The first surprise I got from going to Tiandou Palace this time was that under the witness of Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi, he became the teacher of the current Tiandou Prince Xue Beng, that is, the future emperor teacher.

The second surprise was that Emperor Xue Ye gave him a soul-guiding device that was suspected to function, but in fact it was a divine weapon—the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover.

As for why he passed out, it was related to the second surprise.

It was different from Tang Sui who was sleeping soundly.

It was also in a coma, but Tang San's conscious world seemed to be pulling his body and soul, even in a coma it was extremely uncomfortable.

Because of the huge suction force, he couldn't control his body at all.

Gradually, the suction made him weaker and weaker, as if everything around him were fading away.

At this time, a special force poured into the heart, and then slowly flowed into the brain, turning into a coolness and combining with the brain.

Although the feeling of weakness is still there, the brain has become extraordinarily clear.

I can't feel the outside world, but I can clearly feel the blood flow in the meridians in the body, and even feel all the subtle changes in the internal organs.

Consciousness is still hazy, and the passage of time in the outside world is also blurred.

When he regained consciousness and opened his eyes again, it was already dark outside.

And he turned his head to look, um, Sui Sui still hasn't woken up.

After communicating with the partners who came over after hearing the news, the master looked at Tang Sui who was still asleep, and then at Tang San, feeling a little heavy in his heart:
"Sui Sui still hasn't woken up. Xiao San, what are you going to do next? Do you continue to wait, or"

What was supposed to be a pleasant farewell now became a worry that they couldn't even open their brows.

"Tomorrow morning, we will set off for Sea God Island." Looking at Tang Sui who was still unconscious, Tang San took a deep breath and replied firmly.

"However, Sui Sui, in case something unexpected happens."

Dai Mubai hesitated a little.

Tang San looked at Dai Mubai: "Boss Dai, have you forgotten the artifact of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover? If we encounter danger, at worst we will adopt group tactics! What's more, with it, we don't need to keep people in the wild from now on The vigil is on."

Of course, just in case, he will also release a blue silver emperor to wrap around Sui Sui's wrist, so that he can feel his pulse at any time and know Sui Sui's physical condition.

The rest of the people looked at each other and voted for it, agreeing to leave early tomorrow morning.

On the second day, the morning light was twilight, the eight Shrek monsters, and Tang Sui who was carried by Xiao Wu, a group of people stood on the carriage at the entrance of the academy, and said goodbye to relatives and friends one after another.

The carriage was already prepared for them by the master.

Not only the teachers of Shrek Academy came to see him off, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, and all the elders of the Tang Sect were invited by the master.He personally sent the Seven Shrek Monsters and Bai Chenxiang to the carriage.All the items that need to be carried are packed into the soul guides of everyone.

Before leaving, even the masters, almost everyone told them to put safety first.

Parting is always sad, and I don't know how long this trip will take. At least Tang Sui, who has not woken up at this moment, does not have to suffer the pain of parting, and can experience lying down.

The large carriage that could carry more than a dozen people disappeared from everyone's sight.

Soon, the carriage left the west gate of Tiandou City, and went west along the official road.

The master drew a detailed map for Tang San.

They first need to take a carriage to the west of the mainland, the sea within the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire, and then take a boat to reach the destination of this trip.

This journey is extremely long, according to Grandmaster's calculation, it will take them about two months to arrive.

In order to get to the destination as soon as possible, the people did not rest in the passing cities. Only when the horses were tired, they would rest for a while and camp on the spot.

As night fell, the Shrek Seven Monsters woke up one after another from their deep slumbers, and replaced the driver of the carriage.

Although the time was tight, they chose to camp and rest at night.

Their physical fitness is fine, but ordinary horses can't stand day and night.

For ten days, Tang Sui still fell into a deep sleep without waking up.

But at night, Xiao Wu and the others would gently move Tang Sui out of the carriage and put them in a sleeping bag, so that people could stay under their eyelids and be alert all the time.

After setting up the temporary tent, Tang San took out drinking water and food from the moonlit night at the 24th Bridge.

It is autumn, and the temperature at night is colder than that during the day.

Dai Mubai swiped his tiger claws twice, like cutting vegetables, and in a short while brought a large pile of firewood.

Ma Hongjun was in charge of lighting the fire with the phoenix flames, and the girls also took out the kettles, and baked dry food while boiling hot water on the campfire.

Everyone just sat around the campfire.

Looking at Tang Sui sleeping peacefully under the orange firelight, Dai Mubai sighed, and said: "Little San, when do you think Sui Sui will wake up? In addition to the days in the academy, it will take half a day." It's been a month."

Tang San shook his head, looked at Xiao Wu and the others who were already somewhat sleepy, and said in a low voice: "I don't know either. Now I just hope that Sui Sui can wake up safe and sound before we reach Sea God Island."

Dai Mubai patted Tang San's shoulder comfortingly, and said in a low voice: "If you need help with anything, just say so, I'll also start training first."

As he got closer to the sea, now he is also a member of Juan Wang.

Tang San nodded, another night without words.

Three days later, everyone had already entered the western frontier of the Heaven Dou Empire.

The horses have also been changed on the way to a city.

The four newly replaced horses were enough to speed up their pace and send them to the seashore.

"There is a village ahead, Boss Dai, shall we go to that village to rest and supply some food?"

Tang San, who was checking the map, said to Dai Mubai who was driving.

Dai Mubai looked at the already darkened sky, and said loudly: "Okay, then let's find family members in that village to pay some soul coins for a night."

Having said that, he steered the horse towards existence.

The spacious carriage was blocked in front of the Tiangeng path, and everyone had to get off the carriage temporarily.

The people who got out of the car one by one didn't notice that Tang Sui's fingertips, who was leaning on a corner of the sofa in the carriage, seemed to move, but soon when Bai Chenxiang went to help him, there was no movement again.

Oscar, who was the first to get off the carriage, moved his stiff joints, looked at the low wooden house with lights on in the distance, and let out a cry of surprise.

"It's not right, why is there no one in this cultivated land?"

Ning Rongrong beside him looked around, hesitantly said: "Have they all gone home? After all, the sky is already dark now."

Xiao Wu's nose twitched slightly, as a soul beast, she was particularly sensitive to smells, including the very faint smell of iron rust coming from the wind at this moment.

"It's not right. There's a smell of blood in the wind, and it's coming from the direction of the village."

she said firmly.

—— Digression——

There will be an update before 0 o'clock, Mo Li squints for a while and then touches the keyboard~
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