Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 421 While You Are Disabled, I Will Kill You!

Now, no one has to think about what to do to complete the task.

Now they can't protect themselves!
Fifteen Ton Douluo, who stood firm on his feet, exchanged glances with Yueguan and Ghost. The three of them were like lightning, and a hasty word "go" was squeezed out from their mouths.

Fifteen Ton Douluo, who was approaching in an instant, stretched out his hand to grab it, and together with Yueguan and Ghost, each of them was a golden generation, the people were about to leave afterimages, and at the moment when the dense fog was dispersed by the palm wind they swung, they rushed outwards Breakout.

The other surviving soul saints also reacted and set off quickly, but they were a step too late after all, being blocked by the rapidly growing blood mist.

Because of Hu Liena's departure, the soul saints who did not have the protection of the killing god domain followed in the footsteps of their predecessors and died tragically in the blood mist.

In a team of dozens of soul saints and above, there were only three titled Douluo and three soul emperors left!
Rao gritted their teeth again, but now they could only run away in panic.

It's a pity that the goddess of luck didn't favor them this time.

The bloody light following behind them followed like a shadow, and seemed to be playing tricks on them. They could catch up with them in one fell swoop, but they still refused to stop them.

Fifteen Ton Douluo, who was carrying Yan, hated secretly, but he also knew that none of them would be able to escape if this went on.

"Moon Pass, continue!"

Fifteen Ton Douluo, who had made a decision in his heart, clenched his teeth and threw the Yan in his hand towards Yueguan who was carrying Hu Liena.

The two came to a wave of alley-oop, and from the corner of their eyes, they caught a glimpse of the Fifteen Ton Douluo, who was holding the person, exhaled, braked suddenly, and the coiling dragon stick in his hand swelled several times, and all the concentrated soul power was released——

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the tool soul!"


A deafening explosion resounded over the huge Soul Beast Forest. The sound was so loud that almost the entire Star Dou Great Forest heard the loud bang.

In just two or three breaths, Yueguan, who had already flown a thousand meters away, turned his head to look at it, feeling lingering fear.

This is, although I really don't want to admit it in the battle of the world after level 95, but if it is replaced by him to break the queen, he will definitely not be able to survive the opponent's blow!

Fifteen Ton Douluo, who was covered in wounds, propped up his arms tremblingly on the ground.

Taking him as the base, the forest and creatures within a radius of ten miles were turned into dust that nourished the land, and were razed to the ground by that powerful blow.

Fifteen Ton Douluo's pale lips twitched after being seriously injured, and there were still blood stains at the corner of his mouth.

He looked at the King of Slaughter, who was standing in the air with his wings outstretched, intact, and there was already fear in his eyes.

This guy received a full blow from his martial soul avatar. Not only was the little girl well protected, without any scratches, even a hair didn't fall out. This guy used it to resist him. The stick's bat wings were not damaged at all, only he was seriously injured by the huge force of himself and the opponent's rebound!

Fifteen Ton Douluo squeezed out two trembling words from between his teeth.

The Slaughter King looked down at this embarrassed human being, and his eyes fell on the trembling arms of the opponent.

"Just now, you used this hand to press your head."

Although it was a question, what he said was more like a simple statement.

Fifteen Jun Douluo's pupils shrank suddenly, and the hairs all over his body stood on end. Before he could escape, a sharp pain came from his arm.


The two arms that were cut and broken by the blade wind flew up, and the severe pain hit, the veins on Fifteen Ton Douluo's forehead burst out, as if they were about to jump out, his face was covered in blood, and he was in extreme pain.

The blood flowed profusely, but the blood splashed in the air turned into the rusty mist lingering in the air, making the blood mist a little thicker.

He screamed again, enduring the severe pain and concussion, and retreated violently, but the blood mist surrounded him at some point.

When Fifteen Jun Douluo had no choice but to retreat into the blood mist, the blood flowing out from the severed arm, turning into a part of the blood mist boiled again, and the blood in the body gushed out uncontrollably like a magnet attracted by a magnet , constantly blending into the blood light released by the Slaughter King, and turning into a part of this thick blood mist!

"Mianmian, get rid of him." The Slaughter King raised his jaw slightly, and spoke in a soft voice, generously giving up this hunting opportunity to the cub, as if he was just killing an ant.

Hearing the King of Slaughter's words, Tang Sui raised his head from his arms, black and red monster power condensed in his eyes, his pale face was filled with the same cold killing intent as the King of Slaughter.

Four ashen-faced masks like their masters emerged from the blood mist without a sound, and a dim light emerged from the hollow eye sockets, as if a hungry wolf was staring at its prey, and it was bound to tear the prey in front of it.

While you are disabled, I will kill you!
The four masks all angrily slammed into the human who had caused them to become ashamed and almost smashed into pieces.

Under the attack from all directions, Fifteen Ton Douluo's eyeballs protruded, and the weakly beating heart under his chest finally gave a violent beating, and as his head drooped out of strength, everything fell into silence.

Watching Qianjun Douluo's life end indifferently, the Slaughter King hugged Tang Sui and landed slowly, carefully placed the cub on the scorched ground, and signaled in Qianjun Douluo's direction: "Absorb him!" Come on, I'll protect you."

This seems to be saying "Hurry up and eat while it's hot".

Tang Sui breathed out a fishy and sweet breath, raised his hand, and black-red demonic power gushed out from his palm, like vines and spider webs, instantly entangled and wrapped in a giant human-shaped cocoon.

She sat on the ground, closed her eyes and crossed her legs, absorbing strength.

Tang Sui, who closed his eyes, never saw the bloody streaks on the body of the Slaughter King who was standing with his hands behind his back, and the flowing light became a little thinner.

Inside the pitch-black domain, Tang San and the others were so anxious that they didn't know what was happening outside, but judging from the domain's stop collapsing and slowly expanding again, they could probably estimate that Tang Sui's spiritual power and soul power were both Recovery, the situation is not too bad.

But the unknown is terrifying, especially this kind of waiting, which is even more tormenting.

After Tang Sui finished transforming his power, half a stick of incense time had passed.

She opened her eyes, dark blue pupils sparkling with light.

Her soul power has broken through to level 69!

"Grandpa, my soul power has broken through to level 69!"

Tang Sui finished his meditation and looked at the Slaughter King with some joy.

"Not bad." The King of Slaughter boasted in a rare way.

In Tang Sui's joyful eyes, the approaching Slaughter King slightly bent his right knee, folded his bat wings on his back, squatted in front of Tang Sui in a gentle posture, and stretched out his lifeless gray fingers .

Tang Sui didn't dodge, even though the nail tip of that finger was out of human range, he still let it touch his soft cheek without avoiding it.

The Slaughter King gently wiped away the blood spots on Tang Sui's face, a pair of blood-colored vertical pupils reflected her distressed appearance, something seemed to flash in her eyes, and said in a low voice: "I can no longer use that plan. If you are free, go back to the capital of killing to connect all the demonic power with you, and erase my demonic power."

"What?" Tang Sui froze.

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