Chapter 453
Just do it.

The majestic monster power surged out, and the momentum soared, shaking the surrounding molten lava and boiling and bubbling.


Tang Sui's pupils suddenly turned pitch black. She raised her hand, condensed the powerful power into a blade, and stared at the energy core with concentration. Cut out the middle.


The ground of the entire Slaughter City began to tremble.

The people in the capital lowered their heads in fear and looked down at the constantly shaking ground, like an earth dragon turning over, the ground even cracked a small crack, the buildings standing on the solid rock and soil, some tofu slag projects were under the shock was directly shaken off.

Several law enforcement knights of the law enforcement team felt the vibration of the ground incomprehensibly, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"This is. Is someone fighting with that person?"

As a titled Douluo-level soul master, the captain doesn't think that in the killing city where no one except himself can use soul skills, there are still people who have the courage to kill.

This movement is so loud, it must be the one who is fighting with the other party.

When the captain was deep in thought, there was a "squeak" of bats.

Now the messenger who chooses a new master has transformed from a few black bats into a human form, wearing a black veil to cover his pale and beautiful face as always.

"Messenger, what's the matter with this movement?"

The captain asked aloud, and the other law enforcement knights looked eagerly at the messenger.

The envoy thought of the message she had just received, took a deep breath, and envy flashed in his eyes: "The king said that it is another adult who is completing the breakthrough."


As the captain of hundreds of Contra-level law enforcement knights, he has spent an incomparably long time in the Slaughter City, and he seems to know more.

"I see. This is really an extraordinary movement."

The captain who was stuck at level 95 for a long time also showed envy and said with a sigh.

Humian, who hides his achievements and fame, is not proud. Humian is helping his little master to steal the day and day in front of a courtier.

Under the lava of Hell Road, the black-red enchantment of demonic power tightly wrapped the surrounding area, preventing the rich and majestic power from leaking out in the slightest.


The huge energy core was divided into two under Tang Sui's condensed terrifying blade, and the cross-section was extremely neat.

Tang Sui used himself as a transfer station, connected the ten blazing sun snakes with the split half of the energy core with demon power, and began to transform the power crazily, and sent it to the ten blazing sun snakes.

For five whole days, Tang Sui continuously delivered huge monster power. As soon as the cooling time of the second soul skill was up, he immediately put it on himself. Under the energy conversion, it shrank again to less than [-]%.

Tang Sui's timing was also precise, and the strength of the delivery closely followed the cooling time of the soul skill.

Five days and five nights without interruption.

After the half of the split energy core was transformed, Tang Sui worked hard to transport the monster power for two days. The huge and slender body surface of the ten-headed blazing snake slowly solidified with a layer of blood film, wrapped layer by layer, like a cocoon , seeing Tang Sui's heart was relieved.

The dangerous period of advancing has passed, Uncle Snake has already melted into a cocoon, and he just waits for the energy of the cocoon to be fully absorbed to break out of the cocoon
Her thoughts froze, she licked her chapped lips, and said in a hoarse voice: "Uncle Snake is now a full-fledged monster. This time, when Uncle Snake wakes up again, will he become a big monster?"

The system resolutely denied: [No.After my testing, the possibility of breaking through to the big demon after the Ten Headed Lieyang Snake transforms into a cocoon is zero. 】

Tang Sui was stunned, "Why?"

【. I don’t know, you need to explore the reason yourself. 】The system said vaguely,【But after it advances, it is very likely to evolve in the direction of transforming into a dragon. 】

"Turning into a dragon?" Tang Sui suddenly thought of the myths and unofficial legends of the Hua Kingdom, those stories about the success of the snake demon's cultivation and the possibility of becoming a dragon in the end.

"Speaking of which, will the soul beasts of Douluo Continent face the choice of 'transformation into a dragon' after reaching the million-year critical point?"

A flash of light flashed through her mind.

System: [Almost.But the "transforming dragon" of the ten-headed blazing sun snake is just a literally transforming dragon. 】

In the Douluo Continent, the million-year-old soul beast "Hualong" is equal to the demigod realm of a 99th-level human peerless Douluo.

Understanding what the system wanted to convey, Tang Sui breathed out, his legs limply floating in mid-air, in a paralyzed state, looking at the ten-headed blazing sun snake that had turned into a cocoon, he felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart.

What will Uncle Snake look like after he transforms into a dragon?

Will the branch of the snake demon mutate into the race of Yamata no Orochi?
The system that knew Tang Sui's thoughts in an instant: 【. What are you fantasizing about? Yamata no Orochi is not a race name, but a unique evil god. 】

Oh, then Uncle Snake can't become "Uncle Snake".

It's a pity, I thought Uncle Snake was the reincarnation of Yamata no Orochi.

Tang Sui immediately showed regret.

Tang Sui, who settled the "post-disaster residents", gave the order and left the killing capital after leaving a fox face.

Because after the ten-headed blazing sun snake enters the cocoon, it means that it is already in a stable period, and success is only a matter of time, and she does not need to be guarded by the side for 24 hours, just put a fox face on it.

Humian will tell her in the mental space whenever there is trouble.

It is the most reliable mask to keep track of.

Tang Sui sighed in his heart, ignoring the strange words quoted by the ape face, and rushed towards Tiandou with full motivation.

However, after returning to Shrek Academy, Tang Sui was surprised to find many new faces, as well as familiar faces, such as the two standing in front of her, one green and one red, arm in arm and standing side by side opposite her.

Tang Sui looked at Huo Wu, who hadn't changed much, with a more beautiful face and beautiful fiery red hair, and showed a puzzled expression: "You are Huo Wu?"

Huo Wu, who was standing next to Feng Xiaotian, who was wearing an azure Kamikaze Academy uniform and hadn't seen him for more than five years, was stunned when she saw Tang Sui, and recalled the faces in her mind, and finally met with the other A pair of immature faces overlapped, she pulled out her hand to hold Feng Xiaotian's arm, her face changed from doubt to a complicated expression: "Tang Sui? You are still alive"

Tang Sui: "Of course I'm alive."

She wanted to choke on the other party, but Huo Wu's expression was not regretting that she didn't die, but a feeling of "great, you're still alive", which made her suppress the choking thoughts and said: " How did you end up here?"

Feng Xiaotian spread his hands, "Because we are also members of Shrek Academy now."

Tang Sui: 0v0
She looked at Huo Wu with an uncomfortable expression, and Huo Wu's eyes fluttered: "During your absence, our Four Elements Academy was officially merged into Shrek Academy. So...we are classmates now."

"So that's how it is." Tang Sui showed a suddenly realized expression.

"Congratulations then."

She read a few words, then turned around and started to leave.

"Tang Sui."

Fire Dance called out.

Tang Sui paused and turned his head slightly, "Is there anything else?"

The voice was very flat, and Huo Wu's heart was unbalanced for no reason, and then, with an unnatural expression, he said:

"I, you are safe and sound. Very good."

Tang Sui was startled slightly, his eyes changed, and his tone softened a bit: "Thank you."

—— Digression——

Every time after the exam, it is a wonderful state of Buddhism, holding hands jpg
(End of this chapter)

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