
Gorgeous fireworks exploded over the spirit beast forest, and the soul masters who were leading teams to search for targets in other directions raised their heads. In the west and north, two cardinals in gold silk robes raised their heads, no longer aimlessly. Turn around, turn the target, and rush in the direction of the fireworks that are constantly exploding.

In the domain of twins, Tang San was closing his eyes tightly, hurrying up to run the Xuantian Kungfu to meditate and recover.

The Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python are on the left and the right, their huge bodies form two super strong protective walls, guarding Xiao Wu and Tang San, they are extremely vigilant, attacks can be launched at any time, ready to fall Tang Sui seized the opportunity to imprison the spirit masters of the Wuhun Palace who were single in the real world.

Commonly known as - lie to kill!

Seeing the soul saints on their side disappear one after another on the ground, or in the shadow realm that quietly fell on the tree branch, and never reappeared, Yan Chihong's eyes stared at the short-lived emerging realm. After that, he continued to sink down and run, circling the forest, Tang Sui, who was not going to fight head-on, said angrily:

"Tang Sui! Don't you just hide?"

"Then do you only bully the few with the more?"

Tang Sui's voice came from all directions in the swaying shadows, and it was impossible to catch her trace through the sound.

There was a little weakness in Tang Sui's cold voice.

Yan, who heard this sign of weakness, became even more angry.

That kind of feeling that is clearly within your reach, but you just can't touch it, so angry!
According to the state of the other party, they are already on the verge of exhaustion of soul power, but the other party is relying on that weird field to keep seeing them.

If it weren't for the ghost elders not daring to set foot in the field easily, how could Tang Sui be alive now? !
"Old ghost, that girl is constantly consuming our soul power. The weak strength of the previous domain has not passed, so we have to find a way!" Yue Guan looked sideways at the ghost who also had a lot of fine sweat oozing from his forehead , Under the excitement, I couldn't help but want to cough twice again.

"I know. But that girl is too cunning! Our reinforcements have been thrown behind by her and kept circling around, but they still couldn't meet up!"

Why don't ghosts understand this principle?

But now he only has less than [-]% of his soul power left.

He found the right timing at the beginning, and the moment Tang Sui stepped into the field with his front foot, he also chased in with his back foot.

However, what greeted him was the double attack of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape who were already ready to attack!

What's more, that weird domain space actually has a suppressive effect.

If it wasn't for his knowledge of shadows, he would have almost fallen into that brat's domain!

"Wait, I've already found out. That stinky girl has been staying on the ground for longer and longer. Before our soul power and spiritual power are polished by her, she will be exhausted first!" Ghostly eyes flashed Over the cold.

He has found out.

Now Tang Sui appeared on the ground for a longer time than before, and the soul skill that seemed to ignore all physical means began to become unstable, and the entity appeared and disappeared from time to time.

Coupled with this period of chasing, he concluded that the opponent's soul skill must be related to the consumption of mental power!
Supporting the domain itself requires a huge amount of mental strength, and now coupled with the use of soul skills. Heh, he wants to see how long that girl can last!

Not only ghosts noticed this, but other soul saints with rich combat experience, including Yan, who had been thrown into the Grand Canyon of Death and practiced, also noticed that Tang Sui was gradually unable to do what he wanted.

In the field, it has been several minutes since the soul master of the Wuhun Palace who was tricked into killing him came in. The Titan Giant Ape's expression was a little dignified, "Her mental strength seems to be exhausted soon."

Xiao Wu's eyes trembled, and her voice became tense: "What do you mean?"

The Sky Blue Bull Python swept over Tang San, who was still repairing his internal injuries, and said in a deep voice: "Although the domain can restrain the soul master thrown in, the premise is that the spiritual power or soul power of the master of the domain must be enough for her to support her." With the premise of this field, you can use your mental power to overwhelm the imprisoned soul master."

"It's been a while since she threw in human soul masters. If it wasn't for the fact that there are almost no more powerful soul masters out there, then there is only the second one. Her current mental strength is no longer enough to throw in new soul masters." The soul master has come in."

"Throw another one in, and the entire field may collapse, and we will be exposed to the enemy's sight!"

"Wuhundian, you're too deceitful! Brother, if we really can't do it, we'll fight them!" Titan Giant Ape roared.

Why didn't the Azure Bull Python want to go out and help?

But its rationality told it not to go out rashly.

"Second, bear with it. I don't know if the fusion skills of the two human soul masters can be used. Besides, if we can let us go out and kill the human soul masters in the Spirit Hall, Tang Sui may have already You did it." The sky blue bull python let out a lengthy roar, and the eyes of the beast shone with blue light, "The reason why she didn't do this is probably because the outside world is more dangerous than we imagined, and the enemy is likely to When reinforcements arrive, they are all strong!"

Xiao Wu's pupils shrank suddenly, and she looked up at the dark sky above in a daze, "Na Sui Sui"


The land was blown out of a deep pit by soul skills.

Tang Sui, who was forced out of nothingness, rolled on the ground, with a lot of dirt and grass leaves on his hair and dress, looking quite embarrassed.

Her face was as pale as paper at this time, compared to Tang San who had reached the limit before, even though her body was still continuously transforming the soul masters of the Spirit Hall who had been devoured in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's offensive and defensive battles as energy, she chased and hid all the way , Thousands of soul sect and above powerhouses are also consumed in sevens and eighties now.

"Full moon—!"

The sharp moon blades in the hands of Hu Liena and Xie Yue's humanoid martial soul fusion skills rotated, and the surrounding air flow was also driven.

In the spreading scarlet mist, Tang Sui, who once again allocated some strength to block the effect of the red mist, sweetened her throat, and spewed out a mouthful of blood mist unconsciously, but she herself didn't have the time to wipe the corners of her mouth, but quickly turned sideways , dodging the moon blade that cut close to her fluttering hair.

"Shua Shua,"

Half black, half dark red hair fell to the ground, and the severed strand of hair was uneven in the long hair, very conspicuous.

Five soul sages plus one Yan, and two titled Douluo, Yueguan and Ghost, who were eyeing to release their martial souls, surrounded Tang Sui, making it difficult for her to fly even with her wings!


Ghost let out a deep drink, and the rest of the crowd rioted.

Tang Sui gritted her teeth tightly, and focused her cautious energy on the people besieging her in front of her eyes. Her body skills changed, and she fought against the ghosts who rushed up.


Tang Sui, who was facing Xia Yueguan's palm head-on, was slapped away, and three black shadows leaped high from the ground, and appeared behind Tang Sui in the blink of an eye, accumulating soul power, and slapped her heavily!

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