After parting from Xiao Wu and the others at the Eye of Ice and Fire, Tang San went to Shrek Academy without stopping.

On the way, Tang San also met Dugu Bo. At first, Dugu Bo didn't recognize Tang San. It was only after Tang San cast Wuhun and fought him twice that he confirmed that the person who had changed so much was indeed Tang San. .

While walking towards the academy, Tang San also told Dugu Bo what happened during this period.

After hearing this, Dugu Bo's expression became subtle. For a moment, he didn't know whether to say that the fate of the Tang San brothers and sisters was rough or that there was no unparalleled road.

In the end, Dugu Bo patted Tang San on the shoulder to express that it was all over, as long as he came back.

Then, he told Tang San what happened recently.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School lost a lot of property in the attack on the two sects by the Spirit Hall this time, but it was nothing in terms of the wealth of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.The number of victims of Zongmen's disciples is said to be controlled to a very small part. The reason is that the other [-]% of the disciples are still outside, unable to return to Zongmen in time and receiving news.

And the other Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family that was targeted was even more miserable.

Even though Grandmaster and Liu Erlong went to the family to inform, many people were dubious.

It was the master's father who made the decision, who is also the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. He ordered the sect's disciples to take emergency evacuation, but there were still some rebellious disciples and clan elders who were not convinced.

So what awaited them was an even heavier sacrifice than the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

During the siege against the Landian Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Grandmaster and Liu Erlong, like Tang Sui, also experienced the raid of the Wuhun Temple. It was Flender who was worried and rushed over after finishing the affairs of the academy. The Holy Trinity was summoned, and the Golden Sacred Dragon was summoned to fight against the encirclement and suppression of the Wuhun Hall together with the other elders of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus. two thirds.

But this battle severely injured the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex clan, especially the master's father, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex's suzerain, who was seriously injured. The elders of the clan lost two Titled Douluo, which was a heavy price.

Speaking of this, Dugu Bo sighed, while Tang San was shocked.

Unexpectedly, with the advance notice, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family would be so miserable.

After the shock, Tang San was worried again, a little worried about the master and the others, and planned to rush to the academy at full speed.

Dugu Bo grabbed Tang San quickly and added: "I haven't finished yet, little monster, although the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family suffered heavy losses, but Master and the others are fine. Now the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School have officially followed The royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire has formed an alliance, and Grandmaster, as the national teacher, is now working hard to train soul masters for the empire."

"This time two of the last three sects were attacked, which directly touched the balance of interests of the two empires. What's more, this time the Spirit Hall failed to wipe out the two sects in one fell swoop, allowing the two sects to find a chance to breathe. Twisted into a rope, together against the Wuhundian."

There was a look of gloating in his eyes, and he was very happy to hear that Wuhundian shot himself in the foot this time.

"If you and that girl Tang Sui are determined to deal with Wuhundian, you can rely on their strength. And that prince Xue Qinghe is not an easy-going lamp."  …

Snow River.
Tang San's memories were touched, and he remembered Tang Sui's vague hostility and vigilance towards Xue Qinghe when he graduated from Yuexuan. I need to trouble you to pay more attention to the matter here, especially Xue Qinghe, Sui Sui's attitude towards him was a little strange before, you should be careful. I'd better go back to Shrek Academy to see the teacher and the others, and finish it as soon as possible information exchange."

Dugu Bo nodded, "Okay, you can go, but be careful to hide yourself. Both of you brothers and sisters are registered in the Wuhun Temple. Especially this time, you have ruined their major events one after another. Now you will definitely treat your brothers and sisters. I hate it to the bone, and I will never let it go."

"Also, don't walk on the street ostentatiously in the future. Although this is the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, there are many eyes in the Spirit Hall, so be careful."

"I will."

Tang San replied earnestly, and in the next second, his feet stepped on ghost shadows again, and ran towards Shrek Academy.

It was already late at night when Tang Sui finished dealing with the killing capital and rushed back to Shrek Academy.

She didn't choose to go through the main entrance, but directly flew into the college in the form of nothingness, and went straight to the academic affairs building where Flender was.


In the silent night, a high-pitched phoenix cry was particularly eye-catching.

Tang Sui looked sideways, looked at the flaming figure passing by in the night sky, and the figure flashing away at a very fast speed in front of him, he sighed lightly, thought for a while, turned his direction, and moved towards the two people. Fly around the position of the circle.

Sure enough, she saw several familiar figures on the cobblestone path above ground.

And when they saw an extra figure in the night sky, they also became vigilant.

But the next second they saw the person clearly, they all showed joy.

"Sui Sui!"

Ning Rongrong excitedly waved to Tang Sui who was in the air.

Tang Sui landed slowly, Ning Rongrong stepped forward in three steps and hugged Tang Sui.

Tang San, Ning Fengzhi, and Gu Rong who were a little behind also came up to him, especially Tang San, who was already checking Tang Sui's situation with the Purple Demon Eye.

After confirming that Tang Sui's breath was as usual, even a little more restrained than before leaving, a smile appeared on his handsome face: "Sui Sui, you're back, have you taken care of everything over there?"

Tang Sui nodded, patted Ning Rongrong on the back comfortingly, called Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong, and then opened the distance, watching the night sky transform into a three-meter-long fire phoenix, meeting him head-on. Ma Hongjun, who was bombarded by the Blue Silver Overlord Spear thrown by another person who was somewhat unfamiliar but familiar, asked knowingly: "Is that Xiao Ao? Why is the fat man fighting with Xiao Ao?"

I haven't seen him for five years, and Oscar no longer has the youthful youthfulness.

Now at the age of 22, after experiencing countless life-and-death battles, he has calmed down a lot. He has completely shed his immaturity and innocence, and transformed into a soul master with rich combat experience.

Tang San didn't speak, and Ning Rongrong, one of the lords, explained to Tang Sui the last time they separated in a hurry and forgot to tell Tang Sui.

After parting from the Soul Master Elite Competition, Oscar really joined the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School for Ning Rongrong.

But because of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's sect rules, the spouses of all direct disciples in the sect must be soul masters of the combat department.As a food-type soul master, Oscar and Ning Rongrong, who currently do not have the power to protect themselves, nor can they protect their beloved, made a ten-year agreement.

If he hasn't come back in ten years, it means he has failed.If he succeeds, he will definitely come back to find Ning Rongrong.

Now, five years have passed in a flash, he is already the soul emperor, and he has fulfilled his wish to use the food system to assist the soul master, Oscar, who is comparable to the attack system soul master, has returned.

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