Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 554 Deep Sea Demon Whale King VS First Lie Yang Snake 3

Chapter 554

The sea water splashed several meters high, and the turbid red color spread in the deep sea water, making the color of the sea water even more confusing.

The huge body of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King sank into the sea. With the unique characteristics of sea spirit beasts, it almost merged with the sea water and the breath of other wandering Deep Sea Demon Whales, making it unrecognizable.

The pupils of the ten blazing sun snakes and ten pairs of snakes, which temporarily lost their targets, were covered with a layer of light and mist, and they looked around.

In its field of vision, the world seems to have only blue and red colors left.

The deep-sea demon whales lurking in the sea became a series of red thermal images, and their active vital signs were reflected in the pair of snake pupils without omission, including dormant under Tang Sui with the breath of the tribe, The main body of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who is about to launch a wave of violent attacks.


The 70-meter-long snake tail powerfully sliced ​​through the turbulent sea water, and a layer of red mist attached to the pitch-black scales derived substantial energy. Following the arc thrown by the ten blazing sun snakes when they turned their bodies, they swung a blow. A slash more than [-] meters long.


The crimson light blade is like a hot iron, and several blue water blades are evaporated, even the sea water is instantly turned into rising water vapor.

It is like a sharp fish-killing knife, covering the deep sea demon whales that appear on its attack trajectory.

Death is something that happens in an instant.

In their eyes, before they even had time to react, they were so keen that a red light appeared in their eyes, and their body had already been split in two, and they couldn't explode even if they wanted to explode.

The strong smell of blood permeated this sea area, with the unique stench of fish, which tormented Tang Sui's sense of smell and made her almost vomit.

"Be careful down there."

Shang Yang's voice rang in Tang Sui's mind.

The chill climbed up the back spine and exploded on the scalp, and the terrifying coercion spread layer by layer from below. The blue-purple energy light dormant in the black mist broke through Tang Sui's barrier in just two seconds.

"The third soul skill, the face of nothingness!"

The huge black shadow approached from below, and the terrifying whalebone and strong bloody smell came to Tang Sui's nostrils. The moment Tang Sui felt creepy, the dark purple soul ring around her also lit up, and her body was blurred. The high-jumping Deep Sea Demon Whale King opened his mouth and pierced through its thick and hard body.

In the interlacing of lights and shadows, Tang Sui landed on one of the ten blazing sun snake heads, and watched with lingering fear as he turned around in the semi-air conditioner. Even a huge body more than 200 meters long could not hide its strong flexibility at all. .


The long whale cry carried a trace of strange sound waves, and it sounded at the same time as the sound of the huge whale tail thrown down by the deep-sea demon whale king after the semi-air conditioner finished turning his posture, and the sound of the huge whale tail scratching the air.

"Speaking Spirit Shou!"

The platycodon mark formed by the mysterious Taoism suddenly expanded, and the ten blazing sun snakes did not dare to mobilize their own huge monster power carelessly, combined with Tang Sui's opened protective barrier, forming a powerful barrier to block this evasion A blow that was too late.


The huge whale tail slammed heavily on the barrier formed by the combined force.

A layer of intense blue-purple light covering the whale's tail seemed to gather together countless thunderbolts, bombarding the barrier, exploding a terrifying energy impact.


Tang Sui's first layer of barrier was broken, and the terrifying energy impact instantly shocked her heart and lungs, causing her to choke out a big mouthful of blood, which was blown away by the strong wind, leaving blood streaks on her cheeks.

A crimson enchantment of demonic power spread around her body, firmly protecting Tang Sui within it.


A low growl filled with concern sounded from the side.

Tang Sui looked up, and one of the ten heads of the blazing sun snake approached, a little bit of concern appeared in the cruel eyes of the snake, while the other nine heads were still confronting the deep sea demon whale king.

Just when she was about to say that she was fine, the sound of sharp knives cutting flesh came to her ears.

A more intense smell of blood rushed into his nostrils, Tang Sui's face turned pale, and just as he turned his head, he saw two familiar giant snake heads rolling down in the rain of blood.

The slash of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King cut off the huge snake heads of the ten blazing sun snakes. The churning flesh and stinky blood were reflected in the pupils, and the dark gray abdomen was dyed a dazzling red.


The two ferocious snake heads that fell in mid-air were bitten by the other two snake heads extended by the ten-headed blazing sun snake.

"But so."

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King made a low-pitched taunt. Even though his body was torn apart, he looked much better than the ten-headed blazing sun snake with two of its heads cut off.

"I admit that your strength is indeed comparable to mine, but your best battlefield is land, and here is the sea!"

As he spoke, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King's sight fell on Tang Sui, which was unfathomable.

"Although she is of mixed blood, I think this girl is not your bloodline, right? I don't feel a similar aura from your blood. Is it worth it to work hard for a little girl who has no blood relationship?"

"It's not your turn to make a conclusion about my relationship with her."

The ice-cold snake eyes of the ten blazing sun snakes stared at the deep-sea demon whale king floating in the front of dozens of deep-sea demon whales. The snake head that was close to Tang Sui was slightly higher, and the shadow cast by the snake head covered Tang Sui blocked her movement.

"The second soul skill, good face."

Tang Sui lifted his hand from the attack mode, the second soul ring buzzed, and threw a healing buff to himself, and then directly poured the instantly inflated demon power into the ten-headed blazing sun snake.

In front of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and other observers, the pupils shone with tyrannical light, and the sharp conical teeth were inserted into the hard scales, and the sharp scales pierced into its mouth like it was made of dough. It crumbles, making a chilling bone-crushing sound.

Such a bloody and cruel scene, even though they were several miles away, Bo Saixi and the others couldn't help shrinking their pupils, who were only watching this side through the water mirror.

OK, so scary.
Xiaobai covered his mouth, his eyes showed a deep look of horror.

It's not that she hasn't seen a soul beast that ruthlessly eats the corpses of its own clan on the battlefield, because it's all energy that can be reached, but it's the first time that she eats her own wave.

Even if she is the King of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, such a scene is rarely seen once in a hundred years.

The scene was extremely uncomfortable.

"Hmm..." Ma Hongjun bowed his waist, trying hard to restrain the urge to vomit.

Bai Chenxiang, who had never seen such a scene before, had a pretty pale face, and looked at this scene tremblingly.

Oscar subconsciously wanted to cover Ning Rongrong's eyes, but Ning Rongrong held his hand first and stopped him.

The gaze in Bo Saixi's eyes changed for a few moments, but he didn't make a sound.

In the water mirror, the severed two snake heads of the ten fierce yang snakes have been completely chewed up and swallowed by the Lord.

In an instant, the flesh and blood throbbed visible to the naked eye, beating like a heart. The blood film and limbs, and even the tendons walking on it were clearly visible, bringing sticky blood color and reshaping into a new snake. head.

"What?!" It was the Deep Sea Demon Whale King's turn to change his face this time.

The speed of recovery is so fast? !
(End of this chapter)

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