Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 569 Di——Your assistant has been added to the assessment

Chapter 569 Di——Your assistant has been added to the assessment
In the sky, the singing of the seven fiery phoenixes gradually died down.

Before the body of the seven-headed fire phoenix fell down, the ground that had been baked by the intense heat flow began to heat up. Fortunately, Ma Hongjun restrained his own soul power before he really fell down, so the attack did not produce the effect.

But when he whirled down, the moment he hit the beach, there was still a big wave of heat.

After merging with the young women's room, the body temperature was too low, so Tang Sui, who was the first to feel disgusted: "."

She took a few steps back silently, and stood behind the Shrek Seven Devils.

"Hahaha! I knew that I would succeed!"

Wanton laughter rang out, and under the cover of the huge phoenix flames, a tall and straight figure walked out slowly.

The flame gradually diminished.

Ma Hongjun also appeared in everyone's sight.

At this time, Ma Hongjun had lost his fat figure, and became tall and well-proportioned.

She has short red hair standing upright in a mohawk style, with bright fiery red feathers attached to her collar or waist, and orange flames are rising all over her body, as if the god of fire has descended into the world, walking with steady and powerful steps Recently, the arrogance of the superior is undoubtedly evident.

But that is not the aura of a superior like that of the emperor's family, but the terrifying aura that is above all things and belongs to the king of birds.

Bai Chenxiang, who is also a flying soul master, looked at the slowly approaching figure, his feet couldn't help but feel a little weak, and his whole body couldn't restrain the feeling of trembling and worship.

Because her sharp-tailed swift martial soul is also a bird, but its bloodline rank is far from that of the phoenix, the king of birds. Here, the bloodline is suppressed.

"Hiss - now a fat man can't be called a fat man." Oscar touched the scar on his cheekbones on the side of his face, and stared vigilantly at Ma Hongjun whose appearance had suddenly soared.

However, his vigilance was broken in the next second.

Because Ma Hongjun, who noticed something in the eyes of his partners and Oscar's words, lowered his head, his eyes were still full of fiery red light, he patted the muscles on his chest tentatively, his eyes became brighter, and when he opened his mouth, it was still The atmosphere that everyone is familiar with is responsible.

"I'm going! Is this the second awakening of the martial soul?! Hahaha! From now on, no one can call me Fat Lord, it should be called Young Master!"

Ma Hongjun put his hips on his hips and laughed loudly.

Everyone: "."

Very good, still the smell they are familiar with.

After laughing, Ma Hongjun looked at Tang Sui with bright eyes, and rushed over with open arms, "Sui Sui, you are simply my God!"

Bai Chenxiang's eyes gradually became murderous, and the moment Tang Sui's eyelids twitched, Zi Ying flashed and stood in front of Tang Sui, raising his foot and kicking.

Ma Hongjun: "!"

He quickly stepped on the emergency brake, leaned back in a difficult posture, dodged Bai Chenxiang's foot, and jumped up to the other side as if his tail was on fire, looking at the black-faced Bai Chenxiang. He laughed and said, "Xiangxiang, I'm not, I'm too excited, there's no other meaning!"

Bai Chenxiang snorted: "Of course I know. But Sui Sui is a girl anyway, if you hug her carelessly, be careful not to be beaten by Brother San and Sister Xiao Wu!"

Ma Hongjun was about to tear down Bai Chenxiang's stage, but in a blink of an eye, Xiao Wu and Tang San looked at him as if they could condense knives.

Especially Xiao Wu, who had already raised a bright smile and raised her hand to pinch her finger bones.

Ma Hongjun: "."

"Sorry, I won't dare next time!"

He begged for mercy.

The murderous look in Xiao Wu and Tang San's eyes faded away.

Tang Sui smiled and stood up to smooth things over: "Congratulations, Fatty, you have obtained a nearly 9-year soul ring this time, and next time, you might be able to break through 9 years and approach the 10-year soul ring! "

"A soul ring that is nearly 9 years old!" Ning Rongrong covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Tang San also looked at Ma Hongjun in surprise, then at Tang Sui, "This Sui Sui, is there no limit to the number of years you give other people's spirit rings?"

Tang Sui shook his head: "No. But I haven't seen anyone who hit the level of a 15-year soul ring in one go. Of course, my brother and I may be exceptions."

Dai Mubai was thoughtful: "So, next time when our spirit power reaches the bottleneck again, we don't need to spend effort to find a suitable spirit beast, and let Suisu give us spirit rings directly?"

"Of course, the number of people I can give spirit rings to others at the same time is currently three. As long as the power to be divided does not exceed 20 years, the consumption will not be much. But so far, I have never seen such an outstanding talent." Tang Sui looked at Tang San pointedly.

Tang San touched his nose embarrassingly, and said helplessly: "My current spirit power is still a while away from level 80. What's more, my spirit skills are restricted now, and my spirit power is more or less hindered. Very slow."

Tang Sui applauded without sincerity: "Brother, you have to keep it up."

Tang San:"."

Silent all night.

From this day on, Ma Hongjun also joined the sea-crossing squad, and was beaten together with Tang San and the others.

Although after Ma Hongjun got the seventh spirit ring, the purity of the phoenix flame rose to the point that even Xiaobai felt troublesome, but it was just troublesome, not invincible.

To Xiaobai's surprise, Tang Sui also joined the crossing team, but not completely.

She just puts the boost buff in her auxiliary soul skills on everyone before they are ready to go to the sea every day, and then she starts to leisurely enjoy them being beaten by Xiaobai Pang, and occasionally goes to the Seahorse City to fish, and at night, she returns to the state of practice.

About how to make up the young women's room, Tang Sui already had an idea after a short exchange with the other party, but she didn't leave now, because she was still planning to take a wave of Tang San and their third test.

Seeing that the deadline for the second test was coming to an end, three days ago, the Shrek Seven Devils had their last test in sea water.

In the next three days, Tang San specially notified Xiaobai to take a rest, and when the morning of the last day of the second test, he began to attack the second test.

Except for Bai Chenxiang who does not need to be assessed, and Tang Sui who is a buff adding machine with no emotions, the current soul power level of the Shrek Seven Monsters has been greatly improved.

Dai Mubai, level 74.

Oscar, class 72.

Tang San, level 78.

Ma Hongjun, level 72.

Xiao Wu, level 73.

Ning Rongrong, level 72.

Zhu Zhuqing, level 73.

When the first rays of morning light greeted the sky, Tang Sui and Bai Chenxiang stood at the finish line, looking towards the starting point more than 200 meters away.

The end of the second exam has begun.

Tang Sui took out a complete set of vacation small parasol + deck chair equipment from his soul guide, set up food and drinks, and waited for people.

Regarding this, Bai Chenxiang: "."

She turned around silently, out of place with Tang Sui who seemed to be on vacation behind her.

- off topic -

Today, Mo Li worriedly told the lady next door with dark circles that everyone in the family seems to be sunburned except for me.

Eye circles: Don’t worry, this time Omicron, there will be a cook at home.

Mo Li: Got it, I hope the food I can cook can be eaten.

(End of this chapter)

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