Tang Sui was silent for a few seconds before saying: "When you go back, set up a tomb for the dead disciples. If there are relatives, you still have to give them the comfort you deserve."

The situation was so anxious at that time, it was impossible to take away the corpses of the companions, so they could only reluctantly leave them there.

Tai Tan nodded, "Old slave understands."

"Deputy Sovereign, shall we continue here to rest and recuperate before we start?" Niu Gao couldn't help but have a headache when he thought of the injuries of their team.

Tang Sui reassured: "Now we can rest for a while. I have sent 21 guard knights to the nearest town to rent a carriage. It is the town where we stopped to replenish supplies when we came. The towns on that route have not been harmed yet. If all goes well, they will be back in about two hours."

Seeing that Tang Sui had arranged everything clearly, Bai He finally relaxed his frown, "It's so good."

And just as Tang Sui said, an hour and a half later, 21 commercial and passenger carriages of different sizes stopped at the mouth of the canyon.

21 carriages, plus the driver's seat, barely carried the seriously injured people.

The mighty team set off again, almost catching up with the scale of a country's prince traveling.

Luo Hong and Tang Sui, one is a titled Douluo of the peak Douluo level, the other can fly without consumption, follow the [-]-meter altitude above the team, and detect and warn other suspicious guys who may approach from a high altitude.

Half of the 60 black-armored knights who followed were distributed in front to open the way, the other half stayed behind to guard, and the Titans followed the carriage.

The size of the 21 carriages is not small, so they went to a horse dealer to buy all the existing horses when passing through a popular town while driving slowly.

Tang Sui resolutely recorded this large amount of expenses in Tangmen's small account book.

On the way, Silong, who had recovered, found Tang Sui and Tai Tan, and told Tang Sui and them all about their previous battle with the Wuhun Empire soldiers.

When he thought of Gengxin City, where they had lived for many years, falling into the clutches of the Spirit Empire, and those castings and other resources that could not be transferred in time, he couldn't help but his eyes turned red, and he beat his chest, Covering his face and choking with sobs, he said that he did not protect the land of inheritance left by his teacher.

Tang Sui, who was ignorant of the resources, and even the casting platform was pried away by the black-armored knights together with the foundation, fell silent, watching Tai Tan appease and patted Si Long's shoulder, instilling a pile of chicken soup of life into him, his eyes slightly It drifted away.

Hmm. Let's not talk about it.

In ten days, Tang Sui and the others finally returned to the familiar territory of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Regarding the placement of Silong and the others who were rescued from Gengxin City, Tang Sui handed them over to Tai Tan. After all, Tai Tan is also a senior member of the Blacksmiths Association.

Xue Beng and Master sent people to deliver the news of the fall of Gengxin City. After all, a large number of people have settled in Tiandou, and they still have to tell the owner of the territory.

On the side of Haotianzong, Tang Sui also sent the letter bird Swift-tailed Swift to inform Lou Gao, and then went to Shrek Academy to share information with the masters. After sweeping a series of tails, he put the black armored knights into his domain Opening the space channel, teleporting back to the Slaughter City, and then using the imprint of demonic power left on Sea God Island, teleporting there a second time.

It has been more than two months since Tang Sui left from Sea God Island, and it will be three months in a few days.

Tang Sui went directly to the City Lord's Mansion of Haima City to find Tang San and the others, and told them the latest information on land.

When everyone heard that the Wuhun Empire had taken action against Gengxin City, their faces were very cold.

Dai Mubai, who is now Prince Xingluo, hardened his fists, and thumped on the table with a "bang", his brows and eyes darkened: "Wuhun Palace, Wuhun Empire is really deceiving people too much!"

Tang San's eyes were soaked with coolness, and he calmly analyzed: "After the Wuhun Empire's operation is destroyed by Sui Sui, it will definitely not let it go, and it is very likely that it will retaliate wildly against the Tang Sect, or the entire Tiandou. Everyone, I Think, we must speed up the progress of the assessment and return to land as soon as possible.”

"Well, I agree." Oscar was the first to raise his hand in favor, and the others also had no objections.

Tang Sui looked at Tang San, their backbone, "Brother, your fourth test is to kill the evil killer whale, right? This time, I plan to participate. After all, Xiaobai and I also formed an alliance and agreed to fight against the evil killer whale together." family."

After this fight with Tuoba Xi and the others, she once again realized the importance of strength.

The Evil Orca King was her brother's assessment target, and Sea God had chosen her brother's eighth spirit ring. Naturally, she couldn't compete with her brother for this one, but the other Evil Orcas hadn't been reserved.

Anyway, most of their cultivation bases are obtained by devouring other sea soul beasts or soul masters. Everyone is a fish in a muddy ditch, so what if the black eats the black?

Tang San nodded: "Of course."

Then, everyone exchanged information on their current soul skills, and chattered a few words about their schedule in Haima City for the past two months.

Hearing that Tang San took Xiao Wu to scout spots in the nearby sea area, he also accepted a young man named "Ji Xiang" as his disciple, and told Tang Sui that he could go and see him if he was interested, and by the way, he would give his cheap disciple a little gift At that moment, Tang Sui blinked and sighed in his heart about the correctness of fate.

But it's just a sigh, and there are no other worries and fears.

After all, she is no longer the black householder she used to be who could only be targeted secretly but had no power to resist.

In this way, the day of action to hunt down the evil killer whale was set for the day after tomorrow.

Originally Tang Sui wanted to act tomorrow, but after knowing that Tang Sui was slightly injured in the Battle of Gengxin City, Tang San and the others ordered Tang Sui to take a good rest for a day, and it would not be too late to leave the day after tomorrow. The most important thing is to maintain the full state.

Currently, the soul powers of the Nine Shrek Monsters are:
Dai Mubai, level 78.

Oscar, class 75.

Tang San, level eighty.

Ma Hongjun, level 76.

Xiao Wu, level 77.

Ning Rongrong, level 76.

Zhu Zhuqing, level 77.

Bai Chenxiang, level 59.

Tang Sui, level 83.

The people who came to the edge of the island looked at the blue sea in the distance.

Oscar had a difficult time: "Although our fourth test is related to Xiao Bai, since we passed the second test, we haven't seen Xiao Bai for more than a year. How do we find her now?"

Tang Sui looked at the ring sea not far away, "Of course I asked the 'messenger' to help us inform Xiaobai."

The school of swordfish living in the ring sea suddenly felt cold.

Not long after, everyone standing on the edge of the ring sea saw the head of a huge gray-blue shark protruding from the sea. The fierce golden pupils were full of surprise, and the huge shark's mouth opened slightly, and the sound came from inside. :

"It's only been more than two months since your third test, why are you planning to take the fourth test directly? You must know that the fourth test is not like the previous one. If you fail, you can start again. If you fail this time, you will really die Already!"

- off topic -

See you next year~

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