Chapter 496 Seagod's Light 2
After activating the fifth soul skill White Tiger Demon Transformation, the huge pressure suddenly eased a bit, but it was still very strong.

Dai Mubai, who stopped at this level of steps to temporarily breathe a sigh of relief, turned his head inadvertently, and saw his good brother Tang San step by step, heavy and slow, but without the slightest pause, he passed the No. 30 fifth step, and then There are two levels on the face, and there is no tendency to stop.

Dai Mubai couldn't help shrinking his pupils: "Little San, you haven't used a single soul ability until now, how did you persist?"

One must know that this is the second time he has used soul skills.

He used the third soul ability once when he was on the twenty or so steps.

Look at Tang San again, my good guy, I haven't used a soul ability once, and I've been keeping my head down.

Dai Mubai suddenly felt incredible.

However, the content of the answer immediately made him turn from surprise to numbness in an instant.

Tang San, who was also drenched with sweat, and was still overflowing with sweat, said in a deep voice, "Because I have three more spirit bones than you."

Dai Mubai: "."Growing grass.

Sure enough, they can't be compared with Juan Wang brothers and sisters, otherwise they will be pissed off sooner or later.

He turned his head, looked at the No.30 seven steps in front of him, took a deep breath, raised his tired and trembling right foot, but at the moment when the tip of his toe was about to touch the step surface, the strong pressure directly drained his soul power. , the mentally and physically exhausted Dai Mubai was shaken away.

Then like a collapsed domino, the golden tiger stripes that appeared on Dai Mubai's body dissipated, and in the hazy golden mist, his vision began to shake, the string in his brain broke, and his whole body went straight to Finally, it flew upside down as if being slapped hard by a huge force!


"Boss Dai!"


The expressions of Oscar and the others who stayed in front of the steps on the island changed suddenly.

But in the next second, Dai Mubai who was flying upside down in the air was cut off by another leaping figure.

Putting his hands against the people, Tang Sui, who was enduring the double impact from the Seagod's Light, had a dark red light in his eyes, and the monster power poured out, forming a translucent black barrier around their bodies, a fierce and huge force like a torrent. Pressure is temporarily blocked.

But the barrier soon heard a crisp crackling sound.

Tang Sui, who was leaning against the person, frowned, brought the exhausted Dai Mubai down on the more than ten steps below, and then retreated quickly and steadily step by step, just in case the pushing resistance would blow them all away, Temporarily exited the range of the Seagod's Light.

"Boss Dai!"

"Mubai, are you alright?"

Everyone gathered around.

Among them, Oscar hurriedly made a super recovery sausage for Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai, who was completely exhausted, chewed the sausage in his mouth, looked at his companions comfortingly, then looked back at Tang San on the No. 30 eighth step, raised his arm with difficulty, and moved towards Tang San Three thumbs up.

Tang Sui, who didn't perform the second soul skill for Dai Mubai, looked at the steps thoughtfully, then looked at the sober Dai Mubai, and said, "Boss Dai, you should quickly meditate and adjust your breathing."

"When I watched you go up the steps behind you, I found that some of the golden mist surrounding you was absorbed by you, maybe there is something strange."

Combined with the original setting, after the golden mist is absorbed by the human body, it should have the effect of washing the marrow. After the body is under pressure, the golden mist will slowly open up the meridians and acupoints, thereby achieving the effect of doubling the cultivation.

Already feeling the bones in his body, and even every cell in his body breathing briskly, Dai Mubai took a deep breath, and began to meditate without saying a word.

"Sui Sui, why don't you give Boss Dai your second soul skill? Doesn't Boss Dai recover faster?" Ma Hongjun asked Tang Sui puzzled.

Tang Sui shook his head: "The effect of this Seagod's Light is similar to how my brother and I were under the pressure of the three education committees in the Tiandou Imperial Academy. The greater the pressure we endured, the greater the benefit gained from self-cultivation later. more and more."

Throwing watermelon and picking up sesame seeds is a big deal.

"If I restore Boss Dai's second soul ability once, the effect he can get from the pressure will be reduced a lot. And I found that when I was on the seventh step, I originally wanted to use Boss Dai's first shot. Two soul skills, but my second soul skill seems to be temporarily blocked by an invisible force, unable to use it."

"But according to Boss Dai's words, it seems that the increase-type soul skills can be used. My state has almost recovered. I continue to climb the steps. You can also try it."

In the time spent chatting, Tang Sui had almost fully recovered the power he had just spent on ascending the steps.

The others looked at each other, seeing Dai Mubai who was completely immersed in cultivation, nodded to each other, then stood in front of the stairs to the island, and climbed up one by one.

After climbing the first step, he wobbled, took two unsteady steps back, and Ma Hongjun, who was ejected from the stairs on the island by the strong push resistance, let out a hiss, "What a strong pressure! If it wasn't for the young master, my weight would be on the Here, it was almost blown away!"

Oscar rolled his eyes at Ma Hongjun, "Sui Sui and the others said that the pressure is very strong, but you are still so reckless, really."

Ma Hongjun rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly, smiled, then put away all the lightness, and climbed the steps with his companions with a serious expression.

Tang San was stuck on the No. 40 third step at this time, the eight spider spirit bones behind him had already stretched out, and the sharp spider spears were on the two steps behind him to support him.

He took a hard breath, his legs trembling slightly.

If it weren't for the Eight Spider Lances to support him, both domains spread out to share most of the pressure, and now he would end up flying like Dai Mubai.

As he was panting for breath, he suddenly heard the exclamation of his partners behind him.

"I'll go! Is this still a human! How can Sui Sui walk so easily!"


Tang San turned his head slowly, and saw Tang Sui, who was about ten steps behind him, was climbing up steadily and powerfully step by step, quickly narrowing the distance between them.

What surprised Tang San the most was that Tang Sui, who had reached the 33rd step, did not appear to be exhausted, and kept moving forward at a constant speed.

Tang San looked past Tang Sui, landed on his companions who had just walked up to more than ten steps, and then turned back to Tang Sui who didn't change his expression and didn't sweat a single drop, watching his sister walk up with him with question marks all over his head. He walked up the flat steps, with only a little sweat oozing from his forehead.

Tang San asked with a slightly hoarse voice: "Sui Sui, why don't you look tired at all? Have you used soul skills?"

Tang Sui turned his head to look at his brother's appearance of being tired at any time, and blinked, "Maybe it's because I have one more blood than you? So my body has a stronger endurance?"

Tang San:"."

For the first time, he knew that what he said to Boss Dai before was so ah.

Tang San, who was taken by Versailles, looked at Tang Sui's non-stop climbing, took a deep breath, muttered that he couldn't compare with Juan Wang, and continued to move forward with difficulty in a muffled voice.

—— Digression——

You're mad at me, I'm mad at him, the winner takes all quack.

(End of this chapter)

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