Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 470 The Room That Refuses to Be Entered

Tang San's pale fingertips tapped lightly in the void, and the next moment, two Clear Sky Hammers with subtle differences in color appeared in his left and right hands, moving with the hammers, one hammer was more violent than the other. Hitting like rain hitting plantains, under Tang Sui's cooperating attack like a shadow, he pinpointed the point that was concentrated and broken by the black masks, and chased and hit.

Rao Chenxin also felt a little bit of difficulty under the fierce attack of the powerful first weapon Martial Soul and the mask with its own armor-piercing properties.

"That's it. The fifth soul skill, Megatron Quartet!"

The sharp and icy powerful sword intents converged, and Chen Xin, who was holding the Seven Kills Sword, flashed the cold sword intents in his eyes. The human sword merged into one, using his body as a sword, and turned into a huge Seven Kills Sword, facing the condensed sword intent. Aimed at the young man who wielded the double hammer for the last time and came towards him!

Sensing the crisis, a circle of black light radiated from Tang San's body, and Tang Sui, who was shaken back, also flickered with black light, and disappeared in the same place in the next instant, while the figure of Tang San, who fell vertically in mid-air, suddenly became unreal. The strength of the Haotian Hammer that he was holding did not weaken at all.

Clear Sky Hammer, Double Chaos Cloak! !

The collision of two terrifying forces is like a nuclear explosion. Even if you can find a vacant site in the academy, no matter whether it is a building, a tree or a piece of land, they are all engulfed in this terrifying energy collision!

"How's it going?"

Flender, who jointly opened the soul barrier to protect them, didn't even care about his purse, which was about to bleed, and watched helplessly on the battle platform where the light and shadow gradually dissipated.

The smoke and dust dissipated, Sword Douluo Luo Chenxin's arms trembled slightly, and the corners of his clothes were torn, but he still stood there with ease, watching Tang who had been released from the fusion form of the martial soul and landed on the ground not far away to breathe Sanhe Tang Sui.

The faces of both of them were as pale as paper, their breaths were disordered and weak, and there was still undried blood at the corners of their mouths. It was self-evident from the beginning who won the final victory.

"You are very good. I believe that your future will definitely be even more brilliant."

With a sincere smile on the corner of Chen Xin's mouth, she stroked the dust on her sleeves, jumped up lightly, landed on his Wuhun Seven Kill Sword, and Yu Jian flew away from the spot.

From the moment Chen Xin opened his mouth until he left, no one said a word.

Including Tang San, who was panting, staring at the ground without focus, then propped up his body into a meditation posture, started to adjust his breath on the spot, and his brain began to meditate without stopping.

Oscar, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, and Xiao Wu who were still awake also maintained that dodging posture and stood there, their martial souls gradually retracted, but they still didn't speak, all fell into deep thought.

With absolute strength, they truly realized their current insignificance, smashed their pride because they broke through to their current cultivation faster than ordinary people, and are reorganizing themselves.

The master patted Flender and Zhao Wuji on the shoulders, looked at Ma Hongjun who was sitting there stupidly without knowing how to adjust his breath, and Zhu Zhuqing who kept his breath awake, shook his head, and said, "Let's go, take Chen Xiang with you." Go back and heal, them, let them think about it here."

Master is very satisfied with today's result.


Since the Shrek Eight Monsters won the championship of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition five years ago, he wanted to find a chance to beat them.

It's just that everyone separated later, and they haven't been able to get together.

Got it together now and it works great.

Three days passed quickly, and the battle with Sword Douluo caused the Shrek Nine Monsters to suffer a greater blow than the master had imagined, including Bai Chenxiang after waking up, the nine of them stayed at home for a whole three sky.

In these three days, they didn't conduct any actual combat drills, nor did they communicate with each other, they just practiced quietly in the wooden house, until Ning Fengzhi sent someone to find Tang San and Tang Sui, this silent cultivation was considered to be over.

No, it's not quite over either.

Let's not mention Ma Hongjun who finally broke through after an epiphany, but even the scorching breath of Ma Hongjun's breakthrough couldn't shake Tang Sui's room.

The master brought the Qibao Liulizong disciples who came to find Tang San and Tang Sui to the wooden house, and woke Tang San up first.

"Xiao San, Sui Sui, come out for a while."

With some unspeakable deep emotions and thoughts in his eyes, Tang San stood outside Tang Sui's room with the master and the disciple of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

But the strange thing is that Tang Sui's door didn't move at all.

Quiet. It seems to separate the two spaces.

"Huh? Something's not right, Sui, can you hear me?"

The relaxed look on the master's face disappeared, and Tang San's expression also changed into a look of doubt and solemnity, and he shouted again with a voice full of soul power——

"Sui Sui, are you there?"


There was still no response from the room.

Tang San frowned, stretched out his hand to touch the door, "Suisui, open the door."


The moment Tang San's slender fingertips touched the facade, his fingertips were viciously flicked away by an invisible force, and the fingertips were even cut into a long and thin wound by the sharp blade wind, but with the special talent of the Blue Silver Emperor It will heal itself quickly.

"Huh? Little San, what's going on?"

The master was startled, grabbed Tang San's finger that had just been cut, looked at the wound that healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and focused his eyes.

After hearing the news, Oscar and the others who were fighting with the promoted Ma Hongjun also came over and gathered around the door.

"Little San, what's the matter? Sui Sui hasn't come out yet."

Tang San frowned, looked at Tang Sui's door in doubt, and said, "Just now... I seem to have been warned by a force"

The master who noticed something was wrong: "Little San, did you say a warning?"

Under normal circumstances, if you are cut, at most you will encounter something and be backlashed. I don't know what the situation is, but Tang San said precisely that he was warned, which is intriguing. M.oo.
Tang San's eyes changed for a moment, and his spiritual power was released, covering the entire dormitory building. As expected, he knew the situation of the entire dormitory building well, but only Tang Sui's room was like a glass layer. Being covered with an opaque black cloth, it is impossible to see half of it.

And what's even more incredible is that he felt that the "black cloth" was conscious.

It is as thick as black mud, but it has its own consciousness inconceivably.

Thinking of the message passed to him by the other party, Tang San's face turned subtle, and he almost murmured: "Sui Sui's room is inaccessible now, or 'it' refuses people to enter, and is still warning us not to try in vain. Go in and disturb the owner of 'it'?"

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief, including Grandmaster, who almost thought he was hallucinating.

"Little San, you said, 'it' is a living creature with consciousness?!"

The master who had never seen such a strange situation for decades almost thought his disciple was joking with him, but Tang San's equally dazed expression showed that what he said was true.

—— Digression——

The first wave of explosions is over, and the rest of the explosions will be in the evening, because Friday is a busy day, so see you in the evening~
Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

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