"The third soul skill, Bi Phosphorus Bewitching Formation!"

A dense layer of green mist suddenly spewed out from Dugu Bo's body, bypassing Tang San, Tang Sui, and Yang Wudi as if he had eyes, and spewed out in all directions at the same time.

However, a strange scene appeared, when the venomous mist of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor gushed out and covered Piercing Blood Douluo, he opened his mouth and inhaled, the third soul ring on his body was shining, and the snake venom released by Dugu Bo was in the air. All of his storm-style inhalation was swallowed by him, not a drop left!
The Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor venom that can take a person's life in just a breath is integrated into Blood Piercing Douluo's body. The dark red light emitted by Blood Piercing Douluo intersects with the green mist of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor's body, and the colors are constantly changing. More muddy dull colors.

On the other hand, the end of the porpoise spirit released by the blood piercing douluo, which was densely covered with purple spikes, was condensed with a thick layer of green.

Taking advantage of his inflated characteristics, Blood Piercing Douluo forced Dugu Bo's Jade Phosphorous Snake Emperor Poison onto his spikes, and turned the enemy's moves into his own equipment!

Dugu Bo's complexion changed suddenly. Under the huge, bottomless pit-like mouth of the inflated dolphin, he had to keep his own balance and not be pulled up by the strong suction force. Attack Blood Piercing Douluo.

Seeing this, Qian Renxue, who was outside the battle circle, chuckled lightly, and said leisurely: "Dugu Bo, there is no need to try to resist. Your poison has no effect in front of us."

As soon as the words fell, a smirk appeared on Blood Piercing Douluo's face, and he expanded his huge mouth like a black hole again. In the face of this powerful suction force, Dugu Bo had no choice but to give up using poison. With a roll at the end, it tightly entangled the solid carved pillar.

Damn soul power suppression!
Dugu Bo cursed secretly in his heart, and glanced at Yang Wudi who was already in an inseparable fight with Snake Lance Douluo, and Yang Wudi who was observing the battle situation, waiting for the opportunity, and giving full play to his home court advantage as a control system soul master. Tang San gritted his teeth.

The strength of the enemy is unexpectedly strong, we can only wait for the opportunity!
"The fifth soul skill, face of reincarnation!"

The time Dugu Bo has been waiting for has arrived!
In the skyrocketing energy field, Tang Sui's support fell, and on the basis of one layer, the speed was increased by 25%, the critical damage by 20%, and the defense by 30%. Let it go, it turned into a small white mask and surrounded Dugu Bo's feet, absorbing 33% of the poisonous damage for him, all of which were transformed into soul power supplies for Dugu Bo!


Piercing Blood Douluo's pupils shrank, watching Dugu Bo break away from his suction force, the already huge Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor swelled again to a width of three meters, and its length also increased suddenly. Qingmang looks like it has been strengthened at first glance.


The energy exploded in the air, and the soldiers who heard the movement from this side gathered towards this side were swallowed up by Tang Sui's domain as soon as they stepped in, temporarily restraining them from joining the main battlefield.

But among the soldiers who rushed over, not only the people from the Wuhun Temple, but also the soul masters who originally belonged to the Heaven Dou Empire, so after Tang Sui swallowed them into the domain, he took out the ape face and devoured them , My own person will get dizzy under mental control.


Tang San standing at the back's eyes lit up, looking at the small white face that also appeared at his feet, his heart was also filled with fighting spirit.


Although it is not the martial soul of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, at this moment Tang Sui's supplementary effect of restoring attributes is even stronger than the boost effect given by the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda!

Seeing that Yang Wudi, who was already on par with the titled Douluo at the rank of Contra, Yang Wudi's momentum soared, under the eyes of the Snake Douluo, the indomitable breakthrough The soul gun slashed down again, directly smashing Snake Lance Douluo and his spear into the air, and slammed heavily into the hard and thick wall fortress of the sleeping hall, smashing out a deep pit in the shape of a spider web.


Yang Wudi laughed out loud, he didn't want to fight, but turned around, holding the soul-breaking gun, and rushed towards the blood-stabbing Douluo who was following Dugu Bo with a tail and a poisonous sting, helping the suppressed Dugu Bo, and With Tang San's abrupt Blue Silver Emperor restricted entanglement, Blood Piercing Douluo instantly fell into a disadvantage.

And on the other side, Snake Lance Douluo, who struggled to pull himself out of the wall, saw this scene, golden lightning flashed in his eyes, the pitch-black fifth soul ring moved, and the clear sky changed rapidly. Covered by thick black clouds, the golden thunder jumped in the clouds, like a dragon snake, falling like a meteor, all of them melted into the body of Snake Lance Douluo.

"Fifth Soul Skill, Thunderous Burst Kill!"

His eyes were as sharp as eagles, fixed on Tang San who was focused on piercing Blood Douluo, the snake spear in his hand vibrated, and when he turned, he wiped out the golden lightning, and his whole body suddenly turned into a golden thunder and flew out. It's like a typhoon passing through the border, destroying the dead and going straight to Tang San!

"Don't think about it!"

Tang Sui suddenly disappeared into the void, leaped out from the shadow under Tang San's feet, black lights appeared in the bottom of his eyes, and the jade white mask instantly turned into a black background with golden edges, condensing a majestic black and red demon power, combined with soul power Covering the three masks, wrapped in the momentum of piercing armor, accompanied by the shining sixth spirit ring, they all flew out.

"The sixth soul skill, Forbidden Face!"

The three black masks with full auxiliary attributes collided with the rushing golden thunder halfway, and the terrifying power instantly shattered the ground, eroding the open space into a huge round pit, and the original paved area The marble floor tiles were all reduced to powder under the terrifying soul skills of the two colliding!

Amidst the explosion, Tang Sui leaned back and retreated ten steps in a row, it was Tang San who folded back again and stretched out his hand to support Tang Sui so that she could stand still.

As for the Snake Lance on the other side, it took five steps back under the forceful impact, but the hand holding the Snake Lance trembled violently, with blood constantly spilling from the corner of its mouth, and it was almost impossible to hold the spear.

"Huh? Still want to sneak attack the suzerain? Look at the gun!"

Yang Wudi, who cooperated with Dugu Bo to force the bloodthirsty Douluo back, turned his head to look, and suddenly became angry, a scarlet light burst out from his eyes like a murderous god, he raised his gun to attack, but he didn't go to help Tang Spike, but aimed directly at the Blood Piercing Douluo.

Take advantage of his disability and kill him!
Years of accumulated combat experience allowed Yang Wudi to form this style.

"Second Soul Skill, Tou!"

In the sudden change of Blood Piercing Douluo coughing up blood, the black body of the soul-breaking gun in Yang Wudi's hand was covered with a layer of jet-black light. The whole person was integrated with the gun, and with extreme concentration, killing intent, and a sense of oppression intertwined with blood, he rushed towards the bloodthirsty Douluo!

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