After the golden light group completely melted into the golden trident brand on Tang San's eyebrows, Seahorse Douluo slowly said: "The subsequent assessment will only be more difficult, please be more careful."

Tang San nodded, and heard Seahorse Douluo say: "You should already have the ability to mobilize part of the Seagod's Light. Although the Seagod's Light itself has no attack power, its powerful deterrent power is enough to surpass everything."

Tang San, who was awakened by the deep meaning in Shanghai Ma Douluo's eyes, brightened his eyes, and said gratefully: "Thank you for your guidance, senior. But...if there is any offense later, please forgive me, senior."

Seahorse Douluo was stunned for a moment, before he could understand the meaning of Tang San's words, he saw two other figures flashing out of the enchantment range Tang Sui withdrew, crossing the sea and falling in front of Seahorse Douluo.

"Senior, the next Oscar."

"Ning Rongrong."

Oscar and Ning Rongrong, who came forward hand in hand, clasped their hands towards Seahorse Douluo: "Please enlighten me, senior."

Seahorse Douluo, who came to realize it, raised his eyebrows, broke Tang San's mind, and said: "So that's the case. The reason why you forced me to use the ninth spirit ability is to consume a lot of my spirit power, so that Oscar will be able to fight in the next battle." Take the advantage."

Oscar coughed in embarrassment in response.

The corners of Tang Sui's lips slightly turned up, and then quickly returned to normal.

Tang Sui, who was twice questioned about the direction of Wuhun's development, showed an embarrassed yet polite smile.

After announcing the results of Oscar and Ning Rongrong's assessment, the deep and majestic voice also came to mind.

As for the more specific, Xiaobai hadn't personally experienced it, so he couldn't tell what kind of talent field it was, so he could only tell Tang San and the others to be careful.

And the injury turned out to be recovered instantly, without any time buffering.

Ning Rongrong's fifth test completion rate increased to 25%, and no other announcement was made.

Although the other Eight Shrek Monsters had expressions of helplessness on their faces, they were all used to it.

It stands to reason that Tang Sui should be used by Ning Rongrong, but she can't guarantee whether she will be counted as an extra help after the shot, thus reducing the assessment rewards of her partners.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong joined hands to fight Seahorse Douluo without any suspense.

Tang Sui smiled, "Senior, don't be so surprised, I'm an auxiliary soul master."

Looking at Oscar and Ning Rongrong who were clasping fists at him, Seahorse Douluo who was caught by the doll was not angry, "Needless to say. This is also a tactic allowed in the assessment. Although I can accept it, other Holy Pillar Douluo , I can't guarantee it."

A layer of faint light permeates the foggy sea area, like a lighthouse standing at night, knowing that the lighthouse is ahead, but surrounded by extremely heavy fog, hiding unknown dangers.

Thinking about it, Oscar looked at Tang Sui.

Everyone's next destination was the sacred pillar where Sealance Douluo was.

Not only Tang San's target, but also Tang Sui's waiting target.

Ma Hongjun covered his face, and quietly retreated to Bai Chenxiang's side, "Just watch Xiangxiang, Sui Sui's reputation as a 'Strike Department' soul master cannot be washed away."

But on the day the great priest announced that Sea God Island was in a state of emergency preparations, I heard from the great priest that Tang Sui at that time seemed to be an attack-type soul master, how could he still be able to use auxiliary soul skills?

The unknown is often the scariest.

There is some disappointment, but they all understand that if they are facing Seahorse Douluo in his heyday, they may not be able to get this half-level reward.

Although it took some time for the soul power to rise, the speed at which the soul power recovered automatically surprised him.

And Sea Delusion Douluo's Martial Soul is an extremely miraculous and rare sea soul beast called the Illusory Snake, which is between the Beast Martial Soul and the Weapon Martial Soul.

Just because of a tricky method, Oscar's assessment reward is no longer a level of soul power, but half a level.

But the Illusory Sacred Pillar of the Sea in front of him was shrouded in a layer of illusory blue light and shadow.

Looking at Sealance Douluo, who was badly injured after two consecutive battles, Tang Sui exhaled lightly, and still gave Sealance Douluo a second soul skill, successfully harvesting the second surprise look.

He couldn't even see the holy pillar and the holy pillar platform, and naturally he couldn't see the Guardian Douluo on it.

Dai Mubai also lived up to everyone's expectations, successfully challenged Sealance Douluo.

Seahorse Douluo, who didn't expect Tang Sui to have this kind of soul skills, was surprised, and couldn't help but said, "Your soul skills even have healing ones?"

Although the two sacred pillars are different, they are both visible to the naked eye.

Xiaobai had previously talked about the strength ranking of the Seven Sacred Pillar Douluo when he was training with them, so everyone specially discussed the order of candidates for the examiners based on various factors.

The others who hadn't been assessed were taken aback, Dai Mubai thanked the person thoughtfully, "Thank you for your reminder, senior."

The Sea Illusion Sacred Pillar is different from the Sea Spear Sacred Pillar and the Seahorse Sacred Pillar that everyone has seen before.

After Oscar copied Ma Hongjun's evil fire phoenix martial soul with the mirror sausage on his body surface, he used the soul skill to restore the burnt wound to its original state immediately, and the soul power that had been consumed so much was instantly restored to 60%, and the second 50% The place is given to Oscar.

Xiaobai also mentioned Sea Delusion Douluo before, his strength ranks third among the Seven Sacred Pillar Douluo, second only to Sea Dragon Douluo and Sealance Douluo.

Hearing this, Seahorse Douluo felt that he couldn't understand the current support system and food system soul masters, and was greatly shocked.

Although Sealance Douluo is powerful, Dai Mubai's current strength is not inferior at all, he is the strongest in the team besides Tang San and Tang Sui brothers and sisters.

If it weren't for the golden pillar of light soaring to the sky that revealed that it was located in the center of Haizhonghai in the fantasy island, people would think that it was a mirage floating on it like a mirage in the desert according to the projection of sunlight, which was illusory.

Tang Sui raised his hand knowingly, and immediately swung out the second soul skill, Shanmian, and landed on the scarred Seahorse Douluo.

Tang San also defeated Sealance Douluo without any suspense.

The third stop is the Illusory Sacred Pillar of the Sea.

And relying on his talent field, it is very easy for him to create a misty and dangerous illusion.

Another reason for choosing Sea Lance Douluo is naturally because the location of the Sea Lance Sacred Pillar is relatively close to the location of the Sea Horse Sacred Pillar.Whether it's trust in Dai Mubai's strength or the principle of proximity, Sealance Douluo is the second most suitable choice.

Tang Sui knew about the effects of Sea Delusion Douluo's talent field, but he shouldn't know it now.

What's more, the nightmare trial she gave to everyone was to give everyone a vaccination in advance, so that everyone could break through the illusion as soon as possible, defeat Hailu Douluo, and complete the assessment.

This time it was Tang San who challenged first.

Everyone watched Tang San's figure slowly being engulfed by the dense fog, and began to wait anxiously.

Tang Sui let out a soft breath beside Xiao Wu.

This time, her brother should be able to pass the test perfectly.

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