Chapter 557
Different from the thinking of ordinary parents, Shang Yang just frowned slightly, and did not open his mouth to veto or seek more convenience for Tang Sui.

Under normal circumstances, even if you think about it with your knees, you can know that the private treasury of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King must have traps, and Tang Sui diving there alone is tantamount to jumping into a trap by himself.

But neither Tang Sui nor Shang Yang thought about negotiating terms with the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

Tang Sui thought for two seconds, then nodded briskly: "Okay."

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King took a deep look at Tang Sui, and took two steps aside to get out of the passageway.

Before jumping into the passage, Tang Sui thought of something, looked at the old god who was standing there, looking at the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who was not planning to follow Tang Sui, and asked, "I'll go to your private vault alone, will you Aren't you afraid I'll take too much?"

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King glanced at Tang Sui, "There is a token of my power in the private treasury, and I know exactly what's going on inside."

This means that it is impossible to get more under his nose.

Tang Sui walked out of Shang Yang's enchantment thoughtfully, attached the black and red monster power to the body surface, cut off the strong resistance, and stepped into the underwater passage.


The turbulent undercurrent was like a mortar, and the oncoming thrust was no less powerful than the force Tang Sui felt the first day he boarded the Seagod's Light.

No wonder the Deep Sea Demon Whale King confidently left a sea passage.

With this resistance, even if the strangeness hidden in the black water plants is found, every Contra or Title Douluo's cultivation base will not be able to go down.


The black-red light deepened, facing the gazes of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and Shang Yang, Tang Sui sank into the sea channel without changing his face, and disappeared into the sight of the two.

The seabed suddenly became much more lonely, only Shang Yang and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King were left facing each other, and no one made a sound.

There is only one sea channel, and there are no multiple-choice questions for Tang Sui to do after going deep, except that it is a long distance, which is too long for a sea soul master or a soul master with excellent water quality to bear it. .

The narrowing of the channel did not make the resistance of the sea water any less.

Every drop of sea water is like an attacking soul skill used by the enemy, impacting on the human body, even if there is strength to protect the body, if you are not careful, you will be washed back by the turbulent undercurrent, and then you will be involved in the sea water, unable to control your body .

The field of vision gradually widened, and the end of this sea channel was a deeper black.

With just one glance, Tang Sui discovered the true colors of these blacks—it was a strange quarry made of black rock used to cover the entrance.

Her spiritual power is shielded by these jagged black stones is the best proof.

The black and red enchantment of demon power opened, isolating the invasion of sea water.

Tang Sui, who was able to breathe again, saw the dark rock wall in front of her. With a thought, four masks emerged from the void and surrounded her.

Before the four masks could make a sound, Tang Sui grabbed a lucky guy casually, then approached the black rock wall, and knocked on the edge of the lucky guy's mask shell.

It seems that when a melon buyer chooses a watermelon, he will knock the shell of the melon with his hand.

If the sound is dull enough, it is a good melon.

Lucky Lucky God: "."

'Little master, did you hear anything? '

An old man's face forcefully saw slight grievances.

Tang Sui used the God of Fortune to tap east and west on the black rock wall seriously, and finally nodded affirmatively: "I heard it."The rock walls are thick. '

The god of fortune who is regarded as a pickaxe and a detector:'.Are you going to chisel it directly? '

It endured this grievance.

The ape-face smirked: "If it is really violently smashed, the deep-sea demon whale king will definitely blow up." '

Grandma kindly suggested: "Since the mental power can't find the mechanism, then use the God of Fortune to knock down from the height to find the mechanism." '

Fushen choked.

Tang Sui had this intention.

I can knock my fingers with a mask without hurting myself.

Of course, you can't let go of meal replacements.


There was a tremor from within the rock wall.

The jagged mountain wall in front of Tang Sui was sunken inwards and moved slowly to the side, revealing a one-meter-wide stone gate.

A dense chill wafted from the stone gate, and even the barrier was partially frozen by that chill, forming beautiful frost flowers, which looked like modern crystal ball ornaments.

[Di——The ten-thousand-year cold jade was detected. 】

[Beep—Trace toxins were detected in the air.Host please take precautions. 】

Thousand Years Cold Jade?

Tang Sui, who was about to put away the barrier and step inside, was startled, his eyes turned and fell on Grandma.

Grandma's squinted eye sockets glowed red, and under Tang Sui's signal, she flew out of the protective range of the barrier.

The strong pushing resistance engulfed the chill to form an extremely strong cold current, which hit the black-red barrier of demonic power attached to the mask's body, and slowly flew into the darkness.

Tang Sui, who was standing outside the stone gate, closed his eyes and connected his spiritual vision with his grandmother.

The interior of the Shimen was immediately reflected in Tang Sui's mind through Grandma's vision.

The dark blue energy hood is in a semi-surrounding trend, protecting an assortment of gold, gemstones, and rare crystals piled up into hills.

Perhaps, as the Deep Sea Demon Whale King said, he has a special perception method for what happened here, so he was not counterattacked by that energy shield.

Human relics that have been intruded by mistake for hundreds of years or those who have tried to challenge the majesty of the deep-sea demon whale king are buried in these sparkles, as well as unknown treasures that are tightly sealed in wooden boxes.

This place is like a dragon's treasury. Tang Sui even saw the ossified bones of a powerful sea soul beast, which were collected here for unknown reasons. He could faintly feel the lingering bloody aura from the dense bones.

With just one glance, Tang Sui saw many human relics randomly placed in a corner of the treasure house——soul guides.

There are even soul bones.

Tang Sui was silent.

Even if the age of these spirit bones has not reached the level of 10 years, if any piece is placed outside, it will still attract countless people.

At this time, it is so carelessly left in the treasure house that no one cares about, it looks extremely worthless.

'System, where is the cold jade you mentioned? '

Tang Sui glanced around with the help of his grandma's vision, but he didn't see anything like jade in it.

On the contrary, Grandma, who was in the treasure house, turned her perspective as if she felt something. The mask hanging in the air looked down, and a black and red ball of magic power branched out from it. ground.

'it's here. '

Grandma replied.

Tang Sui: "."

Good guy, is Hanyu used to lay the floor?
She blindly guessed that when the Deep Sea Demon Whale King built this treasure house, the age of these cold jades was still young, so they were not considered top quality.But as the years passed, the age of cold jade continued to increase. From her current point of view, these ten-thousand-year cold jade has become a luxury.

Afterwards, Grandma wandered around the cave against the wall again, knocking here and there, and after confirming that there were no traps and only a little poison in the air, she settled down and prepared to step into the treasure house herself.

【and many more. 】

The moment Tang Sui was about to step inside, the system made a sudden sound.

'Um? '

[I suggest that you don't keep your feet on the ground and fly in like Grandma. 】

The mechanical sound of the system was as cold as ice scum could fall out.

[If the cold jade on the ground mixes with the slow poison in the air, it will become a deadly cold poison.Even if you are a monster, you will be poisoned. 】

(End of this chapter)

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