becoming Prince Xingluo was nothing.

When everyone heard that Tang Sui had become the little master of the Slaughter City, everyone, including Grandmaster, had dull expressions.

Then the master quickly came back to his senses, and expressed the same worry as Tang San at that time: "The Slaughter Capital has existed for a thousand years, but the Slaughter King has never changed. He is not a good person, why did he suddenly treat you Caring?"

Tang Sui and Tang San looked at each other, the former joked that he would be careful, and didn't tell everyone that the reason was related to another blood in her body.

Tang San also took the initiative to share his sister's worries and problems, and casually brought up the topic, talking about their brother and sister's experience of returning to the Clear Sky School.

After a brief silence, the master sighed, and said: "Let the past pass. Everything must look forward. The three requirements put forward by the elders of the Haotian School are actually a test for you."

"Your brothers and sisters are talented, even better than your father. These three conditions test your three abilities respectively."

"And they require you to cultivate to level 30 before the age of 10, which is a test of your perseverance. Killing a titled Douluo of the Wuhun Temple and obtaining a [-]-year soul ring is a test of your courage and wisdom. "

"It seems that they are paving the way for the future of the Clear Sky School. If my guess is correct, as long as you can fulfill these three conditions, it will be the time when the Clear Sky School reappears, and it will also be the day when one of your brothers and sisters inherits the Clear Sky School." Time."

As he said that, the master's eyes lit up, as if he had imagined such a glorious scene.

The siblings looked at each other again, and Tang Sui raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and said, "One killing capital is enough to worry me, and I can't bear to come to Haotianzong again. Besides, I don't have much affection for Haotianzong, so let me inherit it." Well, it’s almost time for brother to come.”

The corners of Tang San's eyes twitched, and he said helplessly: "The Haotian School is indeed a sweet pastry for others, but Sui Sui, you also know that I also have the Tang Sect to take responsibility. Although it is because of my father, we Brother and sister have to shoulder this burden, but the position of suzerain... I think it's good that uncle is here."

Tang Sui snorted softly, "Anyway, I just don't like their high-spirited feeling, as if everyone wants to have a hand."

other people:"."

Although the Haotian School has been hiding from the world for so many years, it is also the number one sect in the mainland!
How did it become a hot potato in your mouth, and you started kicking balls with each other?
Flender was speechless, and Flender felt sad.

Looking at the two brothers and sisters who were playing football with each other, he rolled his eyes, and suddenly said: "Speaking of which, you are also the benchmarks of our Shrek Academy. You haven't come back for a long time, and now you finally came. You have to do something for our academy. Work hard?"

The Six Shrek Monsters: "."

Come, come, Dean Zha started exploiting them again.

Flender turned a blind eye to the subtle expressions of the six people, but instead said persuasively, "For young soul masters to cultivate, if they have an idol that suits them, then they will regard this as a motivational sprint for their cultivation."

"I'm definitely not as good as Xiaogang in terms of actual training, but I have to be careful. You must know that Qin Ming is also a student I taught! If you don't object, I hope you can show your strength in front of the students in the whole academy. . Let them see what they can achieve at the same age."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong said angrily: "How much can the same age achieve? Boss, have you ever thought about what to do if there is a reaction?"

Flender said seriously: "Then such students are not worthy of our training. My Shrek Academy is a monster academy! Xiaogang, what do you think of my suggestion?"

The master nodded, "I have no objection, you are the dean, you just decide."

The master agreed, and Flender looked at Dai Mubai and the others again.

Dai Mubai swept across the faces of his companions, said with a smile: "We have no problem. Just right, we can take this opportunity to see how far everyone has cultivated."

Ning Rongrong also smiled and said: "Boss Dai is right, this is a good opportunity to show off his achievements. When Xiao Ao was still in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he didn't neglect his cultivation at all."

Mentioning Oscar, Ning Rongrong's eyes showed a touch of heartache.

Seven Treasure Glazed Sect.
Tang Sui paused, and suddenly thought of another thing.

(End of this chapter)

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