Chapter 593 Guerrilla War

【.I will not harm you. 】

After several seconds, the system sounded like a sigh.

'But why.'

[The domain is your own. 】

As if she knew what Tang Sui wanted to say, the system interrupted her as soon as Tang Sui said a single word.

【It will only change with the mood of the owner, and everything in the domain should be under your control. 】It seems to mean something.

Tang Sui instantly understood the hidden meaning of the system's words.

The domain is indeed hers.

It doesn't matter if you are not proficient, because the ownership of the domain has always been hers, and no one can shake it.

But the blame is that she has been holding the twin domain for so long, yet she still can't fully control the entire domain.

Where did it go wrong.
Tang Sui began to look for the reason in herself, she was so immersed in her own thoughts that she didn't even hear Tang San's call.

'Little master, Tang San is calling you. '

Fushen reminded thoughtfully, pulling back Tang Sui's divergent thoughts.

Tang Sui came back to his senses, and met the worried eyes of his partners.

"Suisui, did you think of something?" Tang San asked with concern.

Tang Sui shook his head: "Well, it doesn't count, but the problem in the field should be on my own. I haven't figured out what it is."

"That's it," Tang San said slightly relieved, "Then to be on the safe side, let's follow our plan."

Tang Sui said "um", and his frowning brows relaxed a little.

Speechless all the way.

The demon spirit great white sharks carrying the Nine Shrek Monsters ride the wind and waves in the sea at an extremely fast speed, and when the water flowing through hits their gray-blue bodies, it turns into a blue halo and splits into two, from both sides of the body. skimming.

It's just that the sea breeze whizzing past is as cold as a knife. If it weren't for the tidal forging body that has passed the third test, and its skin can produce a wave-like dissolving effect, everyone really can't bear this kind of speed.

The distance of [-] miles is only two hours for the Demon Soul Great White Shark.

And at Tang San's request, Xiaobai directed his clansmen to stop fifty miles away from the destination for rest.

Tang San, who was sitting cross-legged on Xiaobai's head, supported him with one hand, then stood up straight and said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, I've thought about it carefully on the way here. , the battle situation must be extremely tragic."

Xiao Bai said in a muffled voice, "Of course."

It has the look on your face that you're talking crap.

Tang San smiled, and said seriously: "Xiaobai, I have a way to minimize our loss, do you dare to take a risk with me? Just the two of us."

Xiaobai was stunned, and repeated uncertainly: "There are only two people?"

Are you sure you didn't go thousands of miles to send people off?

"Aren't Tang Sui going?"

In her concept, she naturally felt that the more powerful the combat power, the more secure she would feel.

Tang San turned his head, and met Tang Sui who looked up, his eyes seemed to exchange some messages, the latter nodded his head lightly, and said to Xiao Bai: "This time you are a witness. Although I am in the sea The speed will not be restricted, but it is not as good as you. And it is better to keep an eye on it."

Xiaobai hesitated for a few seconds before responding: "Okay, I trust you."

The heir chosen by Lord Seagod must have two talents.

Besides, she didn't think that Lord Seagod would choose a guy with low character to be his heir.

"Believe me, Xiaobai, we will all return home victorious."

Tang San said solemnly.

Xiaobai flicked his tail in response.

Seeing this, Tang San turned his head and told his companions: "Everyone wait for my general attack signal!"

Everyone nodded, Xiaobai also started exerting his strength, carrying Tang San forward at an extremely fast speed, preparing to step into the territory of the evil killer whale clan.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after about half an hour, the green flare rushed out of the sea and exploded in the sky.

But this is not a total signal flare, but the meaning of continuing to fight.

After Tang San and Xiao Bai left, Bai Chenxiang turned into a sharp-tailed swift, hovering in the sky, watching the fluctuations of the sea with her astonishing eyesight, and locked the evil killer whale according to the ever-spreading rich blood color. The direction of the group, and the news of his own detection was continuously sent back to the group of demon soul great white sharks.

One after another, incomplete corpses of evil killer whales emerged from the sea water. The disembowelled whale belly seemed to have been scorched by flames, and it was scorched black, and it was impossible to see why.

The group of demon spirit great white sharks, who are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, are faintly agitated, but this is not due to their hunting instinct, but because they are excited by seeing the demon killer whales constantly dying and wounding floating from the bottom of the sea.

Tang Sui, who was originally sitting on the head of one of the demonic great white sharks, had already got up, and while opening the third soul skill, the nihilistic face, he did not let go of the incomplete corpses of the demonic killer whales.

For her, it's all energy.

The long-lost fishy smell spread in the field, mixed with the stinky blood. Tang Sui himself was also affected by the smell, and his face was not very good-looking. He had to take out a bottle of crude candy from the soul guide and put it in his mouth , in an attempt to let the fresh mint flavor dispel the nauseating fishy smell.

Under Dai Mubai's command, the Devil Spirit Great White Sharks, who have always kept a distance of more than ten miles from the evil killer whale group, kept seeing the corpses of the evil killer whales floating up on the road, and Tang Sui picked them up again. , The morale, which was not high at first, gradually improved.

According to the corpses that floated up, Tang Sui roughly calculated the number of dead evil killer whales, which was about seventy.There are probably more than 20 adults.

These seventy evil orcas were rounded off to more than half of the current group of evil orcas. She guessed that the evil orca king might not be able to sit still.

As she expected, a few minutes later, the red flare representing the signal of the general attack burst out of the water and exploded in the air, Dai Mubai, who was in charge of commanding the demon spirit great white shark group, pinched his finger bones, fighting with high spirits: "Attention all! Total attack!"

The voice containing soul power diffused across the sea, and was clearly transmitted to every devil soul great white shark.

Their powerful tails flicked in the sea water, one by one at full speed, like two hundred silver water arrows sprinting in the sea water, heading straight for their old enemy—the location of the group of evil killer whales.

When they approached within ten miles of the group of evil orcas, the evil orca king who was forced to float up and change positions finally discovered the situation behind him.

The spirit detection unique to the evil orca tribe was sent out, but it just happened to meet Xiaobai's outburst of spirit fluctuations.

The two energies collided together, like a king seeing a king, and the anger of the evil killer whale king, who had been suppressed for a long time, completely broke out.


It let out an angry roar, and the signal contained in it made the other group of evil killer whales fleeing behind it immediately stagnate.

In the next second, together with their leader, they turned around angrily and headed towards the direction of the demon spirit great white shark group aggressively.

- off topic -

Tip: The foreshadowing hint is actually hidden in the introduction of the panel bar. If you guess why you can’t control the field, I will add more for you (trying to seduce jpg.)

And the ink carp has been confirmed, and will be discharged from Wuhu the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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